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batreleaser 03.17.2013 02:11 AM

sometimes when I listen to the Velvet Underground..
I think that underground music never really got any better then that.

louder 03.17.2013 04:51 AM

what is your fav album?

Mortte Jousimo 03.17.2013 01:19 PM

Mine is definitely Velvet Underground & Nico. But White Light is also almost as great and I love them all, even loaded although many fans consider it has only some great tunes, I love the whole album. Of course I donīt count Squeeze Velvet-album.

TheMadcapLaughs 03.17.2013 01:52 PM

sometimes i think the same thing about the thinking fellers union local 282

Severian 03.17.2013 02:54 PM

I feel the same way... until I put on Bad Moon Rising, and remember that the torch was passed to a band that-- somehow-- managed to innovate, pioneer, influence, and eventually define underground music in a way that even the Velvets could never have equaled.

Just as Elvis Presley introduced the world to iconic pop, only to pave the way for the Beatles to turn it on its head, making it a viable art form and perfecting it in a way Elvis never could, The Velvet Underground (despite their greatness) are in my mind mere precursors to a movement that did not reach full realization until Sonic Youth stepped in to pick up the flag.

Forgive the hyperbole. I love both the VU and SY in two uniquely reverent way. I tend to get a little worked up when I talk about them.

Severian 03.17.2013 02:59 PM

Oh, and I cannot choose a favorite VU album. For many years it was White Light/White Heat, but VU & Nico is one of the first albums that truly blew my mind, and a few years ago I rediscovered Loaded, which is definitely criminally underrated, and just as definitive as the others, if in a different way.

Genteel Death 03.17.2013 03:14 PM

The only solution to this is sending you to high-security mental institutions, and I am saying this as a big VU fan.

hirsute_biped 03.17.2013 04:07 PM

The Scepter Sessions is pretty cool, especially if you've listened to VU & Nico so much it's burned into your brain. Alt takes and mixes for an ever-so-slightly alternate view on the iconic work.

Also, I got John Cale: New York In The 1960s vinyl box set a while ago (waited to find a good deal), which is absolute madness.

Severian 03.18.2013 08:22 PM


Originally Posted by Genteel Death
The only solution to this is sending you to high-security mental institutions, and I am saying this as a big VU fan.

Using Librium to treat hyperbole? Interesting...

SonikJesus 04.02.2013 07:23 PM

yr kinda right. though there has been good music produced since it isnt necessarily better

Dr Chocolate 04.09.2013 09:06 AM

me and my first grrlfriend used to fuck alot to the banana cd on repeat

Genteel Death 03.05.2019 11:13 AM

Colour footage of the Velvet Underground in Texas, October 1969.
Starts at around 7:40. No sound.

Antagon 03.05.2019 03:39 PM


Originally Posted by Genteel Death
Colour footage of the Velvet Underground in Texas, October 1969.
Starts at around 7:40. No sound.

Great find. I'm a sucker for grainy Super 8 colour footage. Looks like quite a unique location for performances. Thanks for sharing.

h8kurdt 03.05.2019 03:54 PM

Amazing footage. I'm with Antagon on being a sucker for super 8 footage. Anyone know who the band before the Velvet footage is?

Rob Instigator 03.05.2019 04:28 PM

Butthole Surfers are better "underground" band than VU.

Butthole Surfers forever......

VU is Rolling Stones without the posh clothes. hahhahahahahhaha

Genteel Death 03.05.2019 04:34 PM


Originally Posted by Antagon
Great find. I'm a sucker for grainy Super 8 colour footage.

Me too. And thanks for appreciating the sharing. I love how you can ''intervene'' on old footage/pictures shot this way more, now, and bring it round to the way you think it should looks. A modern intervention on over-exposed, way too highlighted footage. VU is tattooed on my arm. VU 4evah!

Genteel Death 03.05.2019 04:35 PM

Also, only tossers think 4 or 6 k is amazing. No style.

radarmaker 03.05.2019 05:08 PM

Amazing footage, thanks - it's great that new snippets, however brief, are still turning up 50 years on. Also reminds me to check the velvetforum more often!

Genteel Death 03.05.2019 05:17 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
Butthole Surfers are better "underground" band than VU.

Butthole Surfers forever......

VU is Rolling Stones without the posh clothes. hahhahahahahhaha

Fuck off Rob. VU is THE BAND. Rolling Stones are for vegans or conspiracy theorists.

Antagon 03.05.2019 05:37 PM


Originally Posted by Genteel Death
Also, only tossers think 4 or 6 k is amazing. No style.

Must spread some of that rep around. Yeah, I don't get that whole max-def hype either. In fact I think it looks quite dreadful in a lot of cases. Charming and grainy for the win.
Sorry for going off on a tangent here.

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