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Rob Instigator 01.23.2013 12:31 PM

So many ladies
If you love studious and strikingly beautiful Indian and Pakistani ladies, the University of Houston library is for you. Trust me.

gast30 01.23.2013 12:49 PM

latin, japanees, american and italians are hot types i find

gast30 01.23.2013 12:51 PM

you kno what rob
i send you my email and then you place it in the library where the hottest chiks are mostly concentrated

and see what happens
what multiversum there might be opened

Dude McDude 01.23.2013 01:17 PM

I hear ya. Studying at libraries never worked for me, though. Too many distractions.

floatingslowly 01.23.2013 01:21 PM

Say hi to laila, k?


Robin Hoof

Rob Instigator 01.23.2013 02:11 PM

Not allowed to film or photograph inside library. Policy dictates that everyone is free to read what they want without anyone knowing.

There is a form to fill out for those that want to film and photograph in library, and they need to bring their own "actors>"

knox 01.23.2013 03:00 PM

this is exactly the type of sexist shit that makes you guys unable to say there are 'so many ladies' on syg

and the idea of taking pictures of women when they are unaware of it so you snd your friends can do some male bonding by objectifying them online is gross


knox 01.23.2013 03:03 PM

oh and a free lesson:
women: human beings
nationality/ethnicity: not a brand

Rob Instigator 01.23.2013 03:03 PM

women objectify a nice juicy dong when they can. don't act so high and mighty.

what exactly is sexist about what was posted?

knox 01.23.2013 03:12 PM

oh the same argument again? a false equality based on exceptions?
does it ever occur to you that women go to the library to read, not to be objectified?
does it occur to you they dont exist to please you?
that their background shouldnt be categorized as a brand for your amusement?
that they deal with some degree of harrasment every day of their lives and are always afrad?

gast30 01.23.2013 03:16 PM

it's rob's fantasy world
no harm done to no one
no need for fear

knox 01.23.2013 03:17 PM

i mean this would be a lot less creepy if you just had that thought.
once again, nobody ever considers why there sre few women posting here.
this kind of thing makes it very unwelcoming for us
doesnt mens health have a board or something?

Rob Instigator 01.23.2013 03:17 PM

by what criteria is glancing at someone you find attractive harrasment, or objectifying? Relax.
men go to the library too and you cannot tell me the women do not look at the handsome ones and chat about them.
You are too uptight about this stuff.

I personally find women from India to be some of the most beautiful that have ever existed. You telling me it is wrong to say so? That is ridiculous.

You assume we are fetishizing.

knox 01.23.2013 03:18 PM

who are you to decide whats harm?
my stomach turns thats harm

knox 01.23.2013 03:26 PM

are you mansplaing what i should feel upset about and telling me YOU get to decide when its valid for me to speak up? damn right im uptight. try being a woman and dealing with this shit everyday of your life.

Rob Instigator 01.23.2013 03:30 PM

wha? chills. a question is a question.

feel upset all you want, but aim it at an appropriate target, not some sonic nerds talking about how they find Indian women beautiful.

louder 01.23.2013 03:33 PM

has she always been this annoying?

knox 01.23.2013 03:38 PM

more mansplaning.
the man says in a patronizing tone that the womsn should chill and shes aiming at the wrong target.
thats the usual script
did you take a class?

i just want you to know that every time you act this way and try to silence or ridicule a woman who dares speaking up, you are supporting a culture that oppresses thrm.

you will certaingly sugarcoat it because your male privilege makes you think there is noghing wrong with what you do but this is a fact.

knox 01.23.2013 03:40 PM

by the way dont ever say to an indian woman what you said here.
she might even smile but will just think youre a creep

Rob Instigator 01.23.2013 03:46 PM

Speak all you want, I value your opinion.
I asked you to chills, but if you do not want to chills, then that is fine too.

You telling me that you KNOW for a fact that if I were to tell an Indian or Pakistani woman that she is beautiful and that she is more beautiful than a woman from other nations she would think I was a creep?

Houston texas, and especially the University of Houston, has so much ethnic and national diversity, so many people from all over the world, that it is a special place. To ask a man, any amn, not to appreciate the beauty that surrounds him, is asking him to not be a man. That will never happen.

I just don't understand why you took such offense.

The culture in India oppresses women, that i admit. it also oppresses poor people, mixed race people, and many just because of who their parents are. That is a long long way from a Puerto Rican living in the USA commenting on how beautiful the indian women are here.

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