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E. Noisefield 01.16.2012 04:54 PM

Pit Bulls
So what's your take on the pit bull debate?

I have a pit (and American Staffordshire Terrier to be correct) and he's the sweetest dog in the world.

Yes, I have a pit and I'm not unemployed or a meth dealer. I'm a tax-paying homeowner (almost) in a good neighborhood. I'm educated and have a full time job, and my dog was a rescue.

There's lots of talk on both sides, but research has lead me to believe that the entire anti-pit movement and stigma are based on statistically insignificant incidence rates, misinformation, and bad or biased research. But what do I know?

SonikJesus 01.16.2012 05:07 PM

I used to live with one. He was the sweetest most obedient dog of all time. Still miss the dude

Glice 01.16.2012 05:28 PM

Unbelievable. They are BULLS for PITS!!>!

If they were meant to be GENTLE they'd be called GENTLE DOG or something.

They are not - they are called pitbulls!

Pits, the most dangersosu places on earth!

Bulls, the most dangerous of all the animals!

Pit-bulls! Danger! I can't believe I'm reading this!

Pookie 01.16.2012 05:29 PM


You insane pit bull owning, unemployed, uneducated, meth dealing, tax evading, fuckers.


Fuck you and your fucking hell hounds.

Glice 01.16.2012 05:33 PM


Originally Posted by Pookie
Is there a debate? In your head maybe.

That's what YOUR MUM said last night.


Pookie 01.16.2012 05:39 PM


Originally Posted by Glice
That's what YOUR MUM said last night.


Yes laugh all you like but I edited after doing some investigerating.

These things are fucking ANIMALS.

gast30 01.16.2012 06:00 PM

most of the time it's macho show off
yeah, i feel bad for those dogs, they diserve better

humans shouldn't be experimenting with life
and start to grow dog species to keep as pet

it's massive energy waste
also for the industry behind it
from selling dogs to factories that make dog, cat or bird food

don't mess with nature
the code

stay out of life
if you can live from vegtables, live without visits to the zoo's and stuff, without beauty products that are tested on animals

all massive energy waste
humans should focus on their food now with the over population

any idea's of the animal world

know many pittbulls
sleep on the couch with pittbulls

i know friends that escaped from an attack from one of the pittbulls
got to watch out

jennthebenn 01.16.2012 06:03 PM

The scariest moment of my life involved a pit bull. If you own one and you
treat it right and it provides you with great companionship, fine. But I see
one and I start hyperventilating.

Genteel Death 01.16.2012 06:06 PM

They often look like their owners.

Pookie 01.16.2012 06:53 PM

Stick the lot of them in a heavy duty garden sack and throw it into the nearest man made canal.

E. Noisefield 01.16.2012 09:06 PM

Oh they're totally dangerous- yeah. I'm not saying otherwise. But aren't all dogs dangerous? Honestly, my dog might be physically stronger than a Collie, but he's sweeter than any of the collies I've known.

I'm an animal person. I own three rescue pets. I understand that they're dangerous, but what they do depends more on what they're trained to do than what they innately want to do.

Meanest dog I've ever met: a poodle. Not as dangerous as a doberman, of course, but meaner and angrier and bit more times per second than any pit I've ever known.

Also, I should add, that I'm also scared shitless when I see them. But that's because I know that most of the people who own them own them because they believe the stereotype.

floatingslowly 01.17.2012 08:51 AM

Neighbor had three named after rap artists. He swore theyd never get out. They did. I had use mindtrix on Kanye and friends.

Three snarling pitbulls: handled like a boss.

demonrail666 01.17.2012 09:09 AM

True story: I met James Ellroy in a bookshop in the west end, getting ready for a signing. We ended up talking about dogs and how much he missed his pit bull while overseas. I mentioned I had a Staffordshire Bull Terrier and he offered me a copy of every one of his books in the shop if I brought him into the shop for him to see. I couldn't, but he did sign the copy of White Jazz I bought and dedicated it to my dog. I still have it and it's still one of my prize possessions.

And they're not dangerous really. Their owners often treat them like weapons and status symbols but they're incredibly placid if treated responsibly. It's just that their physical strength is such that they can hurt you just by playing. They definitely look more vicious than they actually are, though. Absolutely wonderful dogs.

Glice 01.17.2012 10:23 AM


Originally Posted by Pookie
These things are fucking ANIMALS.

That's what YOUR MUM said about MY BALLS last night.

MellySingsDoom 01.17.2012 10:27 AM

This thread needs some pitbull music:

floatingslowly 01.17.2012 10:59 AM


Originally Posted by Glice
That's what YOUR MUM said about MY BALLS last night.


SuchFriendsAreDangerous 01.17.2012 12:48 PM

pit bulls, aside from being just about the most gorgeous variety of dog imaginable with their slender, muscular build, slick, short coat, expressive ears, a killer smile.. are also mercilessly intelligent dogs. I don't think I've ever seen an dogs more intelligent, and further more socially responsive. These dogs really become a part of human society, but unfortunately they don't play by the rules. The bad reputation comes from bad owners. Pit bulls have very aggressive instincts from their pedigree as fighting and war dogs, and further they are terriers so their hunting instinct is to simply chase and catch anything that moves remotely too fast..

These dogs just need to be extra socialized and their gates just need to be well-secured. If owners were more responsible there would be no debate. By the way, the most dangerous dog in America? The Dalmation .. The meanest dogs I've ever encountered? the Chow-Chow.. Only dogs to have ever bitten me serious enough to break skin? Chihuahuas..

E. Noisefield 01.17.2012 07:40 PM


Originally Posted by demonrail666

And they're not dangerous really. Their owners often treat them like weapons and status symbols but they're incredibly placid if treated responsibly. It's just that their physical strength is such that they can hurt you just by playing. They definitely look more vicious than they actually are, though. Absolutely wonderful dogs.

Yes. They're dangerous in the sense that they're capable of harming people, property, and other animals... but that's my point: SO IS EVERY DOG.

I've seen the damage a pitbull can do first hand (e.g. my carpet, the french doors that go out to my deck :) ) and it's severe. I've actually seen a pit go after a person (but not hurt him) in an aggressive manner before and it was terrifying! But I've seen my friend's golden retriever do much worse.

toxic johnny 01.19.2012 02:03 AM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
True story: I met James Ellroy in a bookshop in the west end, getting ready for a signing. We ended up talking about dogs and how much he missed his pit bull while overseas. I mentioned I had a Staffordshire Bull Terrier and he offered me a copy of every one of his books in the shop if I brought him into the shop for him to see. I couldn't, but he did sign the copy of White Jazz I bought and dedicated it to my dog. I still have it and it's still one of my prize possessions.

And they're not dangerous really. Their owners often treat them like weapons and status symbols but they're incredibly placid if treated responsibly. It's just that their physical strength is such that they can hurt you just by playing. They definitely look more vicious than they actually are, though. Absolutely wonderful dogs.

This, this this and this... I'm proud to own a rescued Staffordshire Bull Terrier who was probably abandoned by one of those braindead macho idiots.
If the owner is an idiot then I feel sorry for the dog.
It's all about the owner.

demonrail666 01.20.2012 03:49 AM

Plus they have that brilliant way of laying down on their front with their back legs stretched out behind them. And their farts are definitely far more lethal than their bite.

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