Originally Posted by !@#$%!
concern for others aside, it's peculiar to see that this dominating behavior is atavistically ingrained in our species and yet we keep calling it "evil". does the cat call his teeth "evil"? are the horns in a bull "evil"? or are they "natural".
the catch is that humans are a bit above other animals, as it is as much a part of our nature and instinct to be altruistic, to share, to be loving and compassionate as it is so be selfish and dominating. We use the term EVIL to describe things we feel intrinsic guilt or shame regarding, precisely to embrace and uphold these more noble aspects of human nature and condition.
Humans are not entirely bad, in fact, we are remarkably good most of the time, even and
especially in the worst of circumstances.. In a war zone there as many acts of kindness, mercy and love as there are brutality, horror and atrocity, the trick is to balance. The cat's fangs are not evil until it bites the hand that feeds it..
The wages of sin is death, but the gift of love is life.