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fishmonkey 10.19.2006 06:19 AM

is Madonna right to be takin ikkle babies from Malawi

screamingskull 10.19.2006 06:21 AM

whats scary is how quickly she's been able to do it because she is famous. Now she wants a girl too though. South Park has to make an episode about this.

sonicl 10.19.2006 06:24 AM

No, she's not right. She should have quietly made arrangements to provide for the child's upbringing (and that of the rest of the family) and education with him remaining in Malawi. As it is, the child's whole life is going to be one huge media sideshow.

_slavo_ 10.19.2006 06:40 AM

No, that's really the sleaziest, creepiest thing to do when you're famous. If she was really that keen on helping a poor family, why not just give some money to the family?

Tokolosh 10.19.2006 07:21 AM

No! She could easily support a whole village from starving.
An irrigation system, transport facilities, farming equipment & seeds, cattle & sheep, HIV medicine, a school building, teachers, books, pens & pencils, etc.
Instead, she wants to portray herself as Africa's savior. False bitch, if you ask me.

sonicl 10.19.2006 07:28 AM

I'm sure that in her heart she means well.

sonik death 10.19.2006 07:42 AM

Madonna has no heart.

fishmonkey 10.19.2006 08:19 AM

what about Mrs Jolie?

no one bats a fuckin eyelid there.

Tokolosh 10.19.2006 08:47 AM

Jolie helps people help themselves for the most part.

jon boy 10.19.2006 09:03 AM

what is this new celebrity craze for adopting kids? how come no rich people adopted me?

Tokolosh 10.19.2006 09:08 AM

'cause someone shone a lazer in your eye once, and you can't see properly anymore... :D ... Uh. Sorry, that was'nt really funny. :o

jon boy 10.19.2006 09:19 AM

thanks for that. yeah no one wants the kid squinting in the corner i guess.

Tokolosh 10.19.2006 09:28 AM

You could always show them the photo of that bird that shat on the Picasso painting in New York, and maybe they'll take you... I had to laugh when I read that. :D

jon boy 10.19.2006 09:33 AM

i meant it was a sparrow, i hope you realise.

Tokolosh 10.19.2006 09:38 AM

I do realize that it was a bird of some kind, but not specifically a sparrow.

jon boy 10.19.2006 09:41 AM

good i was thinking that some might have thought i meant girl. as bird is a slang word for female in england.

it was funny actually. i think a security guard dispatched the poor little thing with his gun. we were all forced to leave the gallery and when we cam back there was nothing but a pile of feathers.

gmku 10.19.2006 09:44 AM

She can do anything she wants. Madonna is a stone cold fox.

Tokolosh 10.19.2006 09:50 AM

Ha! Jono. Something similar happened here in Holland a year or 2 ago. They had a domino day, where a group of 40-50 people work intensively for months putting up dominos rows, so they could break the world record "Live" on tv. Well, there was a finch that flew around the big hanger where they were putting them up, and managed to shake and drop a million or so domino stacks, a day before the main event. It was shot on the spot, causing a commotion throughout the country, because it was an endangered bird. Animal activists started a condolences register for the creature, and rows of people attended to sign it. Ha! Fucking Twats.

fishmonkey 10.19.2006 09:55 AM


Originally Posted by Tokolosh
Jolie helps people help themselves for the most part.

tell that to Jennifer Aniston

jon boy 10.19.2006 09:57 AM

haha i remember that yes! it was funny that it knocked over the domino's but imensly annoying for the people setting them up. still they love a challenge dont they.

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