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gmku 07.27.2006 04:09 PM

Does anybody keep a list of your albums?
Like a database list? Something organized?

luxinterior 07.27.2006 04:12 PM

I can't even keep them organized in my room, let alone in a database list.

TheDom 07.27.2006 04:12 PM

My uncle does that with his albums and movies.

I want to, but I just never got around to it.

Glice 07.27.2006 04:14 PM

Mmm. I have a searchable database. It's only half-finished though. I'm not proud of it, mind you, and my lack of pride is reflected in the fact that I haven't gone back to it in 8+ months.

Savage Clone 07.27.2006 04:15 PM

I have been meaning to do this with my time off, but it is so identical to the work I did at the record shop that I have not been able to motivate myself to do it.

My friend and former employer has a vast and insanely valuable collection and has the whole thing archived in a database for personal and insurance reasons. It was hilarious at the shop; we would run across some old soul LP and he would be like "Hey, let me look and see if I have this in better or worse condition....nope, mine's VG+ and this one is VG. Go ahead and list it!"

porkmarras 07.27.2006 04:15 PM

I don't and never will.If i had one i'd certainly never look at it even with my glasses on.

Savage Clone 07.27.2006 04:18 PM

I think it would be mighty handy to have if my collection got destroyed. Otherwise the insurance company would just give me some arbitrary and ridiculously small amount of money per LP, which would suck since some of my albums are worth a pretty penny.

gmku 07.27.2006 04:19 PM


Originally Posted by Savage Clone
I have been meaning to do this with my time off, but it is so identical to the work I did at the record shop that I have not been able to motivate myself to do it.

My friend and former employer has a vast and insanely valuable collection and has the whole thing archived in a database for personal and insurance reasons. It was hilarious at the shop; we would run across some old soul LP and he would be like "Hey, let me look and see if I have this in better or worse condition....nope, mine's VG+ and this one is VG. Go ahead and list it!"

Is that how those places work? The store around the corner supposedly has a huge basement full of records, and I'm told customers only see the tip of the iceberg on the store floor. The manager tells me the owner has valuable stuff down there that he won't let anybody touch until a better copy comes in to the store, then he brings up the "less valuable" copy. God, I'd love to be in that position.

I've often thought of videotaping my collection, but the thought of doing all that work is kind of off-putting. Pulling out each album, pulling out the Lp, describing the condition, date of purchase, etc. Yuck.

sonicl 07.27.2006 04:20 PM

I keep meaning to make a list for insurance purposes.

Cantankerous 07.27.2006 04:22 PM

I do that for a living. No thanks.

krastian 07.27.2006 04:22 PM

Yeah in my brain:D

sonicl 07.27.2006 04:23 PM


Originally Posted by Cantankerous
I do that for a living. No thanks.

What, insurance or make lists?

Glice 07.27.2006 04:28 PM

That's a good point, I really should sit down one weekend and finish off my database. Given its growth rate, especially as I now have an income, it would be wise to keep tabs on it now, especially as insurance is now an inevitability.

Danny Himself 07.27.2006 04:29 PM

I used to keep everything in alphabetical order. Not anymore, though. I will return to such work in the future.

Savage Clone 07.27.2006 04:29 PM


Originally Posted by gmku
I've often thought of videotaping my collection, but the thought of doing all that work is kind of off-putting. Pulling out each album, pulling out the Lp, describing the condition, date of purchase, etc. Yuck.

Imagine having to watch it!

And yes, most dealers in 2nd hand LPs will upgrade their collections when the situation permits; it's a perk of the job. My old boss would always bring back the copy he had traded up from to sell instead though; he wouldn't just hoard duplicate copies. He would also trade up for originals when he had reissues, and then would sell off the reissues from his collection. It was an enviable position indeed.

HaydenAsche 07.27.2006 04:31 PM

Everything in all of my collections is in alphabetical order.

TheDom 07.27.2006 04:31 PM


Originally Posted by HaydenAsche
Everything in all of my collections is in alphabetical order.

Same here.

Savage Clone 07.27.2006 04:33 PM

I have my stuff alphabetized too, with some genre separation as well. Still, that wouldn't really help much is I had to suddenly replace my collection after a catastrophe of some kind.

gmku 07.27.2006 04:34 PM

Mine's alphabetized by artist, regardless of genre.

And I keep mine locked up in a closet. Good for stopping thieves. A bitch if I have to pull them out in a fire.

Pookie 07.27.2006 04:55 PM

I used to list my records, and keep them in alphabetical order. I'd like to still for ease of access, but I just can't be bothered at the moment. On my "to do" list.

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