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floatingslowly 09.22.2011 06:35 PM

faster than light
//for the win

thanks, CERN, you fucking slowboats.

sorry, Einstein, why don't you go have a seat with your sillyfriend and his robot voice.

links go here:

floatingslowly 09.22.2011 06:37 PM

SSC, TX :(

EVOLghost 09.22.2011 06:48 PM

FTW for the win pfffff...that's wuss stuf.

fuk teh world.

floatingslowly 09.23.2011 09:22 AM

tachyon. who's there? knock knock!

gast30 09.25.2011 08:32 AM

hmmm as Mr futurist i have to make a correction here with all these lowbrainscientists ( payed by multinationals or not )

first things first
who or wich animal made this invention of time, like a second, minute or hour?

and 2 does that particle , that goes faster then light also would be absorbed like light into a blackhole?

and 3 why is everthing soo betonised like suntimecycles while it's only a wave a frequency of energy, the sun in our solarsystem is one of ,'earthcycle-time-tabled-system' = +/- 8 billion year?

becuse the animal is too lazy to think out of the box
sapian race is a betonized alfabeticed piece of concreet that is sinking to the ocean of spoonfed reality

gast30 09.25.2011 10:42 AM

i try to explain why it isn't exact sience

first a look at time

and the use of old measurments with modern technology
for example the electron microscope
that with the pulse of 1 electron
has the highest resolution in measuring time interval
makeing it visable on nanofilm
with a distance between each interval of a few femtoseconds
that is of a second between each nanopicture taken

so a second is only a old way of interpret a distance


floatingslowly 09.25.2011 11:24 AM

I'm sorry, however, despite being very detailed, your highbrain files disclude the somewhat obvious factor of gravitonic friction as the earth (and your body) go tooling along the galactic arm (and who-knows-where with it).

thank you and have a positronic day.


gast30 09.25.2011 01:55 PM

your welcome floatingslowly
i'm always active in the photonic day

positronic day ?
i can try that

as i have seas of time
as i have the sea of dimensions in my hand

gast30 09.25.2011 01:57 PM

yeah, it's good that a futurist like me is here on the planet to correct mistakes and wrong interprets for the modern humans in the future

my people = the people of the future

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