Thanx a lot you all, there has been great discussion and now I understand a little more, why people donīt like Rather Ripped. But still I canīt understand, why someone who likes Nurse doesnīt like Rather Ripped. Because to my ears there is lots of kind of pop songs in Nurse also (for example Unmade Bed, Stones, New hampshire, I love You golden Blue, Peace Attack). Of course there is more noise and sounding is different in Nurse as it is in Rather Ripped. To me is very hard to say which is better Nurse or Rather Ripped. But of course, music is something you canīt always explain, if some music doesnīt hits you, then it doesnīt. I didnīt also like Red Hot Chili peppers or Stooges latest studio records and I think there are lots of people, who thinks theyīre good and sounding just like their other albums. My point in this thread has been, that people really listened rather ripped (maybe four times is a minium) and then make their opinion about it. And if it canīt catch them, then it canīt.
Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
BUT, this does not mean I do not also love things like Sonic Death, because as much as I prefer the more ambient SY, I also love the noise/no-wave stuff on its own level. But I am a bit more eclectic and diverse in my musical tastes than others on SYG, I go from roots to soul to crust to metal to yay area hip hop to delta blues to traditional Ethiopian mezmur to no-wave to riot grrl to the Grateful Dead (live only) so I might not be exactly representative of SYG as a whole 
I think there is lots of same in our music taste (well Hip Hop canīt catch me). I was very excited about your Ethiopian music interest, because there has been very rare people who even know anything about it. In fact I like a lot Ethiopian sixties and seventies music, artists like Mulatu Astatke, Mahmoud Ahmed and Muleken Mellesse. I am also a big blues (read John Lee Hooker, Howlin wolf, Muddy Waters) and soul fan. I have also 3 first Grateful Dead LP:s (and one from the eighties) that Iīve listened a lot.