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jim delicio 09.26.2006 06:02 AM

This Is Serious Everybody I Have An Incredible Sy Live Show To Share
SY LIVE IN ENGLANG IN 1985 ITS AMAZING MY USERNAME IS jimDelicio ON SOULSEEK its called blood on the beatch

whorefrost 09.26.2006 06:07 AM

blood on the beeyatch? that sounds unsettlingly misogynistic

mooger_fooger 09.26.2006 12:14 PM

Hmmmm....last person to try and lure me to going to soulseek was a crack smoking molester-looking type at the Deftones show..he as well promised cool/rare SY bootlegs...I imagine he has also promised several people candy in return for getting into his car too...

Feelyat 09.26.2006 12:52 PM

I like that Mr. Delicio felt the urge to make clear that "This is serious." It implies that every other attempt to share a live show on these boards has been marred by entirely inappropriate silliness.

HaydenAsche 09.26.2006 12:55 PM

Piss off, Jim.

Saturseven 09.26.2006 02:48 PM

This is like the time they tried to recruit me into a cult at the mall..and the time a pervert tried to pick me up at the beach. *Bad thoughts go awaaaaaaaaay*

mooger_fooger 09.26.2006 02:54 PM

LMAO Feelyat has got it bang on the head, the seriousness had to be clearly expressed due to the innapropraite silliness of most who post on here, with their fraudulent bootleg claims! Bah! I scoff at the NON-serious posters...

atari 2600 09.26.2006 04:10 PM

did you like it?

_tunic_ 09.26.2006 04:12 PM

what's the exact date and place?
if it ain't lossless I don't want it

pantophobia 09.26.2006 04:34 PM

it's the brighton beach shows from late 85 after steve joined the band, part of inhuman and brother james are on the vhs copy of screaming fields of sonic life compilation

the show is really really great, it's an mpeg file so it can be transfered, but unless somebody transfers a copy of the old PAL VHS, to IFO and VOB files, it's the best and only copy i know of out there

atari 2600 09.26.2006 04:37 PM


_slavo_ 09.27.2006 02:07 AM

I haven't been to ENGLANG a long time ago. Must go there sometimes. I heard people speak ENGLISG there.

habibtheantiamericanbitch 09.27.2006 02:24 AM

Jesus is the answer.......

jim delicio 09.27.2006 06:03 AM


Originally Posted by HaydenAsche
Piss off, Jim.

Go fuck yourself stupid asshole.

HaydenAsche 09.27.2006 10:43 AM


Originally Posted by jim delicio
Go fuck yourself stupid asshole.

I'm stupid? Learn how to use commas, dumbfuck. Then, return and think of something witty to say.

sonicl 09.27.2006 10:46 AM

Fight! Fight! Fight!

HaydenAsche 09.27.2006 10:47 AM

It's not fighting. It's bickering. If it was a real fight there would be knives.

sonicl 09.27.2006 10:54 AM


Bicker! Bicker! Bicker!

HaydenAsche 09.27.2006 10:55 AM

Very good. Continue on with that.

_slavo_ 09.27.2006 10:57 AM

go on, tell the fucker where it's at;-)

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