concern for others aside, it's peculiar to see that this dominating behavior is atavistically ingrained in our species and yet we keep calling it "evil". does the cat call his teeth "evil"? are the horns in a bull "evil"? or are they "natural". i'm just curious because this seems to be one of those words that are moral absolutes and are never questioned. "evil" has a way to arrest criticism like nothing else. call something "evil"-- and what does this really mean? that we have devised a morality that is contrary to our nature. but does it make sense? it's almost like demanding that trees grow blue instead of green.
when someone wants to take our stuff from us, it's not necessarily "evil". it's just human nature, which predates morality.
anyway, my point is... i just think we would have less destructive ways to deal with conflict if we had greater moral intelligence. cuz every time we brand something 'evil", it follows that "it must be destroyed" and.. doesn't that cause some extra "evil" too? i wish we had better labels for things-- it would make us a little smarter, maybe.