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Androol 08.24.2006 02:03 AM

favorite Black Flag singer?
goddammit i fucked up another name in a poll

John Violence 08.24.2006 02:08 AM

I like Keith Morris but I don't think he could pull off the later Black Flag material. I went with Rollins. I'm all about Loose Nut and In My Head.

Androol 08.24.2006 02:09 AM

i always referred to him as ron reyes but i even fucked that up

John Violence 08.24.2006 02:10 AM

Yeah I just put it together.

Everyneurotic 08.24.2006 09:00 AM

dez baby!!! he had the best voice.

but i wouldn't want him in the band the whole time.

Alex's Trip 08.24.2006 10:35 AM

Which one is the one that is related to Raymond Pettibon?

Edit: nevermind...

Hip Priest 08.24.2006 12:32 PM

The Rol.

HairwayToSteven 08.24.2006 02:25 PM


dietzer123 08.24.2006 04:36 PM

i like ginns playing during rollins more, but dez is a fucking animal. the finish of the first four years is soooo good

finding nobody 08.24.2006 04:38 PM


HR all the way

HaydenAsche 08.24.2006 04:42 PM

Black Flag sucked equally with all singers.

LittlePuppetBoy 08.24.2006 04:55 PM

I liked Dez's voice more than the others. It has a more gritty quality to it.

Listening to Henry singing makes me thirsty.

TheMadcapLaughs 08.25.2006 02:56 AM

My favorite black flag songs are Nervous Breakdown, Ive had it, Wasted, and Fix Me. so...

CHOUT 08.25.2006 04:17 AM

I had to vote Rollins, though I probably like a lot of the earlier songs more then the later ones. I just saw Rollins band (with X) recently and was blown away by his intensity. Say what you will about him, but there's no denying that he doesn't give his all when he plays a gig...quite inspiring to me.

Pookie 08.25.2006 05:00 AM

Henry Rollins may have become a second-rate comedian and bad actor, but the combination of Ginn's twisted guitar and his growl were unrivalled.

I love Keith Morris's voice, but it was better suited to the tamer, more tuneful Circle Jerks.

And the others were forgetable fillers in between.

And Greg Ginn is Raymond Pettibon's brother in case anybody still needs to know.

alteredcourse 08.25.2006 05:50 AM

Rollins had me in tears last time he was here live . In the good way, yes .
And my Most favorite black flag songs are sang by him as john violence and themadcaplaughs said so i guess he's my fave .

sonicl 08.25.2006 05:53 AM


Originally Posted by CHOUT
I had to vote Rollins, though I probably like a lot of the earlier songs more then the later ones. I just saw Rollins band (with X) recently and was blown away by his intensity. Say what you will about him, but there's no denying that he doesn't give his all when he plays a gig...quite inspiring to me.

What are Rollins Band like these days? I lost interest a bit after Andrew Weiss left.

PS - I voted Keith Morris, 'cos I love "Wasted".

RdTv 08.25.2006 05:59 AM

This was hard because I like the older stuff a little bit more, but I think that Rollins voice accompanied Ginn's guitar much better than anyone else, hence the Rollins vote.

Pookie 08.25.2006 06:04 AM


Originally Posted by sonicl
What are Rollins Band like these days? I lost interest a bit after Andrew Weiss left.

PS - I voted Keith Morris, 'cos I love "Wasted".

I love the first few albums, but for me they just became a bog-standard heavy rock band. And I got tired of Rollins constantly rhyming annihilation with desolation.

"all I want is to some how matter to you
even if all else rejection
all I know is that I am hammered
from the world around me
please please please don't destroy me
don't destroy me
don't destroy me
don't destroy me"

Sound like lines from a Steven Seagal movie.

hey alex 08.25.2006 01:41 PM

I went with keith morris... Henry Rollign is a fuckin beast, but I still prefer the earlier songs to listen. But I do know kieth couldn't pull off damaged on. Side note, I have not listened to the circle jerks.

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