Was super surprised to not see a thread for this band. They're incredible, what a cool sound. Definitely has a GOBLIN vibe (aka the Goblins, and before that, Cherry Five), a really neat prog sound that isn't overbearing -- complexity without being show-offy or technical for the hell of it. Every change makes sense, and there are lots of changes, because the songwriting is top fucking notch. I dunno, they just hit me in a really special way, they just have such an amazing sound to them.
For those who don't know, there is a member of (((microwaves))) in this (amazing SIX FINGER SATELLITE ish noise rock), it's mainly bass/drums/synths. They make epic (usually; sometimes their songs get up to 18 minutes long!) songs that are soundscapey and beautiful. Very very clean sounding, I think of the color lime green when I listen to them for some weird reason. Really, a band that never gets old too. SO MUCH depth to their songs.
Does anyone know of any bands that sound like them? There's this great band called CONSPIRATORS that sound like them, if you have soulseek add orangeturd and he has all their stuff. Also, another band called THE UNITS with the album "Digital Stimulation" (they're the band that sued Jandek -- strangely, I found Jandek's music because I was into the "Warm Moving Bodies EP" by the Units). They're a bit more punky at times (almost like Lost Sounds or Phantom Limbs at times, as much as I love them their drummer wasn't the most talented in the world, so they couldn't really create epic songs, though they tried in the synth department).

btw, haven't explored too deeply but what i've heard of steve moore's solo stuff is also just best-of-all-time stuff.