Robs right. I am friends with a few single moms and the kid will always come first and that is how it should be. Dating can be very tramatic for the kid if the boyfriend has no interest in them. Gotta remember to share momma. Kids. Make u feel alive again and bring back that innocent happiness to your youngets brother ended up marrying a chick with a kid (he had none). They are going on
6 years now. My bro has taken him under his wing. His father was mostly absent in his life and passed away unexpectidly recently. He treats my bro like he's his real dad and has a new found sense of stability. Most single moms are responsible and out of that playin grl games with your head though there are exceptions to the rule. I would think that depending on her age she is probably looking for a serious relationship in the long run. I don't know her of course, but most moms are. This is just a womans perpsective. Anyway I hope it works out for you.i