Originally Posted by EVOLghost
haha...that's pretty cool man.
considering I-man is a PBS junkie, I think it is rather cool. I watch all my news and documentaries on PBS, sometimes 3-4 hours a day if its good stuff, and so to be able to both contribute to the programing, even in some small and insignificant way, and also to very much be a part of the evidence proving the point of the documentary and therefore be a part of the programing I watch often, it is rather gratifying, and not in some self-centered egotistical way, but rather in humble acknowledgment that God(s) has by complete and absolute coincidence, used me as a part of a film describing the faith of America, and that I have permanently and forever become part of the fabric of the description and analysis of religiosity and faith in America, just as I enjoy watching documentaries of say the Civil Rights, which shows people participating in the protests and marches which change and shape america, so now I have also seen my very self in a similar action, bowing humbly in prayer, doing my infinitely small and by itself meaningless yet in collaboration with the whole an integral cog, part of our generation to shape and change the religion and worship of America.
It is truly crazy and yet also very validating, as I now really and truly feel that I am part of America, even if I do not necessarily want to be.. Seeing myself be myself and yet be considered representative of something outside of myself, it is surreal as a mushroom trip.
Its like Daniel praying at his window just for himself alone and not to even remotely condemn others by his own activiy, knowing damn well that the Kings of Babylon have decreed against it, or like Noah building that ark, not to spite or scoff at the world but rather simply out of his own pleasure in the labor and art of ship-building..
I would have thought the producers/filmers would have preferred something from my parish such as this
