I live in LA, and we have more violence than y'all would know what to do with, BUT we are also mostly sanctuary cities and accept immigrants regardless of petty dompass and vagrancy laws which are the direct tools of enforcing bitter and racist laws, from Jim Crowe to Apartheid, and we are not fooled by SB1070..
the entire problem with illegal immigration is on the corrupt and greedy businesses who exploit people who will work for less money and so the enforcement should entirely rest on business, not the overall population, not the workers or just the people on the street, but these greedy businesses who promote and encourage illegal immigration.
by the way AZ, the vast majority of illegal immigrants did not hop the fence, they came here legally and let their visas expire and because the terrifying climate of racism they are often too afraid to simply get their paperwork renewed and remain legit.
its like when you were a kid, you don't ask your parents for something you think they are going to say no to, its easier to get forgiveness than permission.
its not the law that is wrong, it is the social climate which accepts and even begs for increased and legislated racism.
fuck racism and all its vestiges, both at home and across town, in your own backyard and in somebody elses..
big up Kim! maximum RASpect
Today Rap music is the Lakers