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atsonicpark 05.20.2010 03:17 AM

epic ways to quit your job?
Okay, after nearly six years working at a department store 3rd shift, I think it's time for me to move on to greener pastures (and go to a video store part time... hey, free rentals! And it'll be FUN!). So, I need some epic ass way to quit. I was thinking of going down the can aisle and knocking over all the cans. Or the chemical aisle. Or taking some frozen foods pallets and parking them on the other side of the store.

pbradley 05.20.2010 03:24 AM

Lawsuits make for great going-away presents.

nicfit 05.20.2010 03:42 AM

put scissor shock music through the PA and get naked and piss on fruit/vegetables.

FreshChops 05.20.2010 03:45 AM

hijack the PA system and announce that all Blacks to must leave the store immediately.

nicfit 05.20.2010 03:52 AM


Originally Posted by nicfit
put scissor shock music through the PA and get naked and piss on fruit/vegetables.

and if you're feeling kinky, masturbate, then restart masturbating and yell "Be ready for the second coming!!".

atsonicpark 05.20.2010 03:55 AM

You know what's funny? After the incident freshchops referenced, they did take out ALL THE PHONES in our store (the phones that control the PA system I mean). The only ones available now are in the manager's office!

verme (prevaricator) 05.20.2010 03:56 AM

there are still video stores? hiring?

atsonicpark 05.20.2010 04:00 AM

Family Video, yeah.

2 free rentals a day or something, and they've actually got quite a lot of rare, weird shit. Nice porn section too. I would gladly take a pay cut for something I actually enjoy.. being around movies! (even if a lot of 'em are shit)

knox 05.20.2010 08:35 AM


Originally Posted by verme (prevaricator)
there are still video stores? hiring?

Not everyone is a.
I love video stores.

Well, the best way to leave your job is to go to lunch and never come back.
I did that once.

SONIC GAIL 05.20.2010 09:03 AM

Get a dog. Take him to work insisting that you are now blind and must have him with you at all times for assistance. Once he starts taking shits in the grocery dept youll be outta there in no time.

EVOLghost 05.20.2010 09:50 AM


Originally Posted by knox

Well, the best way to leave your job is to go to lunch and never come back.
I did that once.


or just while working...just yell out DONE! then walk out.

ni'k 05.20.2010 09:51 AM

give your boss a lapdance wearing nothing but a thong but only make it more about diarhhea instead of dancing.

space 05.20.2010 10:04 AM


cover yrself in toilet paper, cheese crackers, a random gardening magazine and a tub of hand lotion.

at least, that's what I'd do.

amerikangod 05.20.2010 12:44 PM

No, no, no. You don't do it in one grand gesture. You do it slowly, over time. Keep pushing your limits, inch by inch until things get absolutely ridiculous. If you have limp-wristed bosses, they will be less inclined to call you out on the subtle things. If they actually value you as an employee, who knows what they'll end up tolerating.

I once broke a boss like this. But he loved me. He had a huge hissy fit one day because I was five minutes late. I walked out, went to the corner bodega, came back and slapped a pack of maxi pads onto his desk. Told him I had no problem leaving if that's what he wanted. He got really quiet. Ten minutes later I walked past his desk and saw him making business cards with my name on them.

space 05.20.2010 12:46 PM

I think I love'm quite sure of it.

amerikangod 05.20.2010 12:56 PM


Originally Posted by space
I think I love'm quite sure of it.

So what are you so afraid of? Are you afraid that you're not sure of a love there is no cure for? You think you love me, isn't that what life is made of?
Though it worries you to say that you've never felt this way.


!@#$%! 05.20.2010 01:15 PM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
Okay, after nearly six years working at a department store 3rd shift, I think it's time for me to move on to greener pastures (and go to a video store part time... hey, free rentals! And it'll be FUN!). So, I need some epic ass way to quit. I was thinking of going down the can aisle and knocking over all the cans. Or the chemical aisle. Or taking some frozen foods pallets and parking them on the other side of the store.

shit a brick, hide it in the frozen goods? dna could be trackable though.

one thing to consider: video stores are dying like flies at the hands of netflix, so don't burn any bridges.

well maybe you wanna burn bridges so you're forced to forever move forward, which would be a good thing.

i think pissing on your boss while you stand on his desk would be epic.

dale_gribble 05.20.2010 02:10 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
i think pissing on your boss while you stand on his desk would be epic.

totally, or just taking a dump on his desk.

hevusa 05.20.2010 02:27 PM

Are you guys kidding me????

This... atsonicpark... will be the day you get to chew out the next smart ass customer that comes along. The one that you have had to bite your lip and be polite to in the past. Let all hell rain down upon them. It will be cathartic.

SonikJesus 05.20.2010 03:56 PM

Good thread. I've wondered about this myself before. I hope people start coming up with more realistic ones that they would actually do in real life, however. I'd probably just cuss out my area coach.

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