01.26.2011, 06:10 PM
Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: Mexico
Posts: 789
Some other interesting links in addition to those atsonicpark has already mentioned: - Legendary Epics Yarns and Fables: Stan Brakhage (Directed by Stephen E. Gebhardt and Robert Fries) (early 1970s)
9 minutes, Directed by Stephen E. Gebhardt and Robert Fries
In the early 1970s Stan Brakhage was recorded in a living room. Brakhage makes brief comments about how objects inspire him and why music is an aesthetic error in film, but he spends most of his time talking about how hard it is to speak extemporaneously to the camera.
- Pauline Kael And Stan Brakhage (1964?)
Legendary film critic Pauline Kael is captured here in conversation with filmmaker Stan Brakhage. While the tape is incomplete, we do hear Brakhage defend his practice, his epic film DOG STAR MAN, his influences, his search for " a happening in structure". Brakhage proudly declares: "I'm an amateur filmmaker, I make home movies."
(7" IPS, 1/4" REEL 5", 00:19:32)
Religion kills more than it saves you, man...