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demonrail666 04.15.2012 08:27 AM

Of the two, who or what do you prefer?
Batman or Spiderman
Blur or Oasis
Tea or Coffee
Biggie or Tupac
Red Wine or White Wine
Fender or Gibson
Hole or Bikini Kill
Medium or Rare
East Coast or West Coast
Sex Pistols or The Clash
Black Sabbath or Judas Priest
X Box or Playstation
Sisters of Mercy or The Mission
Marshall or Fender
John Carpenter or George Romero
Lennon or McCartney
Lydia Lunch or Diamanda Galas
Curtains or Blinds
Noisy Swans or Quiet Swans
Marvel or DC
American Punk or British Punk
Burger King or McDonalds
James Herbert or Stephen King
Elvis Presley or Bob Dylan
Cats or Dogs
Plato or Socrates
Vangelis or Jean Michel Jarre
Miles Davis or John Coltrane
Urban or Rural
PC or Mac
Black or With Milk
Stones or Beatles
Resident Evil or Silent Hill
Robert DeNiro or Al Pacino
North or South
Digital or Analog
Joy Division or New Order
Philip K Dick or William Gibson
The Wire or The Sopranos
The Clash or The Ramones
Pepsi or Coca Cola
Marx or Weber
Christmas or Birthday
Lee or Thurston
Ali or Tyson
Nude or Partially Clothed
Rap or House
Summer or Winter
Beck or The Beastie Boys
Wholemeal or White
Han Solo or Chewbacca
Robert Redford or Paul Newman
Sigue Sigue Sputnik or Atari Teenage Riot
High on Fire or Electric Wizard
Jay Z or Nas
Andy Warhol or Jackson Pollock
Beer or Spirits
Mickey or Donald
Iron Maiden or Metallica
Thin Crust or Deep Pan
Seinfeld or Curb
Jesus or Dawkins

louder 04.15.2012 09:41 AM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
Batman or Spiderman Batman
Blur or Oasis Blur
Tea or Coffee Coffee
Biggie or Tupac Pac
Red Wine or White Wine White
Fender or Gibson
Hole or Bikini Kill Hole
Medium or Rare Rare
East Coast or West Coast WC
Sex Pistols or The Clash Clash
Black Sabbath or Judas Priest Sabbath
X Box or Playstation PS
Sisters of Mercy or The Mission Sisters
Marshall or Fender
John Carpenter or George Romero Carpenter
Lennon or McCartney McCartney
Lydia Lunch or Diamanda Galas Lydia
Curtains or Blinds Curtains
Noisy Swans or Quiet Swans Quiet
Marvel or DC Marvel
American Punk or British Punk American
Burger King or McDonalds Burger King
James Herbert or Stephen King King
Elvis Presley or Bob Dylan Elvis
Cats or Dogs Dogs
Plato or Socrates Socrates
Vangelis or Jean Michel Jarre Vangelis
Miles Davis or John Coltrane Coltrane
Urban or Rural Urban
PC or Mac PC
Black or With Milk Milk
Stones or Beatles Stones
Resident Evil or Silent Hill
Robert DeNiro or Al Pacino DeNiro
North or South South
Digital or Analog Digital
Joy Division or New Order JD
Philip K Dick or William Gibson Gibson
The Wire or The Sopranos Sopranos
The Clash or The Ramones Clash
Pepsi or Coca Cola Coca Cola
Marx or Weber Weber
Christmas or Birthday Birthday
Lee or Thurston Lee
Ali or Tyson Ali
Nude or Partially Clothed Nude
Rap or House Rap
Summer or Winter Summer
Beck or The Beastie Boys Beck
Wholemeal or White White
Han Solo or Chewbacca Han Solo
Robert Redford or Paul Newman Newman
Sigue Sigue Sputnik or Atari Teenage Riot ATR
High on Fire or Electric Wizard Electric Wizard
Jay Z or Nas Jay
Andy Warhol or Jackson Pollock Warhol
Beer or Spirits Beer
Mickey or Donald Donald
Iron Maiden or Metallica Maiden
Thin Crust or Deep Pan Deep pan
Seinfeld or Curb Seinfeld
Jesus or Dawkins Jesus

that was fun..

P.S. and i don't know anything about guitars.

