Originally Posted by hevusa
Ask most Christians if they know that there is a God and they will say yes. It drives me batshit nuts. What most people don't understand is that the Bible and Alice in Wonderland are on the same level of reality.
1 not judge,
2 and you will not be judged;
3 do not condemn, and you will not be condemned; forgive,
4 and you will be forgiven."
All god requires is belief. Alot of people are using the word "know" in the sense that they believe in him, feel him, hear him, see him in the world metaphorically speaking. They are not saying that they physically know he exists. At least that is my line of thinking.
If I did not believe I would be dead. What is the point to life if there is nothing in the end? Why bother to work or be nice to people or do anything? Why bother following any moral code if there is no reason in the end? I would kill myself if I did not believe because that would mean that everything is pointless. Morality has been based on "religious" ideas since the beginning of time. I think society would completelty colapse if no one believed. Why endure the pain of life if you can just kill yrself with no consequence?
About Alice...how long ago was this book written? Did it make as much of an impact on society as any of the spiritual texts? Its a different monster? The bible could be better equated to the Odessy or some of his other writings. All containing bits of fact and bits of fantasy but together the bits form a moral message to live by.
I chose to believe btw I was not forced by my parents. They put me through the whole catholic confirmation and shit, but I flat out told them that I was not ready for that i wanted to find god on my own, not be forced. Eventually after a long trip down the wrong path I did.
I know you don't understand my way of thinking, but that is OK cause I don't understand yours either. I still think yr cool though even though you can be an ass sometimes

, cause I do not choose who i like by the type of belief system they have.
These people in the news are nuts and are not following what the bible they believe in told them to do. So they are not true christians or they got REALLY lost somewhere along the way.