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gast30 04.16.2012 05:28 PM

warsituations afganistan, iraque, somali, syria
the last i heard today was that there are more weapons in syria now
wich was not a good thing to give or demonstrate to people
like a weapon is a model on the catwalk

now many people have died

do not forget to look in the now
the last 3000 years of war is over

this is war residue
a small group of negative people that just don't want to live and choose for suicide with other peoples life involved

i think in syria is now a very scary time breaking open
because people can not see the lenght or how long things are gonna take place

what we see in the afterwar of libia is that there is a lot of torture and killings by the "so called resistance"
who also lost their mind and can't get to piont a, the normal life with out guns and granades

as they told they were the resitance and wanted peace
and show your true face
peace is peace

iraque is also by moments a scary silence of also not knowing how many people want to kill them self

afganistan today again attacks against city's
it's an uncrontrolle able situation
afganistan can't stand on it's legs
too much opium use and long time war endurance
the afgan army is now the target
wich make this a visious circle of long time blinding

when people get agressive they loose their mind
for some kinda reason they don't think in terms of dead and alive
like they lost a basic psychology
all this makes life in afganistan almost impossible
all kinda things going on
people who are selling ancient aart
boudistic art from afganistan to art gallery's in belgium

sometimes i have questions by that
anyway the artworld is blind
there is nothing to see on the outside
your brain just doesn't want to cooperate in creating a world of peace
so your brain is contra - war
against the war
wich is really inportand in art
cause you give a public message
so called a legal room to show art

then somalia also in a heavy psychose the last images i have seen

and so on you know

forget the last 3000 years of war
those are over

there is nothing to see
there is nothing beautifull about war

don't know what is the best way for those countries in war
all really heavy problematics

stay cool
these people are dangerous because they are in the red
they are ready to explode
it's not joky
because you can't define borders where the open psychiatry begins or ends

so stay cool
this war is all heavy psychology 'things'

it's good to leave all the negativity from time to time
so you don't have it always in your head
like your brain is burned with war

then i think people don't see the borders of exitement
you know when the news flashes by

unbelieveable is this war 'things'

gast30 04.16.2012 05:34 PM

start brainwashing yourself with these 'thing' ^^
and let's try to make a better world during wartime
there is also alot good done to help
don't forget to help

gast30 04.16.2012 05:41 PM

down with war
UP with peace

rocky 04.16.2012 10:07 PM


Originally Posted by gast30
start brainwashing yourself with these 'thing' ^^
and let's try to make a better world during wartime
there is also alot good done to help
don't forget to help

I am doing this, i have wanted to post about it in the Unsurprized Paradise for a while but it didn't make sense. :o

The calendar is the original social networking device really, and in a time of thought I realized that a person could say to add something to the calendar and have the words and ideas mean a lot (a message). the message I chose was as a person who is "on" the calendar social network to call Feb 4th 2012 - Feb 4th 2022 "Ten years of Healing and Intentional Love (and we'll see how we feel afterwards)" ...

I have tried spreading the word in different ways, and i was scared actually when invisible children came out that it would make it hard for this to happen. Now invisible children was shown to be corrupt, so this still has a chance. The idea was the same as theirs, to have a lot of people find out about it. :) Thankfully there are ten years (and more) for something like this to work!

it is not meant to be a protest , it is a response to the idea that, why has this species of intelligent animals never worked to create anti-disasters?

We have seen disasters natural and man made and have not reverse engineered them yet, as is our nature. Now it has happened even though today it is still very small.

though it cannot cause peace, it can absolutely bring more healing and more "intentional love" and be an anti-disaster to inspire other anti-disasters.

gast30 04.17.2012 08:10 AM

i thought bring this up
because the situation is now fatality on the way back
people commiting suicide or snap and kill people

the war trauma is too havy for people to process
it's too havy on the brains
and people who return from war
will always have a strange feeling 'like the war has never been over'
like it's a slow cloud that passes the earth
a natural negative thinking about the world
'in the head of the traumatised' this goes
not in the head of other people

this in combination with the sexual abuse trauma's of the church
all those people who are alive
have trauma's

this combination makes it a reality where it's importand to relativate to continue

and i think or would advise for peoples with trauma's

that they now that they have been in a extreem situation
and when they come back
they meet the world they left
back in the same traumatized state
but then with another vieuw of i'm not the only one who is traumatized
and i still need to take care and be alert for dangers
but not over alert
like you are in a real war situation

prevent yourself with good positive thoughts
preventation is importand
to feel good
and relativate the situation
with knowing the psychiatric trauma that are going on now with victims

that victims of trauma should not be on the way of suicide
not on the way with extreemist to create more problems in a world that is become an ocean of problems < is not a healty future for brain/mind
not be on the way of addiction and sexslavery for money

victims of trauma best go to trauma help centers
fast as possible
if you have a trauma also accept you will take 4 to 6 year plan to feel better

the best medicine for trauma is sleep
not medication
and during day if you feel funny in your head with all kinds of things and questions in your head
you leave it
because this will be proced during sleep
and if you are in a good sleep rythim
you have a lighter day
you feel lighter

not allways thos dark clouds around your head
and this is my advise with this trauma things that are going on

stay bright and sleep good
medication can be risco
that can lead to addicition of medication
so you can't lead yourself into an addiction of medication
if you don't need medication
don't use it
just try to have a sort of normal day
and always remember you are not the only one that is traumatised
and some people can follow these thing and bring all in good order
a better life
a better sociaty that want to feel good
and continue in a positive way
so it also a good example for childeren
childeren who are prevented from going blind

gast30 04.17.2012 08:43 AM

so i support people in trauma
this is now trauma talk
always have to be there in spirit and i can be there for ever

when the trauma is over
everthing is back peace
the individual life is normalized
everthing natural is always been natral
sometimes we grow up with santa claus stories and things to keep childeren sweet
you don't have to find it importand to have a storie, most of them are positive for a guide trough life you know
like you found a airplainebook in the woods that explains something or ' some part'

you need to relativate
because there is a chance in life that you go on a dangerous way where the ice under your feet break and you fall into more problems
coming from a trauma
do not forget the natural function of the body there is no mercy in life
when your brain is totally damaged by addiction
you have created from 1 heavy problem to 2 heavy problems
and when you are there
you can easely die

so remember to remind the positive way of trauma help
pass it on the positivity
let the world heal
let everyone feel good

why not?

floatingslowly 04.17.2012 08:44 AM

I dunno...