Glice 04.15.2012 10:27 AM

Batman, Blur, Tea, Biggie (though I would've said Tupac years ago), Red wine, Fender (Gibsons are dreadful instruments), Bikini Kill (the only answer), Rare, West Coast (because you all talk funny down here), Pistols, Priest, Not sure, Sisters, Marshall (only a bit though), John Carpenter (based on things people say about me), McCartney (at a push), Galas, Curtains, Noisy Swans, don't know, British punk, meh, meh, Presley, Cats, Socrates, Miles, Urral, PC (Macs aren't real computers), Milk, Stones, uh..., meh, South, Digital, New Order, Gibson (just), Sopranos, Ramoes, Coke, Weber, Christmas, Thurston (just), Tyson for technique, Ali for charisma, Partially clothed, house, Beastie Boys, White, don't know, don't know, ATR!, Electric Wizard, Jay-Z, Pollock, Beer, Meh, Maiden!, deep pan, Curb, Jesus.

Pookie 04.15.2012 11:30 AM

Consider the ones I've left as "neithers".

Batman or Spiderman
Blur or Oasis
Tea or Coffee
Biggie or Tupac
Red Wine or White Wine
Fender or Gibson
Hole or Bikini Kill
Medium or Rare
East Coast or West Coast
Sex Pistols or The Clash
Black Sabbath or Judas Priest
X Box or Playstation
Sisters of Mercy or The Mission
Marshall or Fender
John Carpenter or George Romero
Lennon or McCartney
Lydia Lunch or Diamanda Galas
Curtains or Blinds
Noisy Swans or Quiet Swans
Marvel or DC
American Punk or British Punk
Burger King or McDonalds
James Herbert or Stephen King
Elvis Presley or Bob Dylan
Cats or Dogs
Plato or Socrates
Vangelis or Jean Michel Jarre
Miles Davis or John Coltrane
Urban or Rural
PC or Mac
Black or With Milk
Stones or Beatles
Resident Evil or Silent Hill
Robert DeNiro or Al Pacino
North or South
Digital or Analog
Joy Division or New Order
Philip K Dick or William Gibson
The Wire or The Sopranos
The Clash or The Ramones
Pepsi or Coca Cola
Marx or Weber
Christmas or Birthday
Lee or Thurston
Ali or Tyson
Nude or Partially Clothed
Rap or House
Summer or Winter
Beck or The Beastie Boys
Wholemeal or White
Han Solo or Chewbacca
Robert Redford or Paul Newman
Sigue Sigue Sputnik or Atari Teenage Riot
High on Fire or Electric Wizard
Jay Z or Nas
Andy Warhol or Jackson Pollock
Beer or Spirits
Mickey or Donald
Iron Maiden or Metallica
Thin Crust or Deep Pan
Seinfeld or Curb
Jesus or Dawkins

stu666 04.15.2012 11:41 AM

Red Wine
East Coast
Sex Pistols
Black Sabbath
John Carpenter
Lydia Lunch
Noisy Swans
British Punk
Burger King
Stephen King
Bob Dylan
Jean Michel Jarre
With Milk
Silent Hill
Robert DeNiro
Joy Division
Philip K Dick
The Ramones
Coca Cola
The Beastie Boys
Electric Wizard
Andy Warhol
Thin Crust

any that I didn't answer was because I don't know, don't care for either or couldn't decide.

!@#$%! 04.15.2012 12:29 PM

Batman or Spiderman - spiderman from cartoons, batman from the movies
Blur or Oasis - who gives a shit
Tea or Coffee - both, depends when/why/what with
Biggie or Tupac - see blur/oasis
Red Wine or White Wine - red
Fender or Gibson - don't know
Hole or Bikini Kill - hm.... hard to choose. bk doesn't have courtney love but hole didn''t make lyrics by counting to 147... o wait that was le tigre-- bikini kill then
Medium or Rare - rare
East Coast or West Coast - the east coast reads books
Sex Pistols or The Clash - sex pistols
Black Sabbath or Judas Priest - sabbath
X Box or Playstation - PC
Sisters of Mercy or The Mission - echo and the bunnymen
Marshall or Fender - i've no fucking idea, i'll go with marshall
John Carpenter or George Romero - romero
Lennon or McCartney - lennon
Lydia Lunch or Diamanda Galas - hmmm....
Curtains or Blinds - blinds = control
Noisy Swans or Quiet Swans - noisy
Marvel or DC - vertigo = DC
American Punk or British Punk - fuck britain. 'merica!
Burger King or McDonalds - both shit but mcd is cleaner
James Herbert or Stephen King - who?
Elvis Presley or Bob Dylan - zzzzz
Cats or Dogs - cats for pets, dogs for guards
Plato or Socrates - aristotle
Vangelis or Jean Michel Jarre - zzzzzz
Miles Davis or John Coltrane - trane
Urban or Rural - urban
PC or Mac - for what purpose? macs for work, pc for games
Black or With Milk - depends doh
Stones or Beatles - stones all the fucking way
Resident Evil or Silent Hill - zzzzzz
Robert DeNiro or Al Pacino - pacino has more range
North or South - north
Digital or Analog - analog drugs
Joy Division or New Order - new order
Philip K Dick or William Gibson - gibson writes better
The Wire or The Sopranos - wire +++
The Clash or The Ramones - ramones
Pepsi or Coca Cola - same shit different label
Marx or Weber - weber is less boring
Christmas or Birthday - what's this 'christmas" you speak of?
Lee or Thurston - lee
Ali or Tyson - ali, bomaye!
Nude or Partially Clothed - partial is hotter
Rap or House - the lesser evil is prolly rap
Summer or Winter - summer
Beck or The Beastie Boys - beastie boys
Wholemeal or White - white tastes better
Han Solo or Chewbacca - solo is less retarded
Robert Redford or Paul Newman - newman ftw
Sigue Sigue Sputnik or Atari Teenage Riot - atr
High on Fire or Electric Wizard - high on fire
Jay Z or Nas - jay z impregnated beyonce- can you beat that? no you can't
Andy Warhol or Jackson Pollock - warholio changed the XX century
Beer or Spirits - for what purpose?
Mickey or Donald - donald
Iron Maiden or Metallica - maiden
Thin Crust or Deep Pan - thin of course, "deep pan" is supermaket shit
Seinfeld or Curb - curb
Jesus or Dawkins - dawkins actually exists

