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phoenix 03.15.2010 07:17 PM

plan my mid week weekend.
since i generally work random days, my *weekends* are split up and hardly ever on sat or sunday.
Wednesday thursday i get two days off together. Hopefully i can enjoy the last of the summer warmth that has not left.. Phillip island, point nepean, or wine country?

Sonic Youth 37 03.15.2010 07:27 PM

Wine. I have the same weird schedule, so I'm off until Thursday. I celebrated leaving work today by stopping on the way home for the 3 B's: bread, butter, and beer.

phoenix 03.15.2010 07:27 PM

phillip island = fish and chips, coffee, vanilla slice, and the beach..

point nepean = beach, trees, walks

wine country = nice walks, wine, coffee etc

pokkeherrie 03.15.2010 07:28 PM

fuck the pinguins, fuck the wine, pont nepean it shall be.

or the grampians?

Pookie 03.15.2010 07:29 PM

Are there no Victorian follies you could visit?

phoenix 03.15.2010 07:31 PM


Originally Posted by Sonic Youth 37
Wine. I have the same weird schedule, so I'm off until Thursday. I celebrated leaving work today by stopping on the way home for the 3 B's: bread, butter, and beer.

blergh. I worked late last night then ended up in the city waiting for hansolo to finish his show (greenroom awards), so didn't get home till about 1. Tonight is a late night also, so I am looking forward to really getting out of town for at least the day. Phillip island is usually the most relaxing, and I dont get too fretful from lack of necessary parts of my day ( food, coffee, etc etc )

phoenix 03.15.2010 07:33 PM


Originally Posted by pokkeherrie
fuck the pinguins, fuck the wine, pont nepean it shall be.

or the grampians?

I dont do the penguins when I go(that's for tourists), just sit around lazily.

maybe grampians though.. it is a much longer drive.

floatingslowly 03.15.2010 07:45 PM

there's no way in hell I'd let you drive, Racer X.

pokkeherrie 03.15.2010 07:53 PM

the penguins are only the thing i remember about phillip island... and the seals.

grampians might be a bit too far if you want to sit around lazily, you'd be driving a lot both days. also it's better to sit around lazily on the beach than sit around lazily in the mountains, if you're going to sit around lazily.

ok, sitting around lazily at phillip island it shall be then, if you can avoid the tourists.

EVOLghost 03.15.2010 08:21 PM

taake a super long drive....mmmmm my favorite.

phoenix 03.16.2010 06:49 AM


Originally Posted by EVOLghost
taake a super long drive....mmmmm my favorite.

I don't like the way han solo drives, i'm stressed out 95% of the time and holding on. So the shorter the drive the better!

phoenix 03.16.2010 06:50 AM


Originally Posted by pokkeherrie
the penguins are only the thing i remember about phillip island... and the seals.

grampians might be a bit too far if you want to sit around lazily, you'd be driving a lot both days. also it's better to sit around lazily on the beach than sit around lazily in the mountains, if you're going to sit around lazily.

ok, sitting around lazily at phillip island it shall be then, if you can avoid the tourists.

Mid week, not school holidays, and i won't be at the normal tourist type spots, so it should be not too bad. I i think we've decided wind /cheese country though...

phoenix 03.16.2010 06:52 AM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
there's no way in hell I'd let you drive, Racer X.

Who are you talking to?? :o

chrome noise tape 03.16.2010 07:25 AM

my weekends are still sat. und sunday, but most of my friends have that same weird schedule. i always like to run from the city to the peacefull mountains.

akprodr 03.16.2010 07:36 AM

Drink some wind for me!

phoenix 03.16.2010 07:54 AM


Originally Posted by chrome noise tape
my weekends are still sat. und sunday, but most of my friends have that same weird schedule. i always like to run from the city to the peacefull mountains.

Usually i love the mountains, but they are close enough for it to be an afternoon thing so i'm there at least once a week..

phoenix 03.16.2010 07:55 AM


Originally Posted by akprodr
Drink some wind for me!

I'll try not to!

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