Originally Posted by ni'k
syrfox you should do your top 10 wonky album/tracks and update us regular like on whats happening with it.
will try to do.
my top 10 wonky albums would probably look like that:
1000Names - Illuminated Man
Dorian Concept - When Planets Explode
FaltyDL - Love Is A Liability
Flying Lotus - Los Angeles
Hudson Mohawke - Butter
Ikonika - Contact, Love, Want, Have
Nosaj Thing - Drift
V/A - 5 Years Of Hyperdub
V/A - Museum Of Future Sound vol. 1
V/A - Museum Of Future Sound vol. 2
Technically not all of it is wonky (FaltyDL is probably closer to dubstep for instance, and those Museum Of Future Sounds comps are skweee), but they're close enough to wonky to be relevant in here in my opinion. Fuck purists. Many other records would have a place in here as well (Architeq's Gold + Green, Lorn's Nothing Else, Starkey's Ephemeral Exhibits, etc etc etc).
As for my top 10 tracks I guess it'd look like this:
1000Names - Remixing In The Block (With Dena)
Dorian Concept - Color Sexist
Eprom - Hendt
Floating Points - Esthian III
Hudson Mohawke - OOOPS!
Mesak - Popkumm
Nosaj Thing - 1665/Bach
Rustie - Bad Science
Starkey - Gutter Music
Zomby - Spliff Dub (Rustie Remix)
(once again, Mesak is skweee. But hey. Also, 1000Names would deserve another mention for Whiz Bang Scienze. These guys are most excellent.)