!@#$%! 04.15.2012 12:42 PM

stu: wow! wtf is a "super moderator"?

stu666 04.15.2012 01:17 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
stu: wow! wtf is a "super moderator"?

I've been promoted! so you all better watch out and be super nice to me... :p

!@#$%! 04.15.2012 01:25 PM


Originally Posted by stu666
I've been promoted! so you all better watch out and be super nice to me... :p

okay okay... i'll behave, officer-- i promise!


Glice 04.15.2012 01:42 PM


Originally Posted by stu666
I've been promoted! so you all better watch out and be super nice to me... :p


louder 04.15.2012 01:43 PM


Originally Posted by stu666
I've been promoted! so you all better watch out and be super nice to me... :p

fuck you. :p

Murmer99 04.15.2012 01:57 PM

Red Wine
East coast
Sex Pistols
Black Sabbath
Sisters of Mercy
John Carpenter
Lydia Lunch
Quiet Swans
Cats (though I love both)
Jean Michel Jarre
Miles Davis
With Milk
The Beatles
Robert DeNiro
Joy Division
Philip K. Dick (I like Gibson too)
The Wire or The Sopranos = The Simpsons
The Ramones
Lee Ranaldo
Nude (can't let this glorious body go to waste...)
Paul Newman (The Verdict!)
Atari Teenage Riot
Electric Wizard
Jackson Pollock
Donald (the new york ripper donald!)
Deep Pan

demonrail666 04.15.2012 02:47 PM

Red Wine
Bikini Kill
East Coast
Noisy Swans
American Punk
Stephen King
Elvis Presley
Plato or Socrates = No idea
Miles Davis
Silent Hill
Robert DeNiro
New Order
Philip K Dick
The Wire
The Ramones
Partially Clothed
The Beastie Boys
Paul Newman
Sigue Sigue Sputnik
High on Fire
Jay Z
Andy Warhol
Iron Maiden
Thin Crust

ilduclo 04.15.2012 03:09 PM

Blur or Oasis neither
Red Wine
Bikini Kill
West Coast
Black Sabbath
John Carpenter
Diamanda Galas way better vocal range, but that's an unfair comp
Yellow Swans
British Punk
Burger King or McDonalds neither
Stephen King
Bob Dylan
Plato or Socrates neither
Miles Davis
Rural most of the time, but visit the city every couple months
With Milk
Resident Evil or Silent Hill neither
Robert DeNiro
Joy Division
Philip K Dick
The Sopranos
The Clash
Coca Cola
Beastie Boys
Han Solo or Chewbacca niether
Paul Newman
Sigue Sigue Sputnik or Atari Teenage Riot neither
High on Fire
Jay Z or Nas neither
Jackson Pollock
Thin Crust or Deep Pan theres good and bad of both

