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dylan_nyoukis 10.05.2006 04:04 PM

UK weirdo noise festival (brighton)
Colour Out Of Space
3 days of spectral noise & outsider sounds
November 10-12, Brighton, East Sussex

Friday 10th, The Old Market, 6pm
Pengo + Withdrawal Method + Julian Bradley & Neil Campbell + Sharon Gal +
Polly Shang Kuan Band + Glamorous Pat + Towering Breaker + Made Out Of Wool

Saturday 11th, The Old Market, 4.30pm
Replicock + Ju Suk Reet Meat & Tom Recchion + Chris Corsano & Dylan Nyoukis
+ Hacky Pack Sac Sac with Ludo Mich + Phil Minton + Hockyfrilla +The Bohman
Brothers + Tomutonttu + Frozen Corpse + Green Mist & Family Battle Snake

Sunday 12th, The Ocean Rooms, 6pm
Mv & Ee with The Bummer Road + The Puke Eaters + Heather Leigh + Sunroof +
Birds of Delay & Isambard Kingston Brunel + Robedoor + Amon Dude + Gas
Shepherds + Daguerreotype + Djs: Savage Pencil + Art Barf-Uncle + Dennis
Tyfus + Dylan Nyoukis

£8 per night
£20 3 night pass

PLUS Saturday and Sunday Afternoon at The Friends Meeting House
Films from Ludo Mich, Jeff Keen, Tom Recchion,Takahiko Iimura, Irene Moon,
Paul Sharits, Harry Smith and more. £3.50

Iain 10.06.2006 02:33 AM

Ughhghghhghh. Nice line up. Wish I could go. Don't think I can.

golden child 10.06.2006 01:49 PM

woah looks like glamorous pat is getting out a bit, cool guy.
go to this show english dudes.

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