The best in the country of what, massive amphitheatres? If you like the baseball game concert experience, complete with hot dogs, $8 beer, and the knowledge that you're in the vicinity, albeit about a football field or two's worth if you're lucky, of a celebrity you might enjoy it. I think of it like paying $30-60 for a decent-quality bootleg live show and then listening to it in a drunken frat house. Also keep in mind that parking will be horrific, and it might take you hours to get out. It's a completely different experience from seeing a band in a small venue or even at a festival, but some bands are perhaps worth it. Most people will be there for the "concert experience" and maybe to hear their favorite song. If you can look past that, great, but you'll have to look about 200 yards past it if you want to see the band from some of the seats in the Hollywood Bowl. Seeing Radiohead at the Greek last night reminded me that I don't miss that concert experience at all, and it is one of the better of those sort of venues. I'm really not a complete snob, but it was sad for me to see Radiohead like that. The Flaming Lips probably won't be playing a small venue any time soon though, and while I do think festivals are a better place to see more popular artists (I guess unless you can get pit tickets), it's a decision you'll have to make.