keep poppin pimples 04.15.2012 04:27 PM

hole is the wrong answer

keep poppin pimples 04.15.2012 04:35 PM

Blur or Oasis: no idea
Red Wine or White Wine: neither
Bikini Kill
Medium or Rare: neither
West Coast
The Clash
Black Sabbath
Sisters of Mercy or The Mission: actually don't know what these even are
Marshall or Fender: lol, decent amps? my 25 watt traynor assures you i know little about that
John Carpenter
Diamanda Galas
Curtains or Blinds: don't know the difference
Noisy Swans
American Punk:
Burger King
Stephen King
Elvis Presley or Bob Dylan: neither
Jean Michel Jarre
John Coltrane
Resident Evil or Silent Hill: haven't tried
Al Pacino
Joy Division or New Order: haven't heard
Philip K Dick or William Gibson: haven't read
The Wire or The Sopranos: haven't watched
The Ramones
Christmas or Birthday: neither
The Beastie Boys
Robert Redford
Sigue Sigue Sputnik or Atari Teenage Riot: haven't heard
Electric Wizard
Jay Z or Nas: neither
Jackson Pollock
Iron Maiden
Deep Pan

Torn Curtain 04.15.2012 06:07 PM

Batman or Spiderman: none
Blur or Oasis: Blur
Tea or Coffee: both
Biggie or Tupac: none
Red Wine or White Wine: none
Fender or Gibson: Fender
Hole or Bikini Kill: Hole
Medium or Rare: none (well done)
East Coast or West Coast: not relevant (never been to the USA)
Sex Pistols or The Clash: Sex Pistols
Black Sabbath or Judas Priest: Black Sabbath
X Box or Playstation: none
Sisters of Mercy or The Mission: Sisters of Mercy
Marshall or Fender: Fender
John Carpenter or George Romero: I don't know Romero so ?
Lennon or McCartney: McCartney
Lydia Lunch or Diamanda Galas: None
Curtains or Blinds: no idea
Noisy Swans or Quiet Swans: what ?
Marvel or DC: what ?
American Punk or British Punk: US
Burger King or McDonalds: no Burger King in France so McDonalds by default
James Herbert or Stephen King: don't know Herbert so King
Elvis Presley or Bob Dylan: Dylan
Cats or Dogs: Cats
Plato or Socrates: no idea
Vangelis or Jean Michel Jarre: Jarre maybe
Miles Davis or John Coltrane: both
Urban or Rural: rural
PC or Mac: PC
Black or With Milk: I like both
Stones or Beatles: Beatles
Resident Evil or Silent Hill: none
Robert DeNiro or Al Pacino: Pacino
North or South: South
Digital or Analog: Digital
Joy Division or New Order: Joy Division
Philip K Dick or William Gibson: no idea
The Wire or The Sopranos: I have yet to see both
The Clash or The Ramones: Ramones
Pepsi or Coca Cola: Pepsi
Marx or Weber: Weber
Christmas or Birthday: birthday maybe
Lee or Thurston: Lee
Ali or Tyson: Ali
Nude or Partially Clothed: partially clothed
Rap or House: none
Summer or Winter: summer
Beck or The Beastie Boys: Beastie Boys
Wholemeal or White: both
Han Solo or Chewbacca: no idea
Robert Redford or Paul Newman: no idea
Sigue Sigue Sputnik or Atari Teenage Riot: none
High on Fire or Electric Wizard: none
Jay Z or Nas: no idea
Andy Warhol or Jackson Pollock: I don't know what Pollock did so can't decide
Beer or Spirits: spirits (in small dose)
Mickey or Donald: no idea
Iron Maiden or Metallica: Metallica
Thin Crust or Deep Pan: Thin crust
Seinfeld or Curb: don't know Curb
Jesus or Dawkins: don't know Dawkins

