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SuchFriendsAreDangerous 06.11.2013 02:50 PM

Kill Rock Stars: Another Tribute to the 1990s..
Remember when kill rock stars was THEE anti-mainstream label? When it was part of a credible scene of creative and interesting artists? When you could randomly open a KRS mailer or catalogue and be excited at the opportunities and selection of bands and artists you actually wanted to listen too?

I miss labels like that.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 06.11.2013 02:52 PM

still have Grass Widow and The Corin Tucker Band going..

Rob Instigator 06.11.2013 02:52 PM

My friend is closing shop on his Agro-Wax label because there is just no support anymore.

they make some really cool records...

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 06.11.2013 04:03 PM

sighs. This happens in cycles, its like a Championship sports team goes through cycles. Inevitably, there has to be a new scene to burst through and a new label to attract these musicians to aggregate in one place, for a sustained period of time, to mutually create great art. For me, it wasn't just the individual roster of bands that KRS had in the 1990s-early 2000s that I enjoyed, it was the massive network of mutual collaborations between label mates. That label was smart, it made its money by being conducive to artistic collaborations for arts' sake. Big label politics make bands release albums in competition (or not) with each other, and to pace it out. I was pissed when Madonna and Maverick label overpowered Team Sleep and forced their indie side-project from releasing a great album in 2001 to releasing some mainstream crap in 2005, years past the moment when it was relevant. KRS didn't do shit like that. If you knew one band or artist you liked on KRS, it was like a Rosetta Stone to translate and interpret other bands on the catalogue who they collaborated with, you would splinter off into several other bands. One band you liked quickly and directly turned into 3 or 5 bands you liked. Good times.. I can't think of ANY labels or bands that mutually collaborate like that. I'd say that period only happened from 1968-1974 and from 1993-2001..

Toilet & Bowels 06.11.2013 04:38 PM


I can't think of ANY labels or bands that mutually collaborate like that. I'd say that period only happened from 1968-1974 and from 1993-2001..

That's been happening fairly consistently since the 70s, if you look in the right places it's not hard to find

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 06.11.2013 05:58 PM


Originally Posted by Toilet & Bowels
That's been happening fairly consistently since the 70s, if you look in the right places it's not hard to find

on a small scale yes, but KRS seemed to have a bit more bands than other small labels concentrated at one place at one time..

name me some other labels with more than say 3 mutually collaborating artists/bands?

Genteel Death 06.12.2013 01:41 PM

Labels like Floridas Dying (plus Total Punk), Columbus Discount Records, Savage Quality Recordings and Siltbreeze put out records by certain musicians who, in one way or another, seem to have some sort of connection to each other. Is this what you're saying you miss about the 90s with this thread?

Genteel Death 06.12.2013 01:43 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
My friend is closing shop on his Agro-Wax label because there is just no support anymore.

they make some really cool records...

your friend's blog prompted me to check out Secret Prostitutes, which I meant to do for a while.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 06.12.2013 01:56 PM


Originally Posted by Genteel Death
Is this what you're saying you miss about the 90s with this thread?

In part, yes.

Genteel Death 06.12.2013 02:07 PM

Good thing we're both on the Sonic Youth forum then, because that's an aspect this band had lost for a while before they split up, unless you count putting bullshit collectives like Sunburned Hand of the Man on a line up for a festival or Thurston Moore posing for pictures with Los Llamarada.

Toilet & Bowels 06.12.2013 02:09 PM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
on a small scale yes, but KRS seemed to have a bit more bands than other small labels concentrated at one place at one time..

name me some other labels with more than say 3 mutually collaborating artists/bands?

Quaterstick had all those bands like Rodan, Rachels, June of 44, Shipping News, etc who were all over each other's shit

The New Zealand scene of the 80s and early 90s (labels e.g. Flying Nun and Xpressway) had bands/musicians playing in all sorts of configurations

Siltbreeze/Ohio scene dudes e.g. Ron House, Mike Rep, Jim Shepard, bands like Bassholes, Sam Esh and Hard Black Thing, Ego Summit

Right now the Michigan noise scene with Wolf Eyes, Dog Lady, Sick Llama, M.U.G. Stare Case, Andrew Coltrane, and a pretty much infinite number of other projects

Australian punk scene of the last 4 or so years is a hotbed of crossbreeding bands and labels

Japanese psych and noise scenes of 80s/90s dudes and labels all over each others dicks.

UK Improv scene from the 1960s until now, also UK DIY scene

Probably more if I had time to think about it. And this doesn't even mention Jazz.

US underground of 2000s all those bands like Sunburned Hand, Double Leopards, Mouthus, NNCK, Charalambides that who thing was and still is to an extent one big mess of collabs and interlinked record labels.

Genteel Death 06.12.2013 02:19 PM

Italy (Home turf) - a lot of the Borgata Boredom bands exchange members often.


pad_023 06.12.2013 02:53 PM

Not Not Fun - Has had lots of collaboration between artists on the label and represents the new age/psych scene in the US.

Toilet & Bowels 06.12.2013 05:28 PM


Originally Posted by pad_023
Not Not Fun - Has had lots of collaboration between artists on the label and represents the new age/psych scene in the US.

Plus NNF is from LA, with is Suchfrenz homestead

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