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louder 05.04.2012 01:21 PM

the fear of death
more than half a year ago i tried tripping for the first (and last) time, what an awful experience, i felt like i was going to die.
since then i've been thinking about death (particularly being dead, not the process of dying itself) a lot. sometimes it scares me so much to know one day i won't exist anymore that i feel like throwing up.
what is it like to be dead? do you move into the next world (doubt that shit)? are you re-born? do you just disappear/rest forever?
i think the death of a person IS a big deal. otherwise there would be no difference between the death of a human being and the death of a fly.
this fear of death makes me wanna bring kids into this world. knowing i'll have one or more children is the ONLY way i can let my mind relax each time.
i wanna be such a badass human being and go down as a legend. more than anything, i want my father to be proud of me.

louder 05.04.2012 01:25 PM

while i am scared of death, i actually do want to die someday too. i mean living forever would be horrible. there's a time each one of us needs to go.

floatingslowly 05.04.2012 01:34 PM

I was born dead (serious - I have the scars to prove it).

It's really no big deal.

Take a deep breath. Relax.

knox 05.04.2012 05:28 PM

my own death doesn't scare me one bit.
others dying and the pain that causes me is what scares me.
i thought that wouldn't sound selfish but it actually does.

i think the idea of having children just because you think they're supposed to be an "extension of you" or a way to overcome death is pretty gross.

EVOLghost 05.04.2012 05:59 PM

My friend tripped on shrooms and had a terrible trip regarding his death n stuff too. SCarred him too. Funny...yesterday I was thinking about it too, and realized one should be afraid about it. SOmetimes I feel like the fear of death is moreso the fear of the pain that might come with it or the fact taht you may be judged in the afterlife(thank you religion). but yeh, I myself don't think about it as a scary thing. Dying is the the next best thing after living.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 05.04.2012 07:20 PM

you only feel that way now. wait until your experience finally resonates into your soul, permeate your mind into awareness and teach you the vision it was meant to be. The problem with casual psychedelics is there is simply no such thing. Its always a vision quest, one way or the other. Some visions will scare you like that. but in time, you will learn the depth of what it really means, and the fear will subside towards an epiphany, or even more correctly a theophany.

and I don't fear death, I roll tough with Our Lady, I fear for other people's death because they are so afraid it hurts them, and pain is whats fearful. If death is permanently nothing or permanently heavenly, either way its beyond our scope, however the pain of this life hurts to the core. Death hurts the survivors, the dead folks are fine in their graves.

louder 05.05.2012 08:11 AM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
you only feel that way now. wait until your experience finally resonates into your soul, permeate your mind into awareness and teach you the vision it was meant to be. The problem with casual psychedelics is there is simply no such thing. Its always a vision quest, one way or the other. Some visions will scare you like that. but in time, you will learn the depth of what it really means, and the fear will subside towards an epiphany, or even more correctly a theophany.

and I don't fear death, I roll tough with Our Lady, I fear for other people's death because they are so afraid it hurts them, and pain is whats fearful. If death is permanently nothing or permanently heavenly, either way its beyond our scope, however the pain of this life hurts to the core. Death hurts the survivors, the dead folks are fine in their graves.

you are right. i feel like i'm in the process of overcoming my fear and understanding something bigger about this world.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 05.05.2012 01:41 PM


Originally Posted by louder
you are right. i feel like i'm in the process of overcoming my fear and understanding something bigger about this world.


yes, that is precisely the idea. enjoy the journey, life is bigger then 1s and 0s

gast30 05.05.2012 04:27 PM

just thoughts
and people can have them on the same time

if some one died
people will start to think about

and some normal thought around it will be made

depends on peoples age
what they think

young people won't think much of it
the older more serious thoughts will be giving it
depending on the individual and it's capabilty to let go of thoughts

more individual thing
as most of these thought
can't bother other people
and be misunderstood

part where the rationalism, words, visuals and all other input that came into a person
is uplifted

can be an irritating thing
if you want other peoples to think the same way as yourself

wich is irrational

the ikara cult 05.05.2012 04:37 PM

Ive always thought about death but recently ive felt more physically vulnerable than i ever have. Probably down to many years of inadvisable lifestyle choices, but it has the obverse effect of making me more open minded to art, music and literature. Feeling physically unsure certainly focuses the mind.

gast30 05.05.2012 04:49 PM

sensitivity of these matters are mostly forgotten
full moon and things
people with ordinairy fears

think all comes down to feeling comforatble with your own thought

my thought = nature is forward
death is backward

didn't think much of death in 35 years of times
to be really honest

and i don't feel like doing it
see no reason why

in general thinking not everyone will understand
the input or how to deal with it

do find it brave that people talk about it
open their thought

try to interact in what they think or feel

many people will be lurking for gossip
or sight see'ing this thread

i see it as a fossile that destroys normal flow of life
and the incapabilty of speaking about it

ofcourse it hasn't have to become a long streched drama

evollove 05.05.2012 05:43 PM

Weird. After a near-death experience about a year ago, I was fucked up for a little while.