ann ashtray 04.15.2012 07:41 PM

Batman or Spiderman - Batman
Blur or Oasis - Blur (If I had to pick. Both suck)
Tea or Coffee - Tea
Biggie or Tupac - Biggie
Red Wine or White Wine - Red
Fender or Gibson - Fender
Hole or Bikini Kill - HOLE
Medium or Rare - Rare
East Coast or West Coast - EAST!
Sex Pistols or The Clash - Pistols
Black Sabbath or Judas Priest - Sabbath
X Box or Playstation - Playstation
Sisters of Mercy or The Mission - Sisters of Mercy
Marshall or Fender - Fender
John Carpenter or George Romero - Romero
Lennon or McCartney - George
Lydia Lunch or Diamanda Galas - Diamanda Galas
Curtains or Blinds - Curtains
Noisy Swans or Quiet Swans - Noisy
Marvel or DC - DC
American Punk or British Punk - American
Burger King or McDonalds - Ugh...BK (both suck, just the lesser of two evils)
James Herbert or Stephen King
Elvis Presley or Bob Dylan - Elvis
Cats or Dogs - Cats
Plato or Socrates - Socrates
Vangelis or Jean Michel Jarre - Vangelis (Blade Runner, dude)
Miles Davis or John Coltrane - Coltrane
Urban or Rural - Rural (rural areas near urban)
PC or Mac - PC
Black or With Milk - Black
Stones or Beatles - STONES
Resident Evil or Silent Hill - psst
Robert DeNiro or Al Pacino - DeNiro
North or South - South
Digital or Analog - Analog
Joy Division or New Order - Joy Division
Philip K Dick or William Gibson - PKD
The Wire or The Sopranos - Sopranos
The Clash or The Ramones - Ramones
Pepsi or Coca Cola - Pepsi (all I want is one, though)
Marx or Weber - n/a
Christmas or Birthday - Christmas
Lee or Thurston - Lee (Artistically. Thurston is funnier, though)
Ali or Tyson - Ali
Nude or Partially Clothed - Depends
Rap or House - Rap
Summer or Winter
Beck or The Beastie Boys
Wholemeal or White - White
Han Solo or Chewbacca - Han
Robert Redford or Paul Newman - Paul Newman
Sigue Sigue Sputnik or Atari Teenage Riot - Neither
High on Fire or Electric Wizard - Electric Wizard
Jay Z or Nas - Jay Z
Andy Warhol or Jackson Pollock - Pollock
Beer or Spirits - Both, please.
Mickey or Donald - Donald
Iron Maiden or Metallica - Metallica
Thin Crust or Deep Pan - Thin
Seinfeld or Curb - Both suck. I guess Curb, though.
Jesus or Dawkins - Both have their places.

Ghostchase 04.15.2012 08:00 PM

Okay, here is my important ones.


The Clash or The Ramones. Neither!

Atari Teenage Riot rules my life.

Beck or Beasties Boys? I really could never pick between those two, love them both equally.

Same goes for Resident Evil and Silent Hill.

noisereductions 04.15.2012 08:30 PM

FUCK IT. It's been to long since I've wasted time here...

Batman or Spiderman - Batman (thought I think DC sucks mostly)
Blur or Oasis - BLUR!
Tea or Coffee - COFFEE!
Biggie or Tupac - Pac
Red Wine or White Wine - White
Fender or Gibson = Fender
Hole or Bikini Kill = Hole
Medium or Rare = med.
East Coast or West Coast = East
Sex Pistols or The Clash - Clash
Black Sabbath or Judas Priest - Sabbath
X Box or Playstation - PLAYSTATION
Sisters of Mercy or The Mission = not familiar with either
Marshall or Fender = Fender
John Carpenter or George Romero - Carpenter
Lennon or McCartney = Lennon
Lydia Lunch or Diamanda Galas = Lydia
Curtains or Blinds = curts
Noisy Swans or Quiet Swans - I wish I knew
Marvel or DC = Marvel
American Punk or British Punk - US
Burger King or McDonalds = McDonalds
James Herbert or Stephen King = King
Elvis Presley or Bob Dylan = Dylan
Cats or Dogs = cats
Plato or Socrates = Socrates was in Bill & Ted
Vangelis or Jean Michel Jarre - Vangelis
Miles Davis or John Coltrane - TRANE
Urban or Rural - Urb
PC or Mac = PC
Black or With Milk - milk (no sugar)
Stones or Beatles - Beatles
Resident Evil or Silent Hill - Silent Hill
Robert DeNiro or Al Pacino - DeNiro
North or South - North?
Digital or Analog - what?
Joy Division or New Order - I wanna say New Order based on listens?
Philip K Dick or William Gibson = PKD
The Wire or The Sopranos - haven't seen either
The Clash or The Ramones = RAMONES
Pepsi or Coca Cola = Peps
Marx or Weber = huh?
Christmas or Birthday - xmas
Lee or Thurston - THURSTON
Ali or Tyson = don't care
Nude or Partially Clothed - cmon
Rap or House - HIPHOP
Summer or Winter - SUMMER
Beck or The Beastie Boys = BECK
Wholemeal or White - whatis this?
Han Solo or Chewbacca - hate Star Wars
Robert Redford or Paul Newman - dont care
Sigue Sigue Sputnik or Atari Teenage Riot = hmm. Atari I guess
High on Fire or Electric Wizard = no idea these
Jay Z or Nas = Jay-Z
Andy Warhol or Jackson Pollock - meh
Beer or Spirits - beer
Mickey or Donald - Mickey
Iron Maiden or Metallica = Metallica
Thin Crust or Deep Pan = deep
Seinfeld or Curb = ooh good one. Seinfeld I guess. But both awesome
Jesus or Dawkin = eh?

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