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gast30 12.14.2012 02:29 PM

shooting at school
18-20 childeren killed
total death of 30 people


does make me think of the shooting in norwidge

don't know what to talk about
or guns and america

forget about it
or think if this is going to happen more in the future of america
because there is no way back for american who would like to have the choise to live in a gun free america

no more choise
you have to live in the experiment with 350 million american with 1 billion guns
and see what is going to go wrong with that experiment

or not?

what choise do you have as an american citizen?

just watch it all go wrong

because from a basic you know that there are only 30 people killed with gun voilence in 1 year only in england, because they have hard gunlaws
for a reason

when you know the answer to these dramas and can't bring them in reality because of the NRA, weapon industry who makes a living from selling guns

selling guns also to mexico borderstates were they directly can sell to organised crime in mexico

american should wake up and take an example from countries with strong gunlaws

good luck there

gast30 12.14.2012 02:50 PM

if you look at it world wide
the basic responsable people, who need to be stopped by the population
are the weapon factories

they make the tools that kill people
and they make millions $ with their industry


if i was the president i closed down weapon factories

normally looking far back in the timeline
a weapon was a tool to catch wild animals for food

during time the humans ran out of wild animals and started to fight for terretory and then develloped also weapons to kill it's own family tree

the sad devellopment of weapons

Rob Instigator 12.14.2012 02:51 PM

No one with the means to do anything cares about children in America.

That is what it seems.

Look at the pathetic funding of our school system, at our views of children as consumers, ready to beg parents to spend hard earned money on crap.

Look at the ridiculously short sentences chronic sexual abusers get.

In China, some yoyo went and stabbed up over 20 kids in a school this week. stabbed them up. China's knife control laws need to be addressed.

Trama 12.14.2012 03:05 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
In China, some yoyo went and stabbed up over 20 kids in a school this week. stabbed them up. China's knife control laws need to be addressed.

Guess what? All of them survived.


floatingslowly 12.14.2012 03:05 PM

Another horror with promise of no resolution.

The only way is down.

I'd love to live far away from people.

Cancerous rot, the lot of you.

Rob Instigator 12.14.2012 03:10 PM


Originally Posted by Trama
Guess what? All of them survived.

You are an idiot.

little bit reactionary huh?

I never said he KILLED anyone.

anyone who hurts children, whether by physical violence, or abuse, is a fucking evil person.

tesla69 12.14.2012 03:27 PM

The US miltary has started targeting children in Afghanistan, we killed 3 10 year olds and under last week for 'digging holes'.

Watch this part of the story unfold: "A witness tells WFSB-TV that a second man was taken out of the woods in handcuffs wearing a black jacket and camouflage pants and telling parents on the scene, “I did not do it.”"

EVOLghost 12.14.2012 03:29 PM

Well isn't this just a depressing thread...

Rob Instigator 12.14.2012 04:54 PM


Originally Posted by EVOLghost
Well isn't this just a depressing thread...

Ever since the death of SY it has been quite depressing around here.

EVOLghost 12.14.2012 05:07 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
the death of SY.


Rob Instigator 12.14.2012 05:21 PM

Evolghost is still canoodling with the SYghost...

It seems fitting. Why he has a pic of his little sister on his sig is another matter.

RanaldoNecro 12.14.2012 05:26 PM

The brother of the shooter was found in Hoboken.....

the ikara cult 12.14.2012 05:41 PM

When i saw that Chinese story it was pretty much the exact arguement i always use against people who think guns should be legal, and lo and behold it comes true. Fuckin hell

the ikara cult 12.14.2012 06:14 PM

Funny how there never is that "One well trained gun owner" around whom the gun lobbyists always say is needed in a situation like this. Apart from the gunman himself, obviously.