Then, I considered the experience practice. I began to feel kinda okay about it. I certainly don't have a zen-like serenity toward the concept of my non-existence, but I do have a slightly more mature, resigned attitude.

On the other hand, notice that right now I have trouble even typing out the D-word and I feel more comfortable using other language.

It is the most frightening, horrible thing ever.

But then, it's just a loss of consciousness. Ever pass out? Same thing, except you never wake up. But you'll never know you'll never wake up.

Conclusion: It's a huge deal, but also not a big deal at all.

Oh, and the fact that I never grew up with a concept of Hell and I don't fear damnation helps a hell of a lot.

the ikara cult 05.05.2012 06:42 PM

When i used to play football i would get heart palpitations nearly every game and on a couple of occasions i passed out. Half the time i would stay on the pitch and carry on trying to play, insane as that sounds.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 05.05.2012 07:56 PM


Originally Posted by the ikara cult
When i used to play football i would get heart palpitations nearly every game and on a couple of occasions i passed out. Half the time i would stay on the pitch and carry on trying to play, insane as that sounds.

That's not insane, the MLS league requires several layers of on-field circulation and pulmonary testing before clearing players to play each contract signing. Some folks have simply dropped dead on the pitch!

the ikara cult 05.05.2012 08:08 PM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
That's not insane, the MLS league requires several layers of on-field circulation and pulmonary testing before clearing players to play each contract signing. Some folks have simply dropped dead on the pitch!

I mean it was insane that i didnt do anything about it and just carried on, mainly because im so bloody minded. "My heart's fizzing like packet of mentos in a bottle of coke? Thats no reason to stop running" was my attitude.

I think its fair to say i didnt have the best guidance in my teenage years.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 05.05.2012 10:45 PM


Originally Posted by the ikara cult

I think its fair to say i didnt have the best guidance in my teenage years.


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous


ann ashtray 05.06.2012 02:08 AM

All of my experiences w/ tripping have brought me to a place to where I'm more comfortable w/ concepts like death and all that jazz...all my experiences have been beautiful and the only downer is that I can't stay in that place. Everything is far more beautiful.

Sans dextromethorphan. That shit brought me to a very dark place I have no desire to ever return to.

Nothing ever really "ceases to exist". The matter I'm made up of will go on to become other things. Of course, my mind, whatever makes me "Sway", may not..but death likely means this is a fact I won't be aware of (another reason to not fear it). We just, become one with the cosmos in the same way we've always been one with it. That's all I know. Nothing, in my opinion, to be feared. maybe there is some sort of collective consciousness (nature?) in death. I don't know.

And the only likely difference between the death of a human and a fly is an emotional one. I doubt Mr. Dead Fly has many friends that miss him....but even with that, so???? In 1,000 years there will likely be little (if any) record of anyone on this forum. What info MIGHT be available won't interest most people of that time (taken, of course, people still exist).

Just live and enjoy it. At the very least, ya have this life. Focus on that...death is coming regardless of anything. Sorta like taking a piss or drinking a glass of water. It's just part of what we are.

gast30 05.06.2012 04:35 AM


Originally Posted by evollove
Weird. After a near-death experience about a year ago, I was fucked up for a little while.

Then, I considered the experience practice. I began to feel kinda okay about it. I certainly don't have a zen-like serenity toward the concept of my non-existence, but I do have a slightly more mature, resigned attitude.

On the other hand, notice that right now I have trouble even typing out the D-word and I feel more comfortable using other language.

It is the most frightening, horrible thing ever.

But then, it's just a loss of consciousness. Ever pass out? Same thing, except you never wake up. But you'll never know you'll never wake up.

Conclusion: It's a huge deal, but also not a big deal at all.

Oh, and the fact that I never grew up with a concept of Hell and I don't fear damnation helps a hell of a lot.

didn't thought about it
that many people had near death experiences

this will go with compared with a state of choque

you seem to deal good with it

and wil do better during time that will pas

gast30 05.06.2012 04:43 AM

from that thought
and all things of the past
many people have a state of choque

if you know that car accidents have the most deadth involved
and so the near death will be there too

thinking of people who died by deseases
will create a world wide same thinking towards these things

everywhere in the world people die

and this will have a same impact on people world wide

from that thinking
i think i'm rite

as not do think much about these things
because i have my normal life to continue

it would make my life impossible to continue
thinking about everyone who died
or has a near death experience

i think i feel good and that is importand
without beeing selfish

louder 05.06.2012 04:47 AM

almost forgot to mention i crashed my car into someone else's and totaled it a few weeks after that first experience. wasn't as scary, but i thought i was going to die.
those two events fucked me up for a while..

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