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SuchFriendsAreDangerous 12.29.2012 01:08 AM

Belgian Dark Chocolate VS Belgian Beer
Fucking Belgians and their mercilessly good taste. I just barely discovered the goodness of Belgian chocolate, so now I am honestly perplexed at which is truly better, their beer which I already loved or their chocolate! What do y'all say?


gast30 12.29.2012 05:25 AM

this beer was sold 2 weeks ago in the us for 1 time only

it is been called the best belgium beer of the year

have not drinked it but i'm curious

when these are sold long lines of people at shops that sell these
normally it is an abbybeer and they only produce small amounts


did someone here by any chance bought this beer?

dale_gribble 12.29.2012 01:24 PM

i did not buy that beer gast. i think german chocolate is better, as for beer i'm not sure i could pick a country that does it the best...i love many beers equally.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 12.29.2012 01:51 PM


Originally Posted by dale_gribble
i did not buy that beer gast. i think german chocolate is better, as for beer i'm not sure i could pick a country that does it the best...i love many beers equally.

That is like saying I love all women equally or a cheeseburger is a cheeseburger, but there is a world of variation in between. German chocolate is indeed sublime, but I must confess this Belgian is superior. As to beers, my favorite at the moment is American Craft IPA, but I am increasingly enjoying dark Traditional English Brown Ales. However, consistently in my top-5 is anything Belgian. You simply can't go wrong with a Belgian beer..

Now I am thinking, maybe they should Chocolate beer with both Belgian Chocolate AND Belgian beer.

dale_gribble 12.29.2012 02:03 PM

chocolate stouts are amazing, best two i have had so far are samuel smith's and rogue. and my choice of beer depends on my mood really, although please note that i said i love many beers equally not all beers.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 12.29.2012 02:10 PM


Originally Posted by dale_gribble
chocolate stouts are amazing, best two i have had so far are samuel smith's and rogue. and my choice of beer depends on my mood really, although please note that i said i love many beers equally not all beers.

Of all the flavored beers (like Apricot Ale, Cherry beers, and even Spiced beers like Winter, Pumpkin, or Orange-Coriander Belgian-style) I'd say Chocolate Stout or Chocolate Ales are the only I could imagine drinking more than just one or two as a novelty. I love good Apricot Ale, and I used to drink spiced Ales exclusively, but now I'd say one or two and the flavor gets old and I just want some beer flavored beer. Flavored beers are an interesting revisiting of the history and evolution of beer. Malt is simply too puckering sweet to drink, you have to had something bitter. Sort of like the opposite of putting sugar in bitter coffee. So folks have over thousands of years experimented with various bitter flavors and spices to try to bring down the sweetness. It wasn't until relatively recent in beer development that hops became the flavor of choice, and the modern beer was born. All these spiced beers and flavored beers reflect these evolutions. I prefer the double hopped yet double malted IPA. I thought I like the hops, but then I realized what I really like is the double malt, the super sweetness, but it would be too sweet without all those ass kicking hops.

However, the Chocolate, when not overpowering, blends right with a dark, yeasty brew so that its almost like a syncretic blend. I could drink a sixer of such beers these days, in fact, I got a few Sam Adams' Chocolate Ale in the fridge to enjoy this rainy afternoon..

Maybe I should finish them off with some Belgian chocolate I have left? I have some Belgian beer too, but I don't think that will blend well with the really dark (like darker than Turkish Coffee!) Sam Adams..

gast30 12.29.2012 05:46 PM

warning: at belgium festival the beer can suck
the beer has the lowest quality and the alchol in it is reduced

but, if you are really rich you can buy a high procentage known brands

this sucks for the beer drinkers on these festivals

all multinationals are on the festival too
it is used in the commercials as the hip people that enjoy life ect

it sucks

SYRFox 12.29.2012 05:51 PM

all about this

gast30 12.29.2012 05:56 PM

jep sometimes after a day of work as a gardener i got castle beer to drink

SYRFox 12.30.2012 04:15 AM

where do you live in belgium gast?

gast30 12.30.2012 07:32 AM

in limburg

SYRFox 12.30.2012 09:45 AM


gast30 12.30.2012 03:33 PM


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