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Pookie 12.16.2006 11:18 AM

Twelve Days Of Christmas
When singing this song at Christmas, remember that it's four collie birds, and not calling birds.

Anybody else get vexed on this matter?

finding nobody 12.16.2006 11:22 AM

Just about all Christmas songs are really aggravating to me. I just realized this last night.
But, I dont really make that mistake because I dont know all the words to that one, and if I did I probably wouldn't sing it anyway

Pookie 12.16.2006 11:25 AM

Well boo hiss to you. Consider yourself crossed off my Christmas invitation list.

Savage Clone 12.16.2006 11:27 AM

Of all the Christmas songs that have ever existed, this is perhaps the worst one of all.

I hate that kind of fucking "House That Jack Built" lyrical structure.
Shit drives me crazy.

finding nobody 12.16.2006 11:28 AM

NO NO NO Pookie
I dont mind Christmas at all man. It's the songs. Not the people, not the season, not that warm fuzzy feeling you get as young boy on Christmas eve when you know you got some sweet stuff under the tree that your parents (and Santa) got for you. Just the songs

Glice 12.16.2006 11:32 AM


Originally Posted by Savage Clone
Of all the Christmas songs that have ever existed, this is perhaps the worst one of all.

I hate that kind of fucking "House That Jack Built" lyrical structure.
Shit drives me crazy.

Wizzard. Slade. Paul McfuckingCartfuckingnefuckingy. All infinitely worse.

Pookie 12.16.2006 11:33 AM


Originally Posted by finding nobody
NO NO NO Pookie
I dont mind Christmas at all man. It's the songs. Not the people, not the season, not that warm fuzzy feeling you get as young boy on Christmas eve when you know you got some sweet stuff under the tree that your parents (and Santa) got for you. Just the songs

Oh, OK then. If you're in the area on Christmas Day, consider yourself invited.


Originally Posted by Grinchy Clone
Of all the Christmas songs that have ever existed, this is perhaps the worst one of all.

I hate that kind of fucking "House That Jack Built" lyrical structure.
Shit drives me crazy.

Well boo hiss to YOU. Consider yourself crossed off my Christmas invitation list.

jon boy 12.16.2006 11:34 AM

christmas = poo.

finding nobody 12.16.2006 11:37 AM


Pookie 12.16.2006 11:46 AM


Originally Posted by jon boy
christmas = poo.


fishmonkey 12.16.2006 12:31 PM

i never understood this one from Silent Night..

"round yon virgin Mother and child"

what the fuck is that???

round "yon" what?
mental fuckin shit.

jon boy 12.16.2006 12:33 PM


Originally Posted by Pookie

so your saying your a grinch?

Pookie 12.16.2006 12:49 PM


Originally Posted by fishmonkey
i never understood this one from Silent Night..

"round yon virgin Mother and child"

what the fuck is that???

round "yon" what?
mental fuckin shit.

It's about the birth of Jesus (your saviour, remember Him?).

All is calm, all is bright round yon(der) Virgin Mother (Mary) and child (little baby Jesus).


Originally Posted by jon boy
so your saying your a grinch?

No, that was for you to print out and make into Christmas cards.

jon boy 12.16.2006 01:04 PM

but i arnt sending any christmas cards.

Norma J 12.16.2006 06:44 PM


Originally Posted by Pookie

All is calm, all is bright round yon(der) Virgin Mother (Mary) and child (little baby Jesus).

Oh. I always thought it was "Round young virgin, mother and child"

Norma J 12.16.2006 06:45 PM


Originally Posted by Kegmama
I think Pookie and I are like the only ones on this board who actually enjoy Christmas. You are all a bunch of greedy bastards!

Bullshit to that. I love christmas.

Pookie 12.18.2006 04:37 AM


Originally Posted by Kegmama
I think Pookie and I are like the only ones on this board who actually enjoy Christmas. You are all a bunch of greedy bastards!

Substitute "Christmas" for "life".


Originally Posted by Kegmama
Daddy Pookie- Burn the kids a Christmas comp cd, it's a Kegger family thing... I find the kids fav songs thru soulseek or whatever, and burn them a cd each year that we listen to throughout the month. Mostly traditional carols, but sung by people/characters they like. :)

Good idea.

I usually gather together all our Christmas CD's (not that we have that many) and make a compilation of the best bits.

ALIEN ANAL 12.18.2006 04:39 AM

yeh i love xmas too, its lots of pavlova, presents and drinking, whats not good about that. Unless your like so alternative you hate anything that is supose to be liked

SynthethicalY 12.18.2006 04:42 AM

All I want for x-mas is this stupid so called war against x-mas to stop.

jon boy 12.18.2006 09:28 AM

there is far too much pressure to enjoy christmas. i mean am i supposed to enjoy it because someone else does?

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