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hey alex 04.12.2006 12:46 PM

record player skipping question
Now, the way I think it... a new record shouldn't really skip, right? I bought a copy of in a priest driven ambulance (on pink vinyl, pretty)... and it has some skips around it. This isn't the only new record i've gotten to skip on me (a few 7"s and then some records which look in good shape do it too). I'm wondering if getting a new needle would help it play better. Like it's some old player from 80s, nothing special about it/. It was just sitting in my basement for ever and then I took it.

But yea, would a new needle be a good idea? Or should I go for a new player? Could I score a decent one for around $50?

Rob Instigator 04.12.2006 12:53 PM

you probably need a new needle. your needle is probably both worn and dirty as all fuck. new albums will only skip if there is a manufacturing flaw in it.
these are some great websites with affordable record supplies

hey alex 04.12.2006 01:05 PM

Wait, so you think the new needle will help or that it's the records. Hopefully the first

Rob Instigator 04.12.2006 01:32 PM

oh I am certain anew needle will help.
check the record under a bright light and look for a defect. If there is no defect then either your needle needs to be replaced (which you should do anyways) or you need to set the tone-arm weight becaue it is at too ligt a setting. too light and it will skip on you, too heavy and it could damage your albums.

hey alex 04.12.2006 01:52 PM

Well, not often, but I'm starting to buy more things on LP than cd. The player seems alright, but I probably do need a new needle. I don't what to look for though. And based on those sites, a new player for $50 ain't happenin.

Isoflurane 04.12.2006 03:01 PM

Fuck the Needle Doctor. It's overpriced. (By the way, I ate Chinese Next door to the place today). you should check the weight on the end of the Stylus (if there is one), and you should turn it to a heavier setting. You said that it is on Pink Vinyl, Although it may have nothing to do with it, I sometimes find that colored vinyl releases skip, but this isn't the Case with the SYR releases, or the Dirty Singles, I've never had any problem with those. Don't blow yer money on a new needle, maybe a new turntable is in order.
You can get some DJ-o-matic turntables at guitar center. Although GC sucks, you can get a Turntable with a weight, pitch adjustment and all sorts of other bells and whistles for under $100. Cheap needles there too.
- John

Rob Instigator 04.12.2006 03:13 PM

I find needle doctor to be very affordable man. they sell the whole range of items, from low end to audiophile stuff.

The 97th Hammer 04.12.2006 04:14 PM

I have a needle cleaning kit but no idea how to use it. It's a little wooden thing with a mirror, a brush-piece and a bottle of fluid. It's called discwasher.

Glice 04.12.2006 07:50 PM

Um... Consider the decline of vinyl - most coloured vinyls come from the Czech Republic; the production values are very cheap. It's quite likely that, if they're 7"s, then there are very, very few places that do them anywhere now. Basically, if you're a band, it's not worth making 7"s unless you have enough money to sell more than 3,000-odd. In terms of the quality of the product, it's not going to last any length of time.

Have a look around on the internet for pressing plants that do coloured vinyl. It'll either be piss cheap and former soviet block, or extortionate and European/ American. Or, if you find this company in Australia that I don't seem to be able to find, somewhere inbetween. Cheap means skipping; expensive means non-skipping. Australian means something that isn't the same as vinyl, but operates in a very similar way.

*Edit - drunk post. I'll put this in coherent form tomorrow.

Savage Clone 04.12.2006 07:58 PM

GZ media in the Czech Republic did a fantastic job with a double 220g LP for my band (it was black).
I think it sounds great, though there are those who disapprove of the direct metal mastering proxess they use.
RTI in the USA makes the best pressings I have heard outside of Japan.

Needle Doctor is affordable to me; the Grado cartridges they carry are cheap enough for my bank account and they pick up a quad signal, even.
Sure, they have expensive stuff too, but the expensive needles are the nice ones. Audiophile vinyl gear knows no bounds when it comes to the amount of cash you can lay down.

In answer to the initial question:
Try a new needle, and get the turntable all balanced and such.
And clean the records every time you play 'em.

marleypumpkin 04.12.2006 08:35 PM

Don't worry, you're not the only one to have gotten brand new LP's & have them skip. It happens to me almost every other time I go Lp shopping.

hey alex 04.12.2006 08:50 PM

man, that's a drag. It skips in the worst places... like right at the climax of build-up right at the break. errr.
Yea, I might just wait a few weeks and put some money aside for a new turntable... this one's kinda bunky anyways

marleypumpkin 04.12.2006 08:54 PM

I got lucky & found a great turntable at a pawn-shop for $100.
It's a Gem-Sound belt-drive. I've had it for 5 years, & have never had to change the needle. Lucky me.

hey alex 04.12.2006 08:59 PM

Yea, I don't wanna spend that much, but I don't need to puss out on it. I mean if I buy junk then it's junk... I'll just have to wait awhile and see how reasonable it is... like often am I actual;ly going to buy vinyl, you know.

But ambulance def spunded better on LP than cd. I mean, yea, I was high, but there was something else there that made it even more awesome than ever.

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