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lucyrulesok 01.03.2007 12:31 PM

Dropping out...
I've kindof decided to drop out of uni. But I don't know if I'm just being a tempestuous teenager throwing the toys out of my pram.... Will I regret it? Did any of you drop out. Help!

I'm leaving 'cause:
1. My uni is ABSOLUTELY RAM PACKED with arseholes.
2. The place is a shithole and there is absolutely nothing to do.
3. I miss London like crazy when I'm there... all my friends and things to do, even just general atmosphere.
4. There is nothing lonelier than spending all day having only spoken to librarians. This has happened to me more than once. Perhaps it is my own fault, but I'd rather be a lonely old cunt than talk to the people there. And I really don't want to be a lonely old cunt.
5. The very thought of going back there scares the shit out of me because I don't know if I can cope with being that miserable again.

BUT I do really like the course and I enjoy doing the work, etc.

Meh, I'm seriously waffling and don't really know why I think posting this is going to help me in any way, but I'm completely crap at making decisions so ANY advice would be much appreciated.

The Lung 01.03.2007 12:42 PM

Which Uni are you at?

lucyrulesok 01.03.2007 12:43 PM


Originally Posted by The Lung
Which Uni are you at?


The Lung 01.03.2007 12:48 PM

I guess that's why, I went once and the people were so boring. I'm gonna go to London. Are you at the really brainy university? What course are you doing?

screamingskull 01.03.2007 12:50 PM

what year are you in?

!@#$%! 01.03.2007 12:52 PM


Originally Posted by lucyrulesok
I've kindof decided to drop out of uni. But I don't know if I'm just being a tempestuous teenager throwing the toys out of my pram.... Will I regret it? Did any of you drop out. Help!

I'm leaving 'cause:
1. My uni is ABSOLUTELY RAM PACKED with arseholes.
2. The place is a shithole and there is absolutely nothing to do.
3. I miss London like crazy when I'm there... all my friends and things to do, even just general atmosphere.
4. There is nothing lonelier than spending all day having only spoken to librarians. This has happened to me more than once. Perhaps it is my own fault, but I'd rather be a lonely old cunt than talk to the people there. And I really don't want to be a lonely old cunt.
5. The very thought of going back there scares the shit out of me because I don't know if I can cope with being that miserable again.

BUT I do really like the course and I enjoy doing the work, etc.

Meh, I'm seriously waffling and don't really know why I think posting this is going to help me in any way, but I'm completely crap at making decisions so ANY advice would be much appreciated.

well it appears that if you are english you are born to be miserable, so you might as well get used to it now.

about quitting the university, i don't know-- do you think that if you get a shitty job you'll be less miserable?

although your studies are supposed to be enjoyable-- hard, but enjoyable.

i don't know what to say-- luxy had a similar problem w/ hating college.

i think for a lot of people it's the shock of being away from home? maybe not ready yet? i suppose once you get used to it it's not that bad.

but beyond that, i know nothing about hte british educational system. except that-- isn't your school supposed to be Really Fucking Good? does god give breath to those who have no teeth in england too?

lucyrulesok 01.03.2007 12:53 PM

I'm just in my 1st year. And yeah, the brainy uni *rolls eyes* you seriously wouldn't know by talking to the idiots there though (and believe me I include myself in that category).

The Lung - do you mean you are coming to London for uni? Or just to visit. It's a great city, if dangerous at times.

lucyrulesok 01.03.2007 12:57 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!

but beyond that, i know nothing about hte british educational system. except that-- isn't your school supposed to be Really Fucking Good? does god give breath to those who have no teeth in england too?

If only I knew what you meant. I guess yr saying that I shouldn't throw away the oppurtunity which is what a lot of people have been saying to me, but I don't really see the point in staying somewhere for four years if I'm going to be crying myself to sleep every night. But like I said, maybe I'm just conceited and I don't know a good thing when I see one. That's what I;m worried about.

But I am going to go to uni, even if I do drop out, I'm going to transfer into UCL, from which I got much better vibes when I looked around, the people seemed quite interesting and I would still be able to go out for the night and listen to the music I like rather than shitty 90's cheese.

