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Cantankerous 10.28.2006 01:10 PM

they found a body a block away from your house?

shame it wasn't you, that wouldve been enough meat to feed a third world country.

porkmarras 10.28.2006 01:12 PM

Oh you're sooooo entertaining these days,Saturnine.You and Courtney just wish you were as cool as Brix Smith,k?

jon boy 10.28.2006 01:21 PM


Originally Posted by Cantankerous
they found a body a block away from your house?

shame it wasn't you, that wouldve been enough meat to feed a third world country.

i am not really sure what your trying to say there so i will just nod politley and say yes.

Savage Clone 10.28.2006 01:30 PM

She's trying to call me fat.

That was a weird occurrence. It's right next to a fairly ritzy private school.

porkmarras 10.28.2006 01:31 PM

I think that the 'fat queen' i call you sometimes was a little too subtle for her.Queens call each other 'Fat' no matter their size,sometimes.It's how it goes..............

Savage Clone 10.28.2006 01:32 PM

I am a little bit fat.

porkmarras 10.28.2006 01:33 PM

I know,fat queen.

Cantankerous 10.28.2006 01:47 PM


Originally Posted by Savage Clone
I am a little bit fat.

I know you're jealous of my girlish figure, drone.

Originally Posted by porkmarras
Oh you're sooooo entertaining these days,Saturnine.You and Courtney just wish you were as cool as Brix Smith,k?

fact: brix smith nearly ended up hole's bassist in 1994.

Savage Clone 10.28.2006 01:56 PM


Originally Posted by Cantankerous
I know you're jealous of my girlish figure, drone.

Just because I wear leather pants doesn't mean I want boobs.

Cantankerous 10.28.2006 01:58 PM


Originally Posted by Savage Clone
Just because I wear leather pants doesn't mean I want boobs.

your tits are probably bigger than mine.

!@#$%! 10.28.2006 02:06 PM


Originally Posted by Savage Clone
Just because I wear leather pants doesn't mean I want boobs.

oh hey man i have been meaning to aX you this for a long time and i hope i don't interrupt your strange flirting with saturnine with this question, but how come you're a vegetarian yet wear leather pants? or are they not real leather? just curious, i swear i'm not trying to mock you (this time anyway).

Cantankerous 10.28.2006 02:07 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
or are they not real leather?

hahahaa PLEATHER PANTS!!!!

Savage Clone 10.28.2006 02:08 PM

The veganism choice was only tangentially related to animal rights; it was mostly a health thing and a grossout factor that were at play in these decisions. And the fact that it isn't necessary to eat animal products, more efficient, better for the environment, etc. It's an easy choice to make in the time in which I live and the location in which I live. I have a lot of alternatives easily available.
Besides, pretty much all my leather stuff is used and most of it is older or almost as old as I am anyway. I'm not creating a lot of new demand.

I had a couple of pairs of pleather pants in the past (they had a cool design), but they were sweaty and uncomfortable and not very durable. The real thing is much better.

Cantankerous 10.28.2006 02:09 PM

well i bought them BEFORE i turned vegan so it must be alright!

Savage Clone 10.28.2006 02:11 PM

Actually, mostly after.
I'm just saying they are old and/or used. I buy this stuff secondhand and I alter to my liking.

I don't exactly live a vegan "lifestyle;" I eat a vegan diet.

!@#$%! 10.28.2006 02:16 PM

ok so you're not grossed out by wearing dead animal skins on you? don't get me wrong, i love my leather jackets, they are practically my winter uniform, it's just that what you say about food and the environment etc. applies also to clothing. anyway you're perfectly inconsistent and i appreciate that-- self-contradiction is a privilege of creative minds. now please forget i ever mentioned this, i was just curious.

Cantankerous 10.28.2006 02:16 PM

for every animal drone doesn't eat, i'll eat three.

!@#$%! 10.28.2006 02:17 PM

[wrong thread]

Savage Clone 10.28.2006 02:19 PM

I'm talking about what I eat.
Eating and wearing are different.
Hell, if I could legally get a lamp with a human skin shade I would probably do so (provided it was a tasteful Danish-style design); that doesn't mean I would eat a human.
Besides, used leather (and even used fur, though I don't wear fur for taste reasons) clothing exists and is out there in the secondhand market. I have no problem whatever with buying secondhand goods, because they already exist and do not fuel new demand for this stuff.
I love gore and guts and all that stuff. I just happen to be very particular about what I will eat.

I have to go take Mr Metzger to soundcheck, but feel free to continue to poke holes in a lifestyle I have never tried to convert a single person into adopting if you like.

!@#$%! 10.28.2006 02:21 PM

cmon man dont get rational, i didnt mean to argue this, i was just being nosy

now don't deny the fact that you are a fashion icon and your mere existence encourages others to imitate your attire

by the way i posted that marylin photo in the wrong thread

that's what i get for spending saturday morning at the office

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