RanaldoNecro 12.14.2012 06:45 PM

I used to feel as passioned about this issue as gast30 does. But I have just come numb to the continual horror that happens.

floatingslowly 12.14.2012 07:24 PM

I want texts from Cosey. :(

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 12.14.2012 07:28 PM

We need to remember and mourn these tragic shootings at mid-western white neighborhood schools. However, something as tragic, is that every week in the United States a teenager is shot and killed nearby or even at their school campus. Going to school in many neighborhoods in America, is literally a life and death matter. Not necessarily for privileged white kids, and that is why largely white tragedies like these take the spotlight, but why are the rest of dead and killed American teenagers not noticed? Where is their memorial? What always makes me upset in America is that very few Americans think of ALL Americans as being the same as them, as being equally American. We here in America are ALL Americans, and American tragedies should affect us all, not just when it happens in white neighborhoods. Let us mourn this tragedy today, but let us not neglect to mourn ALL the kids who are wrongfully killed by gun violence. Let us support those kids whose daily reality is one of menacing fear and foreboding dread.

gast30 12.14.2012 11:55 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
No one with the means to do anything cares about children in America.

That is what it seems.

Look at the pathetic funding of our school system, at our views of children as consumers, ready to beg parents to spend hard earned money on crap.

Look at the ridiculously short sentences chronic sexual abusers get.

In China, some yoyo went and stabbed up over 20 kids in a school this week. stabbed them up. China's knife control laws need to be addressed.

you are totally rite rob

i find that everywhere on the planet there is massive failing with protecting and caring about childeren

my solution for the future generations is that the population should be stopped

it i totally rational
the idea comes from the reality that there millions of childeren die'ing from hunger and abuse
abuse can also be looking for minerals and metals in mines
childeren that can be used as workforces for the rich, with other words SLAVERY

something america knows really good in it's history of slavery of black people
imported from africa

the problem are the people at the top
politicians who swear on their hearth about democraty while they are payed to work for multinationals

g20, g8 all these richest people on the planet that want to write down laws for other people

these people don't give a fuck about the future

they never did anything to stop abuse
or protect childeren

the latest move of the rich is that from highering the money you need to go to school


so poor people can't pay to get a diploma

so ...

the populations stay stupid and you can believe the lie of democraty
and they are in power over financials of the people, THEIR TAXMONEY

the people at the top are sick

they live decadent lives and are dangerous for the future
and don't give a fuck for the poor people

1 way to the top people

they have a lust for power, status and money

the only thing they don't have is eyes to see the trouble the population is struggeling with

100.000 camera's everywhere and internet and 100 tv channels

still their eyes can't see

no way man, they are totally guilty and responsable for all the problems they don't fix

gast30 12.15.2012 12:00 AM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
little bit reactionary huh?

I never said he KILLED anyone.

anyone who hurts children, whether by physical violence, or abuse, is a fucking evil person.

ofcourse you are a fucking evil person

life is something beautifull
childeren should play from morning till night
have everyday fun and enjoy life compleetly

gast30 12.15.2012 12:15 AM


Originally Posted by RanaldoNecro
I used to feel as passioned about this issue as gast30 does. But I have just come numb to the continual horror that happens.

it will go over ranaldonecro
it is a difficult psychological thing to explain now why you feel numb about the continual horror in the world

it is a sort of realisation piont of something extreem

like you watch tv and see that there is a war going on somewhere
or many wars at the same time world wide

and worldwide is the thing

how do you react on the world of 7 billion people?

are you psychologicly ready to watch war?
do you totally understand wha happend?
to what level do you understand it?

all questions everyone could ask themself
an introspection about the input from a place were childeren have to grow
this planet

there is only 1 planet at the moment were we all live on like it or not

as my response is to the problems world wide is the overpopulation

if humans stop the overpopulation all childeren are saved

if the over population continues many childeren will die over hunger and problems related to overpopulation

it is the truth about nature many people simply don't want to see

i don't know WHY ot what the problem is that they don't want to see the basic problem of overpopulation

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