BUT then again "the grass is always greener..."

!@#$%! 01.03.2007 12:59 PM

oh shit i meant to spell "bread" gives BREAD
meaning to those who can't eat it
it's a translated joke

screamingskull 01.03.2007 01:01 PM


Originally Posted by lucyrulesok
If only I knew what you meant. I guess yr saying that I shouldn't throw away the oppurtunity which is what a lot of people have been saying to me, but I don't really see the point in staying somewhere for four years if I'm going to be crying myself to sleep every night. But like I said, maybe I'm just conceited and I don't know a good thing when I see one. That's what I;m worried about.

But I am going to go to uni, even if I do drop out, I'm going to transfer into UCL, from which I got much better vibes when I looked around, the people seemed quite interesting and I would still be able to go out for the night and listen to the music I like rather than shitty 90's cheese.

BUT then again "the grass is always greener..."


!@#$%! 01.03.2007 01:02 PM

well hm could you try a temporary transfer, a deferment, a semester in another school, something like that?

there are people (i know some) who are never happy no matter how good they have it. if you're like that yes you might be commiting academic suicide, but perhaps you have a genuine claim there. i don't know you, so i don't know. all we can do here is hypothesize on various possible scenarios, really.

Inhuman 01.03.2007 01:26 PM

If you really enjoy the work then stay in. It won't be long until you're doing the thing you really want to do. My entire class is composed of people not dedicated to Graphics Design at all, and they just throw balls and shows and such around the class to entertain themselves. One of my teachers considers herself "artistic" but is conservative and you ALWAYS have to follow constraints for a "proper" piece, and I absolutely hate this. Although in another year and a half I'll be done, and not have to deal with the idiocy of these people

James Blonde 01.03.2007 01:27 PM

James Blonde prefers educated ladies.

jon boy 01.03.2007 02:25 PM

if you are in your first year then its not as bad as getting to the end of the course and dropping out. something i have know people to do.

i stayed at uni despite not licking anything about the place and i was kind of glad i did as it made me stronger and more focused but at the same time it was quite soul destroying.

can you transfer?

Glice 01.03.2007 02:29 PM

I would stay stick with it. If you enjoy the work, then throw yourself into it. Or at least finish your first year at Oxford. I loved spending whole days in the library. Some of the best days of my life were spent flitting from book to book in the library.

You'll meet cool people eventually. I ended up with a load of mates that I couldn't stand in my first year, but it all changes eventually. You'll meet people, just perhaps not straight away.

jon boy 01.03.2007 02:34 PM

tis true. if you stay around long enough then things become better and easier to deal with. i am sure you will be able to settle down soon enough and just remember that it isnt forever.

Hip Priest 01.03.2007 02:45 PM

I think you'll fare best if you give it a bit more time.

I'm assuming that you wouldn't be able to start a new coursr somewhere until later in the year anyway, so on that basis I'd consider it wisest to give it a little longer.

On the other hand, I'd say that if things really look like they're getting to much, then don't hesitate to change.

jon boy 01.03.2007 03:20 PM

not everyone that drops out gets a shitty job. infact anyone can get one.

The Lung 01.03.2007 03:25 PM


Originally Posted by lucyrulesok
I'm just in my 1st year. And yeah, the brainy uni *rolls eyes* you seriously wouldn't know by talking to the idiots there though (and believe me I include myself in that category).

The Lung - do you mean you are coming to London for uni? Or just to visit. It's a great city, if dangerous at times.

You must have done well in your a-levels to get in then, what course are you doing? I think you should battle through because at the end of the day if you get a degree from Oxford you should be able to do whatever you want.

I'm gonna apply to 3 uni's in London to do Physics/Astrophysics, I've been down a few times to go to all the art galleries and I've loved it. Plus the bands I like always play there when they tour the UK.

fishmonkey 01.03.2007 05:21 PM

fuck it, if you dont like it drop out.
the head dude at my college told me many moons ago to walk and keep walking till i turned around and the college looked iddy biddy small. he seemsd to think that was my career path!
look at me now i'm a big fuck off lawer in a high class firm in the city..

uhhh no wait.

no i'm not.

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