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Moshe 09.15.2012 09:52 AM

Lee Ranaldo Band @ OWS One Year Anniversary Concert
Lee Ranaldo (with steve shelley + tim luntzel) will perform at The Occupy Wall Street One Year Anniversary Concert at Foley Square - Sunday Sept. 16 around 3pm.

Lee is Free 09.15.2012 11:19 PM

Here's the basic schedule for OWS S16 tomorrow 9/16 at Foley Square:

Throughout day Jello Biafra MC
Throughout day DJ Dutch e. Germ during set change

Set Times:

1-1:15 Guitarmy/kickoff Spectra presentation
1:15-1:20 Jello intro/song
1:20-1:25 Raging Grannies
1:25-1:45 Labor
1:45-1:50 Set change/Jello
1:50-2:00 Dispatch solo

2-2:10 Lee Camp
2:10-2:20 DA Training
2:20-2:30 Set change
2:30-2:50 Global Block/Occupy the Hood
2:50-2:55 Set change/Jello
2:55-3:05 Strike Debt/Invisible Army
3:05-3:15 Michelle Shocked
3:15-3:20 Set change
3:20-3:30 Lee Ranaldo
3:30-3:35 Set change/Jello
3:35-3:50 Kool A.D. from Das Racist with Weekend Money
3:50-3:55 Set change/Jello
3:55-4:10 Rebel Diaz
4:10-4:15 Set change/Jello
4:15-4:25 Chapin Family
4:25-4:35 Set change/Faith
4:35-4:55 Tom Morello
5-5:10 Acoustic "Which side are you on"


5:15-5:45 Haitian Rara band
5:45-6:00 DA Training
6:00-6:10 Faith/Shofar closing
Procession to Rosh Hashanah

Occupy Town Square

Occupy Town Square will be set up at Tom Paine Park.

Lee is Free 09.15.2012 11:20 PM

Here is the main S17 link, would be great if you could tweet it!

Also heres a little write up indicating the importance of debt to the overall anniversary convergence

Lee is Free 09.15.2012 11:21 PM


Lee is Free 09.15.2012 11:21 PM


Did you know that Spectra is about to pipe radioactive, fracked gas right into the West Village? Ten blocks around the pipeline are considered the “blast zone,” which would be on fire if the pipeline exploded. Construction of the pipeline is going on now.

Occupy the Pipeline is, along with a large group of concerned environmental groups, actively resisting this toxic construction project. Join the Occupy Guitarmy for a morning march around the “blast zone” with Occupy Puppets, Rude Mechanical Orchestra, the Federation of Black Cowboys, and many others. Dress in costume if you like! Bring noisemakers and instrument! And get ready to sing Cee Lo Green’s hit song redone for Occupy in 2012, “Frack You.”

The action will be followed by a march to the Occupy Town Square at Foley Square. (aka S16.b).


10am Gansevoort Street and West Street (the West Side Highway).

L/A train to 8th Avenue.


for real time info @owsmusicgroup

Get loud.

Occupy Musicians
Answer the question, what is the sound of this movement?
Twitter: @weoccupymusic

More artists in support:

Of the Occupy movements:

Pookie 09.16.2012 03:23 AM

Really good to see Lee supporting this!

Shame I'm ? thousand miles away.

hirsute_biped 09.16.2012 09:57 AM

That “Invisible Army of Defaulters” video is kinda reminiscent of the Bad Moon Rising front and back covers. I hope this has some impact. Too bad Los Angeles is so decentralized, seems like there is no place to focus any energy.

tesla69 09.17.2012 12:12 PM

Cops are snatching leaders off the streets now - pure police state - Ray Kelly fascist shit

Screaming Skull 09.17.2012 12:29 PM


Originally Posted by tesla69
Cops are snatching leaders off the streets now - pure police state - Ray Kelly fascist shit

I blame Obama. He's had more than enough time to get it right, but the USA continues to suffer. Did anyone else notice the general smell of "barn" at this event? You would think the Occupy movement was being attended by a bunch of farm animals. Seriously.

tesla69 09.18.2012 02:29 PM

Yeah, blame it on Obama, that's some deep thinking, and dehumanize some Americans while you're at it. Deep thinking here, folks. Deep thinking.

I saw the snatch squad in action Sunday. I was waiting to cross the street and a white panel van, without any identification other than some blinking emergency lights showing behind smoked glass. Not even govt plates. Suddenly 3 alleged cops show up with 2 urban youth in handcuffs, they were put in the van then drove off. Creepy as shit. Pure gestapo.

tesla69 09.18.2012 02:34 PM


Originally Posted by Lee is Free

Did you know that Spectra is about to pipe radioactive, fracked gas right into the West Village? Ten blocks around the pipeline are considered the “blast zone,” which would be on fire if the pipeline exploded. Construction of the pipeline is going on now.

Wonder what Quinn has to say about this...being the elite's pick for doomburg's replacement

Screaming Skull 09.18.2012 03:25 PM


Originally Posted by tesla69
I saw the snatch squad in action Sunday. I was waiting to cross the street and a white panel van, without any identification other than some blinking emergency lights showing behind smoked glass. Not even govt plates. Suddenly 3 alleged cops show up with 2 urban youth in handcuffs, they were put in the van then drove off. Creepy as shit. Pure gestapo.

My point exactly. It HAD to have been Obama's "comrades"...he's been working on this for a while...

tesla69 09.20.2012 09:23 AM


Originally Posted by Screaming Skull
My point exactly. It HAD to have been Obama's "comrades"...he's been working on this for a while...

No its the Bloomberg and Kelly gang, their political affiliation changes depending on the wind. BLoomie used to be a Demorat, then changed to a Rethuglican, then when the Bushies were fucking everything up and Bloomie was sputtering about running for pres he went independent.

Moshe 09.20.2012 04:51 PM

"The updated online pdf of Boog City 73, our Occupy at One Year issue, our biggest non-Portable Boog Reader issue ever (meaning online only), is now available. We've just been fortunate to add to our Occupy issue: Pictures from the Occupation, Images and Text by Lee Ranaldo".

You can read it at:

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