Math homework blegh.
I tried watching Dexter once. I couldn't stand the sister character. Only got through the first couple episodes... I guess I'm one of the few who doesn't get the hype. Which sucks, 'cause the general theme of the show is intriguing to me.
I'm personally hoping for a remix of Lawnmower Man, but that might be asking for too much. I know they're down with Juggalos - maybe they'll remix some ICP? A clown can only dream...
/ new Katy Perry thread too
Damn. She rules. Not only is her voice always a sweet treat to my ears, but she's near-perfect physically (at least to my tastes), and it seems like she'd be a blast to get fucked up with (and not in a LOOK AT ME IM WEARING KERMIT THE FROG DRESS kinda way). The Elmo controversy was an absolute riot, and her video for California Gurls w/ Snoop Dogg is the hottest fucking thing I've ever fucking seen. Her song Ur So Gay (and you don't even like boys) is not only a well composed tune, but also features this as its first verse...
I hope you hang yourself with your H&M scarf
While jacking off listening to Mozart
You bitch and moan about LA
Wishing you were in the rain reading Hemingway
You don't eat meat
And drive electrical cars
You're so indie rock it's almost an art
You need SPF 45 just to stay alive
Just awesome. Almost reminds me of Seth Putnam.
Check this remix of California Gurls w/ Gucci out - it's dope: