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Count Mecha 06.21.2011 01:06 PM

For Those Who Watched The Whole Season 1 Of Game Of Thrones

There you go.

I'll start by saying, some of these deaths have REALLY surprised me. King Robert I expected to die for sure, but not so quickly, I thought he would've died at the end of the season or so.

And man how daring was it to kill what I'm sure many considered the lead of the show Sean Bean. Very well executed, the Starks are going to go apeshit over that one.

Killing Khal Drogo felt the most out of left field, I thought there was going to be alot done with his character. Crossing the Narrow Sea with the Dothraki and invade the Seven Kingdoms. What's neat about this though is it feels like the story deliberately destroys the plot lines you expect to get carried out, but replaces them with much better ones. That one being the best example, leaving us with basically 'I don't need Dothraki, I've got FUCKING DRAGONS!'. That's going to be great to see.

Speaking of the dragons, at first I was worried that their inclusion would turn the story slightly corny, like Dragonheart or something. Especially since the show has been really fairly anti-fantasy so far. Yeah, we have undead and weirdo magic, but beyond that. And this still remains to be seen, but how they ended the finale, they were exciting to see. So I'm hopeful.

This show is fantastic.

nicfit 06.21.2011 01:38 PM

I'll start by saying, HBO fuckin' rules.

GoT is GREAT, great cast, great characters, great costumes/location (even if 90% of the stuff we see is probably a blue screen, see here for an example with Boardwalk Empire, which takes place, well, in the "real world", or go to stargate studios's site amd check their virtual backlot reel to see how even the more "normal" things are done digitally in modern series... ).

Loved lots of the dialogues (even the pompous ones are kinda good), especially the filthy/down to earth/most human parts (see the king with the belly bouncing when he wants to join the tournament).

There's blood sex and laughs.

Joffrey is REALLY annoying, and that's a compliment.
Arya is the best of the lot haha.
Wolves are kinda cool.

I hope the "dance teacher" will show up sometime somewhere...not in obi one kenoby style, though..

The Wall, uh, scary.

Well, 3 dragons, and young ones too, are not much of a menace right now, are they? You Hoddor could squish'em between his buttocks at the momenti...but...When they grow, uh, perhaps they can fly over the Narrow Sea?
I guess that would take some time (making them grow), not sure Kahlessi will have much patience...even if she's far from dumb. And fire walks with her. hehe.

Ah, I LOVED the bit when Drogo killed the other guy ripping his tongue out, his speech was so greatly delivered. I kinda hated him at first, and when I started to like him, he's gone.
Oh well.

Tywin is a god.

edit: whoops, I meant Tyrion

I rewatched 5 times the first few second of the season finale, with the sword dripping blood, pieces of skin/meat and hairs.....amazing shot...

Does anybody know if the series of books is "finished" (I mean, do new ones come out or the story already ended and that's it) and where did the season "arrived" compared to the books?

Count Mecha 06.21.2011 02:39 PM

Yeah, HBO is ridiculous good. They have so many quality shows.

And they accomplish alot with this show, with all of the costumes, locations, props. It all feels pretty legit, nothing ever feels like a sound stage or green screen.

Well that's with one exception. When Tyrion was Catelyn's prisoner and they were going to the Eyrie (where her sister, with the breastfeeding kid stayed) you see that shot of the Eyrie, the tower standing on the formation with all of the sky beneath it. You can tell right away that's fake, not just because of the scale of the thing, but the way it looks. But for some reason, I really dug it. Not sure what they did, cgi or something else. But it reminded me of those badass matte shots they did in the 30's-70's for stuff like that. You knew it wasn't real, but it was so cool looking you didn't mind.

I especially love the little verbal sparring matches between Baelish (who will always be Carcetti to me from the Wire) and Varys. I love all of those 'I expect I've seen you more recently than you've seen me' lines.

I'm into anything with a high amount of political intrigue, backstabbing, scheming, chess playing, and this show has that in spades. Everyone is playing around with eachother, moving the pieces to serve their own ends, it's great.

Joffrey is amazing. I tell my mom every episode 'that guy is an AMAZING actor'. He sells that arrogant, puny, pure evil demeanor so well.

And Arya is a jam, one of my favs, this is the only thing she's ever done. How crazy is that? Tyrion is another favorite.

The wolves haven't done a ton, but I loved that one bit in the second episode, when Bran was still in a coma and that assassin tried to kill him but his wolf saved him by tearing his throat out, that was slick.

The Wall has definitely been a highlight of the show. So much anticipation there with the White Walkers and the undead. It's going to be insane when the White Walkers invade. I had a feeling during the finale when Jon first left the Wall to join Rob that the Walkers were going to invade right then, and that his desertion would save his life. But ah well, they'll show up sooner or later. I thought his fat friend was going to be real hammy (no pun intended) but he's turned out pretty well.

Well concerning the dragons, apparently they were the damn show stoppers back in the day when the Targaryens ruled. That one guy mentions in the last episode that the dragons were the only thing that kept the Seven Kingdoms under one ruler. I guess they were just too mighty. Though how they died out I dunno.

Yeah, I was no fan of the Dothraki when the show first started, they just seemed like Klingons to me, or any other typical overly savage/brute race. But I think they've come into their own, I like their horse philosophy.

I'm not sure which speech you're talking about though. The one after they had raided those villages and taken slaves and left him with a wound that killed him? Actually I bet that is the one you're talking about, where he rips his tongue out through the cut in his throat. Yeah, that was nuts.

I also really liked his speech when he talked about all the destruction he'd bring to the kingdoms cause they tried to kill Daenerys.

Haha I hate all of the Lannisters, except Tyrion. But that's good, I like that I hate them so much. Tywin is such a bad father haha.

Yeah, my Mom was real disappointed when she saw that shot. She was lying to herself all week before that Ned had somehow survived haha.

As for the books, they aren't finished. They're about halfway through actually I believe. It's a series of seven, four of them are out. The fifth is due mid-July. And from what I've been told, the first season covered the whole of the first book. So I guess every season is a book.

artsygrrl 06.21.2011 02:53 PM

Yeah, GoT has been an AWESOME series! I love the intro!
What a great move---casting Peter Dinklage as Tyrion. In the book he is nowhere near that fiesty.
Major fucking shock: Ned Stark losing his head. WTF ??

Deja vu moment: When Daenerys Targaryen puts Drogo out of his misery by smothering him with a pillow = Think "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" when Chief smothers the lobotomized Randall

nicfit 06.21.2011 03:08 PM


Originally Posted by Count Mecha
you see that shot of the Eyrie, the tower standing on the formation with all of the sky beneath it. You can tell right away that's fake, not just because of the scale of the thing, but the way it looks. But for some reason, I really dug it.

Yes, it had some sort of Conan the Barbarian/Star Trek effect going on there, but you really don't mind while watching, besically even if lots of things do look/feel "real" you know you're not watching a documentary haha...some "less credible" scenarios are pretty cool in my book.


Originally Posted by Count Mecha
I especially love the little verbal sparring matches between Baelish (who will always be Carcetti to me from the Wire) and Varys. I love all of those 'I expect I've seen you more recently than you've seen me' lines.

Oh yes, those are reeeeeally nice too, but are kinda more "expected" in an environment such as a king's court hehe ;). Nevertheless, actors and script are damn great.


Originally Posted by Count Mecha
The wolves haven't done a ton, but I loved that one bit in the second episode, when Bran was still in a coma and that assassin tried to kill him but his wolf saved him by tearing his throat out, that was slick.

I loved when Robb's wolf chew a bunch of northman's fingers when they were talking about the battle plans before marching on towards king's landing, hehe.


Originally Posted by Count Mecha
Well concerning the dragons, apparently they were the damn show stoppers back in the day when the Targaryens ruled. That one guy mentions in the last episode that the dragons were the only thing that kept the Seven Kingdoms under one ruler. I guess they were just too mighty. Though how they died out I dunno.

Something having to do with a too long winter, perhaps (you know, ice and fire, etc)?
Haven't thought much about it, also coz I thought the eggs wouldn't hatch in this season haha...I've a feeling this time around dragons will save the kingdoms, btw..but sounds like a long way to go haha.


Originally Posted by Count Mecha
where he rips his tongue out through the cut in his throat. Yeah, that was nuts.

I also really liked his speech when he talked about all the destruction he'd bring to the kingdoms cause they tried to kill Daenerys.

Yes, that's the one. I liked it way more than the "kingdoms destruction" speech, that one was more "rethoric", for his people, the other one was fuckin' personal, it was him against the other guy.


Originally Posted by Count Mecha
Haha I hate all of the Lannisters, except Tyrion. But that's good, I like that I hate them so much. Tywin is such a bad father haha.

whoops, edited the previous post, I meant Tyrion too!
Amazing character and actor too.

floatingslowly 06.21.2011 03:20 PM

wow... swords and dragons???? you guys are GEEKS.

DeadDiscoDildo 06.21.2011 04:03 PM

Yeah, fucking nerds.

I wish Stargate SG1 was still on.

Now that's quality.

truncated 06.21.2011 07:02 PM

You all pretty much summed up my thoughts.

I was a bit surprised that Drogo grew to have seemingly genuine affection, even love for Daenerys. I thought she was just going to be his breeding mare. Their storyline was actually turning out to be the most intriguing to me; it still is, but I am disappointed with Drogo's death.


I have a thing for European period dramas; fantasy; medieval dramatizations...I'm honestly surprised I've never looked into Dungeons & Dragons. I guess there's an escapist in me.

Tyrion is by far my favorite character, and now I'm intrigued by his "whore" (whose name I've forgotten). It seems she's got a backstory that will inevitably unfold.

Robb seemed kind of weak/unremarkable to me at first, but his character seems to have been fortified by the plot changes. For some reason, I don't trust that Theon. He smacks of a future traitor.

At first Sansa annoyed the hell out of me as a shallow, foolish, materialistic young girl, but when Joffrey took her to see her father's head and she went to shove him off the plank, I was definitely taken by surprise. I have hopes for her.

That Arya rules goes without saying.

I don't like the wolves being involved, because they're CUTE and I can't stand to watch animals get hurt (when the witch slit the horse's throat, I almost died). Shut up.

NOT COOL to kill Sean Bean. Yes, Sean Bean, not Ned Stark. Sean Bean is hot. Shallow, but there you have it.

Did I mention that Sean Bean is hot? He is.

DeadDiscoDildo 06.21.2011 07:31 PM

Um, Stargate mixed European Fantasy/drama and mixed it with sci fi and ancient Egyptian mythos.

The stories were great, but the acting was cheesey.

If you watch it as a comedy it's brilliant, if you take it seriously...well then...

DeadDiscoDildo 06.21.2011 07:31 PM

Not trying to derail this thread though, I just felt like talking about SG1 without making a thread.

I heard this show is fucking excellent (game of thrones)

artsygrrl 06.21.2011 07:43 PM


Originally Posted by truncated
You all pretty much summed up my thoughts.

I was a bit surprised that Drogo grew to have seemingly genuine affection, even love for Daenerys. I thought she was just going to be his breeding mare. Their storyline was actually turning out to be the most intriguing to me; it still is, but I am disappointed with Drogo's death.


I have a thing for European period dramas; fantasy; medieval dramatizations...I'm honestly surprised I've never looked into Dungeons & Dragons. I guess there's an escapist in me.

Tyrion is by far my favorite character, and now I'm intrigued by his "whore" (whose name I've forgotten). It seems she's got a backstory that will inevitably unfold.

Robb seemed kind of weak/unremarkable to me at first, but his character seems to have been fortified by the plot changes. For some reason, I don't trust that Theon. He smacks of a future traitor.

At first Sansa annoyed the hell out of me as a shallow, foolish, materialistic young girl, but when Joffrey took her to see her father's head and she went to shove him off the plank, I was definitely taken by surprise. I have hopes for her.

That Arya rules goes without saying.

I don't like the wolves being involved, because they're CUTE and I can't stand to watch animals get hurt (when the witch slit the horse's throat, I almost died). Shut up.

NOT COOL to kill Sean Bean. Yes, Sean Bean, not Ned Stark. Sean Bean is hot. Shallow, but there you have it.

Did I mention that Sean Bean is hot? He is.

Sean Bean convincingly plays Ned Stark in GoT. Therefore, Ned Stark, not Sean Bean, got killed. Pointless, really. I almost cried.
I also hated the horse death, as well as the losing jouster beheading his horse. Fucker. Also Lady being killed. Same as above.

Count Mecha 06.22.2011 01:09 AM


Originally Posted by artsygrrl
Yeah, GoT has been an AWESOME series! I love the intro!
What a great move---casting Peter Dinklage as Tyrion. In the book he is nowhere near that fiesty.
Major fucking shock: Ned Stark losing his head. WTF ??

Deja vu moment: When Daenerys Targaryen puts Drogo out of his misery by smothering him with a pillow = Think "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" when Chief smothers the lobotomized Randall

Peter Dinklage here is some of the best casting I've ever seen. I haven't even read the books yet and I know he's destroying the role (in all the right ways).

As for the Cuckoo's Nest vibe, that's EXACTLY what I thought as well.


Originally Posted by DeadDiscoDildo
Yeah, fucking nerds.

I wish Stargate SG1 was still on.

Now that's quality.

Man, you got ten seasons of that show. That wasn't enough for you?


Originally Posted by truncated
I was a bit surprised that Drogo grew to have seemingly genuine affection, even love for Daenerys. I thought she was just going to be his breeding mare. Their storyline was actually turning out to be the most intriguing to me; it still is, but I am disappointed with Drogo's death.

I was really surprised by that too. What surprised me even more is that I bought it. I mean, they never really give you a reason for them to really love eachother. It just happens, but they somehow sell it to where I believe it, which was really cool.

I didn't like the Dothraki story at first, well I won't say flat out "didn't like", but I was SO into everything else that was going on, I felt like it was dragging. But along the way it just grew on me. And Drogo was just funny, every time he killed someone, it was in some ridiculous way. Like when he poured the melted gold on Viserys' head, man what a dark joke that was.


Originally Posted by truncated
Robb seemed kind of weak/unremarkable to me at first, but his character seems to have been fortified by the plot changes. For some reason, I don't trust that Theon. He smacks of a future traitor.

Robb has been interesting, especially towards the end of the season because he feels like a character that really has to prove himself to everyone, not so much in the typical way of satisfying some core of pride, but because he really needs to be assertive, but the cards are so against him. He's very young, I can see his authority being regularly challenged, everyone looking to him for leadership, waging a war against the damn Throne. And now his Dad is dead, so the responsibility for alot of what happens next will fall to him, gotta be so tough.

I have a feeling Bran (I really hope he somehow gets his legs back by the way) is going to be the ward of Winterfell for a long time.

As for Theon, I'll probably worry about him too. Because while he seems very devoted to the Starks, he seemed really hot headed and somewhat insubordinate towards Robb when the bandits attacked Bran. He thinks himself a great lord (apparently a former status) but isn't anymore. After his House failed an invasion, I'm kind of muddy on it.


Originally Posted by truncated
At first Sansa annoyed the hell out of me as a shallow, foolish, materialistic young girl, but when Joffrey took her to see her father's head and she went to shove him off the plank, I was definitely taken by surprise. I have hopes for her.

Same here, Sansa drove me crazy. I felt so horrible for Ned when she actively told him how much she wanted to marry Joffrey and have babies with him. And you could tell Ned just wanted to have absolutely nothing to do with the Lannisters. But yeah, when Joffrey made her look at her father's head on a pike. Just that whole scene, that was a moment.


Originally Posted by truncated
I don't like the wolves being involved, because they're CUTE and I can't stand to watch animals get hurt (when the witch slit the horse's throat, I almost died). Shut up.

I'm no fan of animal death either. GoT manages to be a very cold show though the way it allows animal death so easily. We've already had at least two horse death and one wolf. Anything else you see will kill tons of people, but be very reserved about killing animals. Like Independence Day or something, that dog was never going to get killed.

Speaking of grieving of Sean Bean/Ned Stark getting killed. Honestly I guess we should've all seen it coming back in the pilot when they discovered the dead dire wolf along with freshly born cubs. Great foreshadowing there.

Another thing that kills me about this show is all of the taboos and unconventional stuff it explores. That bizarro mother/son relationship at the Eyrie, the Lannister incest, pedophilia, homosexual oral sex, animal death, alluded to amputee sex, rape, alluded bestiality, I'm sure necrophilia will make it in there before too long.

artsygrrl 06.22.2011 06:31 AM


artsygrrl 06.22.2011 06:36 AM

"Go fetch me a breastplate stretcher!"


Keeping It Simple 06.22.2011 10:26 AM

I'll probably buy the DVD boxset of season one to see what all the fuss is about.

floatingslowly 09.20.2011 09:02 AM

imagine my anger when I discovered that there was no S01E11 available.

rage upon rage.

exactly how long do I have to wait now?????

floatingslowly 09.20.2011 09:07 AM

if you had a bridge-city and all there was inside to fuck was your own 15 year old daughters, would you ever leave the house????

Count Mecha 09.20.2011 01:56 PM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
imagine my anger when I discovered that there was no S01E11 available.

rage upon rage.

exactly how long do I have to wait now?????

Yeah, I'm sure we all felt that way when that episode aired. Doesn't even feel like a finale. The book is somewhat the same way. Pretty much ends right there. No date on the second season yet. But I expect it'll be something like April when it next airs, unfortunately.


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
if you had a bridge-city and all there was inside to fuck was your own 15 year old daughters, would you ever leave the house????

Haha, talking about Walder Frey? That guy never does leave his house. He has so many kids. There's a guy in the second book that almost trumps him though.

So I've been reading through the books, several hundreds pages into the third one at the moment, and just to allay any doubts that I'm sure none of you have had, it has yet to stop being good. Next season will be out of control, so you don't have to worry about that. I'm actually worrying about how they're going to do part of it, because it's going to be expensive.

In any case, I wouldn't spoil you guys who haven't read the books or anything except that, if you think things are bad now, haha.

Couple of things I will say though about the first book in relation to what we've seen on the show:

Tyrion is fucking UGLY in the books. He has mismatched eyes (one green, one black) and his face in general is just really misshapen. And he just gets uglier haha.

Also, the one thing that disappointed me about the show after I had read the book is that they REALLY underplay Bran's dreams in the show. Concerning what Bran sees and what the crow tells him, I don't even remember it speaking to him in the show. So in that regard, it's like the singular stumbling block of the show, and its pretty easy to let go.

But yeah, can't wait for next season, gonna be amazing.

Count Mecha 01.30.2012 01:59 AM

So it's been a few months, and the trailers for the next season have started to trickle down.

Are you guys still pumped for this show? I know I am. It's gonna be stellar.

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