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porkmarras 07.31.2006 02:31 PM

Is anyone interested in demolishing this naffest of musical terms?
Also known as:IDM?

Пятхъдесят Шест 07.31.2006 02:32 PM

How do you suggest we demolish it?

HaydenAsche 07.31.2006 02:32 PM

Yes. I'm in favour. What is the date for demolition?

porkmarras 07.31.2006 02:34 PM

When dance music hasn't been intelligent i really don't know.All i know is that this most odious of terms has been probably invented by people who are scared of their own microwaves.Go on,pick those shovels and let's give this guitar-adoring term a good run for it's money.

Savage Clone 07.31.2006 03:24 PM

"IDM" is bad, but not as bad as "Post Rock."

alyasa 07.31.2006 03:24 PM

It's just basically electronic music that's not wholly dance-oriented. Like Prodigy or Scooter are wholly dance-oriented, that is made for discos and people with really loud, high-end stereo systems and live in secluded mansions where there are no neighbours and an olympic-sized swimming pool to chill out in after a long night of ecstasy and ice-fuelled dancing and lovemaking. It's like alternative rock. It's rock, but not for shitting in a trailer whilst drinking beer rock. Or is it? :(

Cantankerous 07.31.2006 03:25 PM

it's fuckin horrible tripe.

alyasa 07.31.2006 03:26 PM

Yeah, labels are for cans. This particular one seems more derivative than most.

Iain 07.31.2006 04:52 PM

IDM is way worse than Post Rock I think. It's such an embarrasingly awful sub-genre label that people always have to abbreviate it for fear of retching if they actually have to type/write Intelligent Dance Music...bllleeegghhhhh.

Savage Clone 07.31.2006 04:54 PM

OK then, how about "EBM?"
Electronic Body Music?

Commence retching.

Glice 07.31.2006 05:28 PM

I remember this interview with John Peel where he said he liked the idea of intelligent drum n' bass, because it presupposed the existence of stupid drum n' bass...

Music to dance to. It's intelligent already. Just not cerebral.

SC - the thing with EBM is that if you go to a proper EBM night it should be loud enough to live up to its name. Slimelight in Islington, for instance.

In synopsis - IDM is dance music for people who don't dance (who should therefore be sectioned). EBM is for industrialists who go to raves, which I heartily approve of. Post-rock is for eunochs.

Savage Clone 07.31.2006 05:32 PM

Actually the thing with EBM is that it's a pretty stagnant genre that has sounded exactly the same since roughly 1988 and has all but ruined modern goth music forever, or so it would seem.

Glice 07.31.2006 05:36 PM

Oh right. Yeah, that is very true. I generally get more annoyed by how industrial means goth-house to most industrialists, and I can't get into a decent conversation with them about Einsturzende Neubauten or Throbbing Gristle.

Savage Clone 07.31.2006 05:37 PM

I refer to it as "Death Disco In Plastic Pants And Goggles."

Full concurrence.

alyasa 07.31.2006 11:04 PM

EBM, like most modern electronic music has to be experienced, rather than heard. It's 'body' moniker bears testament to that. With regards to IDM, I'm thinkng that is the distinction that the critics and hoi polloi have placed on certain electronic music that can actually be listened to; at home, for instance. I still don't fully understand why the intelligent part though. Are they implying that all such music has deeper connotations and layers? Are they implying it's a pretentious intellectual fuck? :(

GeneticKiss 07.31.2006 11:33 PM

No name for a musical style/movement will ever be worse than "grunge".

I personally can't say EBM out loud becuz I hear "BM" and immediately think of shit.

acousticrock87 08.01.2006 12:59 AM

IDM and EBM always sound like telephone companies to me.

"Wanna listen to some EBM?"
No I use Verizon.

Style 08.01.2006 01:16 AM

IDM is a fun genre to listen to, but I agree that the label does suck. IDM was the name of a mailing list for aphex twin. Then some people came along and decided to make it a genre and made it stand for intelligent dance music. Aphex actually dislikes the term, even though he's seen as one of the original idm artists.

cosmokramer 08.01.2006 04:10 AM

i give my stamp of approval for destruction.

_slavo_ 08.01.2006 04:29 AM

As the term itself, IDM sucks major ass and I approve too.
But as a subgenre within electronic music concerning music not labels, in my personal opinion a thing called nu-jazz is just the worst fucking horrible thing ever invented. Come on, jazzy noodling with two or three beats, plus cheesy vocal samples and very user-friendly chill out atmosphere....hell, it's really bad.

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