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Mortte Jousimo 10.29.2010 10:08 AM

the Worst Rolling Stones record?
In my opinion it is Emotional Rescue. There is some great Stones songs like Dance, Send it to me, Where the boys go and Emotional rescue but there is also the worst Stones songs: Indian Girl and Sheīs so cold. The rest of the album is quite ok.

gualbert 10.29.2010 11:09 AM

I won't answer this question unless I'm getting paid for listening to their post 60's records.

narlus 10.29.2010 01:59 PM


Originally Posted by gualbert
I won't answer this question unless I'm getting paid for listening to their post 60's records.

you need to get paid to listen to Sticky Fingers, Exile, or Goat's Head Soup?

gualbert 10.29.2010 02:25 PM

I can't recall of any good songs that they've recorded in the 70's (and after).(name one!)
On the other hand, they've recorded so many overlooked gems in the 60's. (I can name a dozen)

Mortte Jousimo 10.30.2010 03:31 AM


Originally Posted by gualbert
I can't recall of any good songs that they've recorded in the 70's (and after).(name one!)
On the other hand, they've recorded so many overlooked gems in the 60's. (I can name a dozen)

Hereīs some:
Brown Sugar, Wild Horses, Canīt you hear me knocking, Bitch, Sister Morphine, Dead Flowers, Sweet Virginia, Loving Cup, Soul Survivor, Coming Down again, Doo Doo Doo..., Angie, Itīs Only RīnīR, Time Waits For no-one, Memory Motel, Miss You, Emotional Rescue, Hang Fire, Slave, Worried about you, Waitin on a friend, Undercover of the Night, One Hit (to the Body), Sleep Tonight, Mixed Emotions, Continental Drift, New Faces, Moon is up, Thru and Thru, Gunface, Too Tight, How Can I Stop and many more...

Satan 10.30.2010 10:54 AM

undercover, dirty work, steel wheels, bridges to babylon, voodoo lounge, a bigger i missing any?

tattoo you was the last good album.

regardless, they are my favorite band of all time.

PAULYBEE2656 10.30.2010 02:08 PM

the best of the rolling stones

Dead-Air 10.30.2010 02:16 PM

that'd be whatever the last one was, which will be the same answer in twelve years.

gualbert 10.30.2010 02:32 PM


Originally Posted by Dead-Air
that'd be whatever the last one was, which will be the same answer in twelve years.

How long has this been going on?

Mortte Jousimo 10.31.2010 03:05 AM


Originally Posted by Dead-Air
that'd be whatever the last one was, which will be the same answer in twelve years.

Have you heard the latest Rolling Stones -records? I doubt it, because you donīt even known their names. So how can you say they are the worst Stones records if you havenīt heard them? If somebody will make the worst U2 -album thread, I wonīt write there anything because I have heard only War-album totally.

Mortte Jousimo 10.31.2010 03:12 AM


Originally Posted by Satan
undercover, dirty work, steel wheels, bridges to babylon, voodoo lounge, a bigger i missing any?

tattoo you was the last good album.

regardless, they are my favorite band of all time.

There is every studio record they`ve made after Tattoo You. There has come also these live-albums: Still Life, Flashpoint, Stripped, No Security and Shine a Light -soundtrack. I have every official Rolling Stones release (not every compilations) so I guess Iīm very fanatic fan. I truly think almost everything they have made is good, but I think maybe now itīs their time to quit.

Satan 10.31.2010 01:11 PM

i don't think they should ever need to quit, i've seen them in their old age and they still got it as far as playing live shows. they don't need to make records anymore, but touring? go for it

demonrail666 10.31.2010 01:20 PM

My least favourite is probably Satanic Majesties. It just sounds like The Stones trying to be the Beatles. Although I don't think they're great, atleast they knew who they were on albums like Undercover, Bridges to Babylon and A Bigger Bang.

Mortte Jousimo 11.01.2010 06:03 AM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
My least favourite is probably Satanic Majesties. It just sounds like The Stones trying to be the Beatles. Although I don't think they're great, atleast they knew who they were on albums like Undercover, Bridges to Babylon and A Bigger Bang.

I think many have this opinion, I know one fanatic Rolling Stones fan, who donīt want to hear that album at all. Of course that album sounds least to Rolling Stones, but anyhow I like it. Of course itīs not as great as Beggars for example. I have heard, that in the recording of that album they listened Sgt. Pepper, when they got no ideas anymore. And Mick Jagger had an vision to change Rolling Stones a psychedelic band. Iīm also glad, that that vision not came through and they returned to the blues based music. But I think this period was good to the band, Beggars doesnīt sound same as Aftermath for example or the first albums. And eventhough Between the buttons is kind of psychedelic period album, it is almost as good as Beggars banquet. And I think they made one classic in that period: Ruby Tuesday.

Mortte Jousimo 11.02.2010 12:01 AM

I have to say something about Their Satanic yet. There are some great songs: Citadel, 2000 man, sheīs a rainbow, 2000 Light years from home and On with the show. 2000 man could be in Beggars Banquet. And in my opinion 2000 light years is same kind of Stones classic as Sympathy for the devil, Street fighting man, Jumpin jack flash etc.

krischanski 11.02.2010 02:16 AM

Rolling Stones, hä?

atsonicpark 11.02.2010 05:34 AM

Hmm.. I'm not a fan of this band at all, but I do like Mick Jagger, specifically for his work in the masterpiece movie "Performance" and his musical score for "Invocation of My Demon Brother". Check those out. And I suppose Rolling Stones recorded some good songs about 40 years ago, too.

SuperCreep 11.02.2010 05:44 AM

i love a few of their albums, but i have no interest in scraping the bottom of the barrel with them. i'll just say "tattoo you" is my least favorite.

demonrail666 11.02.2010 07:27 AM


Originally Posted by Mortte Jousimo
I have to say something about Their Satanic yet. There are some great songs: Citadel, 2000 man, sheīs a rainbow, 2000 Light years from home and On with the show. 2000 man could be in Beggars Banquet. And in my opinion 2000 light years is same kind of Stones classic as Sympathy for the devil, Street fighting man, Jumpin jack flash etc.

2000 Light Years is great and stands out as the album's best track, for me. She's a Rainbow is good, too but, I dunno, much of what else is on there just seems a bit half-baked and like they were trying to force themselves into a hole they didn't really fit into. Between the Buttons is probably my favourite one from that period.

DeadDiscoDildo 11.02.2010 02:24 PM

All of them


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