Originally Posted by Derek
Have Weezer came out as a joke band yet? I think everyone would respect them more if they did.
You're probably right. Or at least, I know I don't know anybody who still listens to them. At the same time, this bands first two albums are in my opinion two of the best albums I've ever heard. I really don't know why I gave a damn about listening to this. I bought their last album... and that my friend was a mistake, I listened to the whole thing, and then I think I listened to pork and beans 2 more times. Fuck that. They really have a lot of nerve to release something that sucks that much and on top of that, they to size it up the Blue album by pulling that color stuff. This is their second color album that sucked though (Green album blew, the band has stated this on many occasions)
Anyways.. I'm listening to the Grateful Dead

So far I think it's one of their best