Originally Posted by demonrail666
That was a brilliant game. Spain were amazing to watch, even if they struggled to score. After that I have to support them in the final. I've always treated Holland as my 'second' international side but I really don't like the way they're playing, while Spain are just playing beautifully. And Penelope Cruz is from there.
ah, penelope, yes. yummy.
spain really played great, but germany sucked-- this wasn't the team that beat argentina 4-0 and england 4-1. they had a very poor performance, horrible passing on the attack, but then again, the spanish pressure was fucking relentless, and i don't think they faced that before-- except maybe with serbia? but i didn't see that game and now i regret it.
come sunday it's going to be amazing. i won't voice any favorites as every team i've vocally supported has gotten fucked badly. grumble grumble.