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Anngella 04.09.2010 01:13 PM

Abe Lincoln's Groupies
I'm so high. I wrote this before I mean after but fake-ing-ly before I typed all of that VVV bazooka garbage down there.

So please don't judge me, okay, Simon?

The cats are scratching at my bains this is just a creative energy flowing and it won't stop raining nails on my door but meow tiger meow meow and MEOW he just said it german dolllllllllllllllllls flowers over the road and under the shower I LOVE TO HAVE A TOAD in me for HOURS i want toooo write a over onbldy akdjfi give me a break ti gi v me a bre a k bt ccattt caatttttt i'm the RAIN WOMAN ovr the heills isnadnfkdkdirhrfnalk typing eels good on my fingers tpe type angela angela gnalea angela angleananglela angela a nl gela lllkdon't cat me i'm favorable to the rest of the test severandicementvalicationisinfinite to the flowers and fake cranes flaoting ovre us and THE way WE roCk is To oto d play with tiger and grace th woods with your deeeer deer messiah obama otasostrich don't fear the reapear or the men in the black suits trying to dfray you and over nd over again joaaaaaaaaaainininingininininginininingininining i over the green box and the candles this is good i am dumb diumd stupid scrackrac crackdijk crackers with blue cheese on them mMOM you can't hear me if I'm typing to you BEcAEuSEU they are not over here to play with me and my mother over the lodge and th sky jumped down and i am a cat with GREEN EYES fucking FUCREKING lkJFSD eyes YEAH fucking me fuck me in my ass like you did while i was asleep and ovr the bed lik while i was not aslep and in my ss for when i wanted to be asleep ari miar MAIR we cna be MARI fucking MARI CRHSITMAS ovr the heill, ToOMMY! i greet infesticious insecticids and i love me.

GeneticKiss 04.09.2010 01:15 PM

I read that first sentence and immediately Blur's "She's So High" started in my head.

Anngella 04.09.2010 01:18 PM

I will listen to it as soon as the ear devices get on my ears.

This reply looked tooo short to me. I just feel like writing. I need something to write about. i am so addicted to typing

GeneticKiss 04.09.2010 01:22 PM

Here, I'll save you some time-->

flophousefloozie 04.09.2010 01:31 PM

I laugh out loud, just about every time I see that cat in your signature. It's like he (she?) is taunting me. Like there was a coin in one of her paws, and somehow she made it disappear, and it doesn't even faze her to see my astonishment, because she knows just how cool it really is.

EVOLghost 04.11.2010 08:45 PM

I can really stare at that sig for hours.

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