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whizzboom 10.03.2006 07:42 PM

Stinky Rather Ripped Shirts
Hey gang,

So - I attended my first SY show just recently and have a whole new appreciation of the band.

That said, I was pumped to pick up a shirt (and at $20, who can bitch?) - but I can't wear it. When I do, at the first sign of perspiration, the shirt begins to reek, right around the front where the dyes are set for the design (it's the navy blue with grey design of the car image - I'm so ticked, it's a hot shirt!).

I'd splurged on another band shirt at a show the week before and that one has the same problem. But I own tons of rock shirts - I kinda collect them, actualy - and I've never had this problem before. The smell is eggy - like sulfur...way nast.

I've washed them both 3 or 4 times, oxy cleaned...even dry cleaned (the gal at the dry cleaners was a riot... "made in ah haiti...soooooooooo soooooo cheeeep") - all to no avail.

Am I the only one who's dealing with this? Any other stinky shirt peeps out there? If so, could you enlighten me as to how I can make my shirt smell better???


Inhuman 10.03.2006 07:56 PM

Haha, I must say that that's an excellent first post. I never had that problem myself, no. Whenever my clothing gets a terrible smell to it that doesn't go away, I usually use scented fabric softener when I wash it and works fine. Fabric freshner is also a savior when it comes to things like that, it works all the time, buy you have to spray it everytime you wear it.


noisemachine 10.03.2006 08:19 PM

I bought the same shirt and didnt notice it...but I am sometimes oblivious of the odors that my body emit...

Cantankerous 10.03.2006 08:19 PM

hey, i have an idea,


whizzboom 10.03.2006 09:02 PM


Originally Posted by Cantankerous
hey, i have an idea,


I WISH it was coming from my pits - then at least I'd have a solution. It's from the design on the front of the shirt, which actually smells differently than the back where there's no print. Thatnks for the, er, advice....:cool:

nature scene 10.03.2006 09:11 PM

hang it outside for a few days

noisemachine 10.03.2006 09:13 PM

I went through my laundry hamper and found it so I could smell it just for you. I only wore it once and havent washed it yet so it still just has that "new shirt smell" to me.

whizzboom 10.03.2006 09:25 PM

there's a certain temptation to just keep washing it again and again unitl it goes's GOT to go away. Then there's the urge to pick up a Nurse or Washing Machine shirt here or on ebay to make up for the smelly one (assuming they're not also made in ah haiti...sooooooooooooo cheeeeeep).

sonicl 10.04.2006 03:23 AM

I had a Hawkwind t-shirt many years ago that had the same problem, something to do with what was used to do the print. I rarely wore it.

Was your shirt an official one bought inside the venue or a dodgy one from a seller outside?

whizzboom 10.08.2006 03:42 PM


Originally Posted by sonicl
I had a Hawkwind t-shirt many years ago that had the same problem, something to do with what was used to do the print. I rarely wore it.

Was your shirt an official one bought inside the venue or a dodgy one from a seller outside?

Actually, I bought it right inside!!

Just because of the responses I got here, I wore it last night and again this afternoon...I reek! I tried, really I did.

I guess I'll just keep washing and washing....hopefully it'll go away...**sigh**

Jico 10.08.2006 03:46 PM

wash yourself:D

ZEROpumpkins 10.09.2006 05:40 AM

Does it smell like burning peanuts (check, peanuts)? Iron-ons tend to do that, and it is possible that it is that cheap.

Chop Chop 10.10.2006 05:08 PM

Hello. The shirt was made at Tannis Root which is a sister company of Kung Fu Nation. The process used is not printing with ink, but more like bleaching. This makes the print softer so it doesn't have thick ink covering the front of the shirt. Unfortunately, the chemical used in this process smells kind of eggy. In our experience, the smell comes out with one washing so I'm surprised to hear that it still smells. I'm sorry you're having this problem. Email us at info(at) and we'll replace the shirt for you.



Originally Posted by whizzboom
Hey gang,

...the shirt begins to reek, right around the front where the dyes are set for the design (it's the navy blue with grey design of the car image - I'm so ticked, it's a hot shirt!).

I'd splurged on another band shirt at a show the week before and that one has the same problem. But I own tons of rock shirts - I kinda collect them, actualy - and I've never had this problem before. The smell is eggy - like sulfur...way nast.

I've washed them both 3 or 4 times, oxy cleaned...even dry cleaned (the gal at the dry cleaners was a riot... "made in ah haiti...soooooooooo soooooo cheeeep") - all to no avail.

Am I the only one who's dealing with this? Any other stinky shirt peeps out there? If so, could you enlighten me as to how I can make my shirt smell better???


Derek McA 10.11.2006 02:40 PM

Well there ya go!

Everyneurotic 10.11.2006 02:51 PM

the real solution is for sonic youth to dump kung fu nation.

atari 2600 10.11.2006 05:07 PM

If you don't dry your clothes right away then they get a sour odor. I mention this because it's very similar to the rotten eggs and sulfur smell you described.

But since you reported that you tried various solutions, it seems that you have correctly isolated the problem.

Sonic Youth bought some cheap ass t-shirts.

On a side note, T-shirts, while never ever being all that durable, in general, seem to be made of even lower quality material these days.

I had this problem (which may have also been only simply coincidence) with every cassette I ever bought by Sonic Youth which could have possibly been a DGC quality control issue. I've had some SY tapes stolen too, but I had several that got eaten by the player. I never seemed to have the problem with any other cassettes, just the SY ones that I bought (new...back in the day) from Wuxtry Records, but that's just my luck.

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