the differences have to be major. like different recordings, producer or something. but that doesnt mean in the first place that its buyworthy. since the online era where you can get almost anything if you got enough money had made me way more picky. I never was one of those "I need all versions" guys. I am a sucker for bonus material like artworks, tunes or any extra content. I also like limited editions.
I prefer a limited pressing of an actual album way over some bottlegged and crappy sounding shit.
I collected a ashitload of nirvana bootlegs in my teens, which were pretty hard to get in the early nineties. for two reasons: no web and I live in germany, they actually CARE for what is being sold in a way that makes it almost impossible to find pirate material anywhere sold officially. Ive sold most of that bootlegs at the beginning of 2000 on ebay, cuase they were JUST bootlegs
If I had the chance of starting again, I would only buy vinyls and D/L mp3s. cds suck, they are small and made of ugly plastic. a nice cover in a decent size is what matters most beneath the actual music, imo.
"Beat the stage for an extra ending with monkeys"
