"Hated Eraserhead"? Uh... alright! Haha. I don't know how someone could hate the film... someone spending 5 years of their life, filming this thing only on weekends, living by the seat of their pants, putting their entire heart and soul into a film ... etc. I mean, even if it wasn't something you were a fan of, Lynch probably put more work -- and indeed, more of himself -- into the film than anyone else I can think of. It's inspiring, unique, was indeed like nothing else like it before (though, obviously, one can draw links to things like FUNERAL PROCESSION OF ROSES, EMPEROR TOMATO KETCHUP, etc... hell, even LAST YEAR AT MARIENBAND -- but there was certainly nothing like it in American underground cinema at the time). To be honest, I thought it was extremely boring and dull when I first saw it 10 years ago, but I learned to appreciate the finer details, and now I think it's one of the best films ever made.. easily.
But yeah, I mean Lynch is just a gateway to better directors, but he's still got an interesting style.