Haha oh I see. I can't say whether or not you'll be into it or not as I'm really horrible at gauging anyone's enjoyment in a movie other than my mom (I got her pegged).
I'd say those adjectives effectively describe that film. I'd say it's almost a serene movie. It's not very jagged or chaotic, with the exception of the end. The scenes have a really calculated and calm flow. Which really helps for when it wants to be horrifying or chilling, which it can be any moment it wants to, but it chooses to be sparingly which is fantastically done. Haha, so it's kind of like you're watching the film on it's terms (you want something scary to happen son? Just hang on, we'll get there). But it doesn't do this in a way that the movie drags. Really it's a great film about cosmetic surgery. They should re-release it to today's audience where alot of people seem really invested in facelifts, botox, breast implants and all that other stuff. Yeah, I think that'd be pretty cool.
Here's the thing about El Topo, I LOVE the middle of the movie, where he goes on his quest to kill the four gunmen of the desert. That whoooole section there, blows my skull apart, it is flat out amazing. But the beginning just wasn't there for me, and neither was the third act in that town. Oh! Although, I did also really enjoy those bits in the church, particularly the russian roulette bit. That part felt so true! So yeah, I loved maybe 45% of it. I'm going to watch it again relatively soon, because hell, why not? I should.
But yeah, I like reading your thoughts too, largely because 90% of the time it's about stuff I don't know about. And I really admire that element of obscurity. I also enjoy how out of left field you can be. Like being totally into Freddy Got Fingered. Which don't get me wrong, it's a pretty cool movie, just seems like a step away from alot of the other movies you're into.
Masculin Feminin looks fun. Here's a pretty big admission from me. I haven't seen any Godard yet. Hah, I rented Breathless twice from the library in college and didn't get to watch it either time because of school. What do you think would be a good starting point for me?