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Stupid E-Cigarettes..
Ugh. This shit is stupid. First and foremost, I am waiting for the governments to step in and shut this illusion down. This is dangerously false advertising. Nicotine itself is one of the carcinogenic substances in tobacco smoke, it is also found in "vapor" of E-Cigarettes. Its disingenuous to call E-Cigs "vapor" and conventional cigarettes "smoke" because scientifically speaking, there isn't much of a difference. Further, the vaporized nicotine in the "vapor" from E-Cigs is carcinogenic too! Now, I'm not one of those anti-smoking nazis, and I smoked cigarettes obsessively for over ten years, but I never had a problems stepping outside to smoke, in fact, I kind of liked the opportunity to get some fresh air and stretch my legs in between tasks. Further, if my smoking offended people around me, I was always polite enough to move away or put it out. The swagger of these E-Cig smokers is ridiculous, bordering on outright rude. Soon come the law will catch up on this stupid fashion.
I also am getting sick of seeing people here in LA smoking all this hash with their "G-pens" which are just E-Cigs loaded with hash oil. Its like, "OK, we get it, you're not fooling anybody with your Fifth Element style smoking ;) " ![]() |
If I remember my chemistry lessons then smoke and vapor are not the same thing for a start vapor is a gas and smoke is a solid.
From what I've read these e-cigs are far less bad for your health that real cigs. In summary: http://www.straightdope.com/columns/...oncarcinogenic Not that I smoke those things, or cigarettes. |
I am down with the surreptitious inhalation of hashish oil
Much more worried about the wifi and em cell phone radiation pollution that we are all being exposed to constantly.
people here are vaporizing alcohol and getting drunk. of course the pin head media is trying to stir thsi up. |
Most of the carcinogens found in mass-produced cigarretes come from the additives, chemicals used in the cigarrette making process that enhance flavor, protect from rot, enhance color, cover up bad smells or tastes, etc. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of..._in_cigarettes
Here is a german study showing the effects of just certain select additives. http://www.dkfz.de/de/tabakkontrolle...cts_Report.pdf |
Not to mention the chemicals that make the brain more receptive to nicotine |
yep. they add chems to make the already addictive nicotine even MORE addictive.
e-cigs suck. Nothing compares to a Royal.
The difference between smoke and vapor is the content. When it contains soot, ash, and particulate matter caught up in the vapor, it becomes smoke. When it is just water and other gases it is said to be vapor, and it is generally a lower temperature. Tobacco smoke CONTAINS VAPORIZED GASES FROM CARCINOGENIC CHEMICALS native to the tobacco plant. These vapors are the gaseous part of the smoke, blended with water vapors (which give smoke the grey color) as well as soot and ashes which have stuck to the water vapors. However, in California at least, second-hand smoke is banned because the smoke contains carcinogenic gases (vapors), and the ban also explicitly states nicotine, which is what is in the "vapor" from the E-Cigs. In other words, while obviously smoke and second-hand smoke from cigarettes is more dangerous, E-Cigs are not "a safe alternative." If the E-Cigs contained PURELY WATER VAPOR, then they would be, but E-Cigs contain nicotine. Quote:
That is simply not true Rob. I smoked true taste Winston or American Spirit. The ingredients were water and tobacco. However, in the tobacco plant are naturally occurring carcinogenic chemicals, including several radioactive elements. Simply put, its the tobacco plant itself that carries these cancer causing risks, not the preservatives and flavors. That would be like saying breakfast cereals cause cancer, because the preservatives and flavors added to cigarettes are largely the same ones. It is a tragic urban legend that cigarettes only cause cancer because of additives, the reality is you could dip organic, home-grown tobacco and still inevitably will develop cancer. In fact, even Nicotine itself is classified as a carcinogen. For example, here are the ingredients to those lovely tasting Camel Turkish Royals Quote:
American spirit and Winston are th only two brands in USA that chose to make their smokes additive free. I am not saying tobacco doesn't have carcinogens, but hat the additives bump up the level of carcinogens exponentially.
That is not true, its the tobacco itself that is dangerous, that additives are marginal. I blame the anti-smoking campaigns which drove home the whole "additives" myths and now its become urban legend. The additives are not carcinogenic, neither do they enhance the carcinogenic effect of the natural tobacco. Of course, some studies have shown that nicotine itself acts on certain receptors exclusively found in the tissues in the lung which can actually worsen the carcinogenic effects of the naturally occurring chemicals in the plant's smoke. Additive free tobacco is a matter of taste, not health. |
damn, i miss smoking. problem is, it will make me wanna vomit now.
I can't tell if you understand that nicotinic acid is a neurotransmitter, absorbed and created by every healthy human brain. It's involved in virtually every cognitive function, and you'd be fucked with too little or too much. Cigarettes, and all other synthetic nicotine vehicles, are similar to cocaine and Dopamine. Why one's legal and possession of the other is a felony, I'll never understand. (All your synapses are belong to the White House!) But the e-cig folks are not real smokers anyway. Real smokers, the disgusting ones like me, aren't satisfied by anything other than hot, charred, blackened lungs, and the lightheaded feeling of "not greatness but not badness" that comes from sucking down burning toxins. The e-cigs do nothing for me, and I use lozenges or patches if I'm not at home. No... They're social smokers (or chronic douchebags) who go days without cigarettes, until Friday night roles around, and they make a big show out of their big fat dumbass metal "fister" e-cig (white kids who wish Sublime was still together (rip brad!!!), or their slim e-"fags" (also white college kids who enjoy the feeling of fitted black jeans and Converse, and usually study art at a community college or play in a band they never actually play with) -- Where was I? Oh yeah-- IN PUBLIC, because they want someone to stop them so they can argue their rights. Fucking wastes of flesh. Either smoke a fucking blunt (group 1) or man up and become a stressed out, pack-a-day hemorrhoid suffering MAN like the rest of us! I go to great pains to decrease my smoking, and wear patches when I'm in public, because doing classless shit is classless, no matter how novel it is, or how much you like the Sharper Image. Also, does nobody remember why smoking caught on in the first place? Because it looked fucking awesome (thank you James Dean, Mad Men, Beat Generation writers at Colombia U); not because it looked like a bunch of fucking bullshit! E cig smokers are like grown up Nintendo DS players.... irritating for reasons that I obviously can't sum up very well. |
Me too. I'm happy to quit, and I honestly couldn't even imagine smoking again, but in truth, I loved every minute of many years that I smoked tobacco. Shit was fucking fantastic! |
I think the real situation is that neither Dopamine abusing plants should be legal. I'm not exactly a Prohibitionist, but simply put.. ![]() Quote:
Sighs. Its true. Quote:
Hahaha, what is this, the sixth grade? Do they have to be punk too ;) On the real though, great post. Keep it up! |
i smoke american spirit. i wanna quit. this thread is motivating
I don't know if I'll quit or not....but for now...it's near impossible because I smoke pot. It's become too much of a habit to have a cigarette when high...though it first kind of started to kind of mask the pot smoke....but damn....a cig after a fat bowl is so damn good. |
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to SonikJesus again. |
You have it backwards, smoking pot is HOW I managed to quit smoking cigarettes. Everytime you have an urge to smoke tobacco, pull on a spliff and it helps alleviate the craving while also getting you lifted. After a few weeks the cravings will mellow out, though in truth, they don't go away, for years, in fact at times, ever. |
that's hilarious. crazy and probably unfair-- but enjoyable to read! |
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