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dietzer123 04.08.2006 03:25 PM

coolest album titles
the process of weeding out-black flag
bitches brew-miles davis
bopless aristry-i'm being good

those are just three that come to mind. let's hear some more

Trasher02 04.08.2006 03:30 PM

All the Sonic Youth album titles sound fucking cool

hey alex 04.08.2006 03:34 PM

smash your head on the punk rock; harmacy - sebadoh
slanted and enchanted - pavement
bee thousand-guided by voices
more songs about buildings and food - talking heads
lonesome crowded west
you tune a guitar but you can;t tuna fish - rush, i think

finding nobody 04.08.2006 03:42 PM

brining it all back home- bob dylan
steriopathic soulmanure-beck
good news for people who love bad news- modest mouse

nomadicfollower 04.08.2006 04:00 PM

Nattering Naybombs of Negitivity - Smegma
Goodbye Landlord the Enemy Airship is Dead - DMST
We're Only in it for the Money - Frank Zappa and the MOI

dietzer123 04.08.2006 04:15 PM

fresh fruit for rotting vegetables-dead kennedys

noumenal 04.08.2006 04:17 PM

"Slanted and Enchanted" always sounded like an Asian bondage movie to me.

youthoftomorrow 04.08.2006 04:17 PM

i want to name an album Disturbing The Bowels of Millions.

krastian 04.08.2006 04:23 PM

What Makes a Man Start Fires?-Minutemen
Steady Diet of Nothing-Fugazi
Ummagumma-Pink Floyd
Dial "M" For Motherfucker-Pussy Galore
Exile on Main Street-The Stones
Too Tough to Die-The Ramones

atari 2600 04.08.2006 04:30 PM


Originally Posted by hey alex
you tune a guitar but you can;t tuna fish - rush, i think

nope, that's REO Speedwagon,
(it probably for the best that you do not know that though haha)
but I like yr picks

Signpost 04.08.2006 04:31 PM

Nurse With Wound - A Chance Meeting On A Dissecting Table Of A Sewing Machine And An Umbrella; The Musty Odour of Pierced Rectums
Primus - Sailing the Seas of Cheese
Lungfish - Rainbows From Atoms; Artificial Horizon
Holy Molar - The Whole Tooth And Nothing But The Tooth
Smog - Dongs Of Sevotion

noumenal 04.08.2006 04:40 PM

Pet Sounds - The Beach Boys
Muswell Hillbillies - The Kinks
Revolver - The Beatles
Music to Make Love to Your Old Lady By - Nathaniel Merriweather
Music Has the Right to Children - Boards of Canada
It Takes a Nation of Millions to Hold Us Back - Public Enemy
Entertainment! - Gang of Four
Daydream Nation - Sonic Youth
Sleeper Catcher - Little River Band

Kim C Not G 04.08.2006 04:56 PM

The Dead Boys-Young loud and snotty

hey alex 04.08.2006 05:00 PM


Originally Posted by atari 2600
nope, that's REO Speedwagon,
(it probably for the best that you do not know that though haha)
but I like yr picks

Yea, pretty right on


Dial "M" For Motherfucker-Pussy Galore
holy shit, that's awesome

loaded-velvet underground (as in loaded with hits like atlantic wanted)
you're living all over me - dinosaur j
transmissions from the satellite heart - flaming lips
frankenchrist-dead kennedys
mellon collie and the infinite saddness -smashing pumpkins (title as overdone as the album)
castaways and cutouts-decemberists
aladdin sane-bowie

Onani Nic 04.08.2006 09:42 PM

Turbonegro- Ass Cobra
Wolf Eyes- Uglied
Wolf Eyes- Burned Mind
Big Black- Songs From the Rich Mans Eight Track (i especially like on the inside cover how it says "ALL YOU PUSSIES CAN SUCK OUR DICKS"
Crass- Penis Envy

trance feeeedback 04.08.2006 09:43 PM

Funkadelic-Free Your Mind, And Your Ass Will Follow.
the greatest album name ever!

Onani Nic 04.08.2006 09:52 PM

FUnkadelic- Maggot Brain, has to be up there too.

trance feeeedback 04.08.2006 10:07 PM

funkadelic had cool album art too....

CHOUT 04.08.2006 11:58 PM

Taking drugs to make music to take drugs to
by Spacemen 3
is probably my
favorite album
title ever.

noumenal 04.09.2006 12:57 AM


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