As someone who dislikes everyone else, I really don't see much of a problem with WAR.

monkees killing monkees - win/win

gast30 04.17.2012 08:49 AM

always remeber the positive way of trauma help

very importand

gast30 04.17.2012 08:51 AM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
I dunno...

As someone who dislikes everyone else, I really don't see much of a problem with WAR.

monkees killing monkees - win/win

i dunno either
this is a very childish reaction

you sound like you are afraid of a mouse
is that true?

floatingslowly 04.17.2012 08:52 AM how

floatingslowly 04.17.2012 08:54 AM

Is it childish to let babboobs play with bombs?

No. Its lazy. I kill.the wprld with my.lazy.

Let THEM do it

gast30 04.17.2012 09:06 AM

it's not monky's killing monkey
it's the attack of the weak
the animal respond mostly with the same it is been attaced
if you hit a human
most likely the human hit back
if the strong attack the weak
the weak can't fight back
so the weak have to choose for the option of IQ to survive better towards the future
if you are weak
use iq
agressors never will turn intelligent

gast30 04.17.2012 09:21 AM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
Is it childish to let babboobs play with bombs?

No. Its lazy. I kill.the wprld with my.lazy.

Let THEM do it

it is what it is
like everthing that is born

when there is agression there is fear
people live 24 h a day in that fear
and that is no fun at all
and defenitively not making things better

the people don't want to live in fear
from their own people that are turning agressive extremistis

the people there are now liberating themself from the agressor
that is not simple
it's for the extrimist to realize it's a psychopat

is that childish
to live with terrorsit 24 h a day
not me

i find that realisticly very scary to live there
not to mention breath there

i very scared of those places
you don't know how the game goes
or where you will be killed in a cave and those scary shit

mexico is also very scary
very psychotic because of the mixture with drugs
so then you easely have these extreem agression going on
where then no one can stop this agression

same how iraq war started
remeber the DUMP of higher official
who didn't know what they where to be expected in iraq
they thought it was going to be an ambassy job, la la li la la la ect
it was a DUMP of people because they know you could easely die in iraq especially as american
and so the goverment of the time send the made ready DUMPS to iraq

to afraid to go them self

gast30 04.17.2012 09:24 AM

i am extreemly afraid
and i say it openly
these are my natural emotions

floatingslowly 04.17.2012 09:35 AM

Dont be scared.

I will protect you.

With guns!

rocky 04.18.2012 07:08 PM


Originally Posted by gast30
always remeber the positive way of trauma help

very importand

Yes. When [people] lived in tribes or troupes, family groups, trauma was very much there to see and healing it was very important.

For so long now, it can be so hard to see, way out of sight, and part of the trauma is that our natural group (tribe/troupe) has been disbanded in favor of splitting everything into something smaller and less functional. :( thinking helps us get through it though. It is hard not to consider the unsurprized paradise, there is a lot of trauma help there! in just one month. A lot of the words you write are very smart and could help many people suffering! Soon we could make a site connected to this site or maybe separate for trauma help sounds/writings/ideas/anything. :)

gast30 04.22.2012 11:48 AM


Originally Posted by rocky
Yes. When [people] lived in tribes or troupes, family groups, trauma was very much there to see and healing it was very important.

For so long now, it can be so hard to see, way out of sight, and part of the trauma is that our natural group (tribe/troupe) has been disbanded in favor of splitting everything into something smaller and less functional. :( thinking helps us get through it though. It is hard not to consider the unsurprized paradise, there is a lot of trauma help there! in just one month. A lot of the words you write are very smart and could help many people suffering! Soon we could make a site connected to this site or maybe separate for trauma help sounds/writings/ideas/anything. :)

you forgot to write 'stop'
words you write are very smart and could help many people suffering!

it is sure not easy
because some things are new for people
and some things are totally new
when you are down you have thinking capacity to bring yourself out
that is what 'maybe ' others ' can do for you

the trauma help starts when you definitivly have choosen for a preventive life
you can't get no trauma help and then change your mind

it can be that people who are helped get wrong again

and that is not the idea of help
to create trauma
then it's a vicious circel of blured situations
when no group can get this together

slowly pulling people out
and explaining why and how or what
and then things are clear
and people feel better
because it's all nature
difficult biology

no one knowed this from the beginning
someone started to help people
because they thought it's a good idea
and if people don't need no help
then it's better
then people can move on with the life they wanted
returned harmony

and so the next generation can learn and grow and help themself better
if they need help
and after some time during life
all become clear

and people can choose in peace what they want
or how they want to live

gast30 04.22.2012 11:50 AM

how you want to live
not taking desicions for others

that is manipulation and misleading information

gast30 04.22.2012 11:55 AM

it's importand the normal life returns for the childeren
or else they will question their head what happend
and by the end of the answer
you can easely blame everthing on people
and so forget that thing sometimes are more complex
people who in reality have nothing to do with it

gast30 04.22.2012 11:58 AM

the same for the houses where peope live
if you look around in europe
nothing is build anymore
people have no home

so it's contra future
and childeren can't understand contra future
they are not poisond with the past

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