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louder 12.31.2011 06:37 AM

do you stil llisten to SY?
i bet most people here don't.

louder 12.31.2011 06:39 AM

how do i add a poll?

stu666 12.31.2011 06:54 AM

haha, do I listen to Sonic Youth?!

well according to I have played 11,928 SY tracks in the last 12 months.... this doesn't include any times that I play them on vinyl or in my car.

so yes, I do still listen. pretty much every day. sometimes all day!

ann ashtray 12.31.2011 06:56 AM

I do from time to time whenever the mood hits. They're still my favorite band, but I'm not nearly as enthused about them as I was once upon a time, which is probably a result of spending years listening to them/reading any interview/bio I could get my hands on. I don't feel as if they are a band I can still learn a lot from.

Whenever I do listen to them it's usually "A Thousand Leaves" or "Bad Moon Rising". Sometimes I'll throw on other albums of theirs as background noise if I'm cleaning or something, seldom am I excited by whatever I'm listening to though. Just something that happens after spending so many years following/listening to a band.

I sometimes think about deliberately not listening to them for a few years in hopes of rekindling the excitement I used to get out of them, but usually opt out of the idea and shoot for listening to new stuff by other bands instead.

All of this said, I doubt they'll ever cease to be my favorite band. They shaped the way I'd go on to listen to and respect music. They were almost always, and forever will be the band I use as an example of what a great band should be (taking artistic risks, evolving, etc). Looking forward to witnessing the future of each member as individual artists outside of SY. Was a bummer at first, but in retrospect I seriously think it was about time for that band to throw in the towel. Still kinda wish they'd done an acoustic album, but really it matters not.

I've seen them several times, never once have I seen any of them outside of SY. Seeing Thurston in February...should be interesting. I'm looking forward to it.

stu666 12.31.2011 09:39 AM


Originally Posted by foreverasskiss

SISTER is my favorite. they need to remaster that fucker.

They did!


It's my favourite too...

Keeping It Simple 12.31.2011 09:46 AM

I haven't listened to Sonic Youth for ages.

Dr. Eugene Felikson 12.31.2011 09:59 AM

whe I'm not listening to ICP, Avril or UUUUUU

akprodr 12.31.2011 10:23 AM

It's the rare day I DON'T listen to 'em!

noisereductions 12.31.2011 10:33 AM

quite often.

Pelle 12.31.2011 11:08 AM

You're fucking dumb ?

ofcourse I hate sonic youth, that's why I've dedicated my whole life to them and post on their forum.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 12.31.2011 12:06 PM

just listened to Sonic Nurse yesterday, and was really digging Dirty the other day, never realized how hip hop the drumwork is on that album. Lately I have been turning to SY whenever I want to escape shuffle mode and listen to an album in its entirety. shuffle is ruining albums for me..


Originally Posted by stu666
this doesn't include any times that I play them on vinyl in my car.

vinyl in the car? dedicated :cool:

EVOLghost 12.31.2011 12:14 PM

Hell yeah! I still listen to SY.

and I always will.

E. Noisefield 12.31.2011 02:01 PM

Hell yes. As often as I possibly can. I'd say I never go more than a week without listening to them. It's been that way for as long as I can remember. They're been my official favorite band for more than ten years, and I never really get tired of them.

I went through a pure rap phase about two years ago where it was all I listened to for months and months, but that was an isolated incident. Apart from that, they're probably been consistently the most listened to band of my lifetime.

keep poppin pimples 12.31.2011 02:14 PM

yeah i do, not all that often but i don't see any reason why i would stop altogether

purplebumblebee 12.31.2011 03:32 PM

Oh yes, I still listen to their earlier stuff most days

E. Noisefield 12.31.2011 04:04 PM

The albums I play most are Rather Ripped, Bad Moon Rising, and a Thousand Leaves.

Not sure why, but those records always seem to kill whatever bad mood I might be in. My favorite is probably Sister, but that one gets a little emotional for me at times, as does DDN, so I stick with the ones that just make me feel spaced out and chill. Strange that BMR is one of those. What does it say about my psyche that "Death Valley '69" makes me calm?

dirty bunny 12.31.2011 05:36 PM

Yeah I still listen to them all the time. I find them really easy to listen to, but I go through periods where I don't listen to certain albums for a very long time. Of late I was on a total Rather Ripped fix, I listened to that one almost every day. Also, Confusion is Sex is my go-to SY record.

Dude McDude 12.31.2011 07:42 PM

When i discovered sister i would listen to it back to back 2-3 times in a row every day. I was addicted. When i discovered daydream nation i was afraid to listen to it too often because the experience of listening to the album in its entirety blew me away completely every time. Listening to the music made me absorb in their universe, and i guess i just was way more receptive to the experience back then compared to nowadays.

Most of their stuff has had a huge impact on me, each in it's own unique way. Listening to bad moon rising has probably been the closest i've been to a bad trip without actually having those kind of substances in my body. Most of their other music has put me in touch with what i would describe as something sublime or spiritual, with lack for better words from someone who religion or etheral new age concepts are completely wasted on.

Coming from that i rarely listen to their music anymore. They put me in touch with personal emotional experiences which i assume people are looking for in drugs, and that has meant a great deal to me. It seems though that in my case the need for these experiences has diminished a great deal nowadays, probably because i've learned to deal with my life in other ways.

I'm not sentimental about it, yet i am pretty grateful as well as certain that their (and others) music has helped me deal with heaps of shit in a way that kept me on track when i needed it the most.

SONIC GAIL 12.31.2011 09:35 PM

Every single motherfuckin day

Yeah Sister is bad ass

hipster_bebop_junkie 12.31.2011 10:12 PM

Yes. If it weren't due to an interest in Sonic Youth, I assume some people wouldn't actually tolerate coexisting in this Internet-void with some of you, cunts (You might know who you are)...:D

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