
This is going to be an acquired taste, it looked and felt a bit like a fotopolous film though it's not as brilliant as his stuff. this is one dirty, slowburning, grimey, nasty, awkward, dark as hell film.

Never does "much", doesn't need to, gets by on brilliant atmosphere, challenging structure, and completely unlikeable characters!
This is the reason I watch movies though, all in all; these nasty, honest gems. This guy spent ALL HIS MONEY on his film -- kinda like the similiarly brilliant Reflections of Evil.. it's so fucking in-your-face and raw and purposely abrasive that you really have to sit and wonder.. why. As much as I liked it, it will appeal only to a very very small, very particular sect of people.
Which is really fucking inspiring to me. And it also kinda makes me want to give up, as a filmmaker.. I'll never match brilliance like this. Highly reccomended... that you read up on it a bit first and see if it's something you think you'll like. Since Derek has quit the board and will never see this.... hey, Derek, check this film out, you'll dig it.
And, yes, it was named after a Beefhart song.