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Laila 07.07.2006 06:49 PM

This board sucks
That's why i'm leaving. The amount of hate flowing on the site is unbelievable. Everyone on here thinks they are the smartest person on earth and feels the need to prove it for some reason to boost their ego. You also can't come on here without being fucking insulted for your beliefs and opinions. So thank you all, and i'm sure sy would be proud of the shit forum they have.

Okay now begin to post about how fucking happy you are that i'm leaving, so you can feel good about yourselfs. I wouldn't expect anything less. :fuckyou:

HaydenAsche 07.07.2006 06:51 PM

Piss off. You'll be back in a week.


Daycare Nation 07.07.2006 06:52 PM


Originally Posted by HaydenAsche
Piss off. You'll be back in a week.


You are so rude.

cryptowonderdruginvogue 07.07.2006 06:53 PM


Originally Posted by HaydenAsche
Piss off. You'll be back in a week.


you know, hes right.


HaydenAsche 07.07.2006 06:53 PM


Originally Posted by Daycare Nation
You are so rude.

Follow the muslim, PLZ.


Daycare Nation 07.07.2006 06:54 PM


Originally Posted by AssBlaster
Fuck You Diaper Nacent. I Fucking Hate You So Much I Can't Stand It.

I Would Gladly Kill You In A Heartbeat Given The Opportunity.

LOL...don't get all worked up now

Daycare Nation 07.07.2006 06:56 PM


Laila 07.07.2006 06:59 PM

oh yes haydenasche before i go, you always feel the need to be politcally correct about every fucking thing, so why not bring my fucking religion into this. I really would like you to explain why you felt the need to call me Muslim instead of by my name. Really, what was the purpose of that? Oh yeah because like everyone else i'm an idot right? good excuse.

i'm so glad to see that everyone on here approves of hayden and assblaster's muslim hating ways. and even if they don't hate muslims the fact that they always feel the need to make fun of me about it is so fucking hilarious and necessary.

And ass blaster never once have you used an term in my religion in the right context you fucking moron. and i'm not even sunni, so i don't know where the hell you got that shit from.

rot in hell all of you.

HaydenAsche 07.07.2006 07:01 PM


I am not hating on muslims. I just pointed out that you are muslim.

krastian 07.07.2006 07:02 PM

You guys have to admit the whole Muslim thing and sexual harassment (yes, that's what it is joke or not) towards her is pretty pathetic....I was hoping that it wouldn't keep coming back up. It would be different if she would be playing back with you guys, but it's obvious that she is just biting her tongue and trying to be a good sport about everything which she shouldn't have to be. If I were her I would have been long gone. A little jab is fine every once in awhile for good fun, but constant harrasment for who someone is really sucks.....and I think everyone here can agree to that.

Edit-I posted this while Laila was responding above. See, it's not funny guys....who picks on a girl anyway? Jesus.

acousticrock87 07.07.2006 07:03 PM


Originally Posted by krastian
You guys have to admit the whole Muslim thing and sexual harassment (yes, that's what it is joke or not) towards her is pretty pathetic....I was hoping that it wouldn't keep coming back up. It would be different if she would be playing back with you guys, but it's obvious that she is just biting her tongue and trying to be a good sport about everything which she shouldn't have to be. If I were her I would have been long gone. A little jab is fine every once in awhile for good fun, but constant harrasment for who someone is really sucks.....and I think everyone here can agree to that.

I know I can. Couldn't have said it better.

Daycare Nation 07.07.2006 07:04 PM


Originally Posted by Laila
oh yes haydenasche before i go, you always feel the need to be politcally correct about every fucking thing, so why not bring my fucking religion into this. I really would like you to explain why you felt the need to call me Muslim instead of by my name. Really, what was the purpose of that? Oh yeah because like everyone else i'm an idot right? good excuse.

i'm so glad to see that everyone on here approves of hayden and assblaster's muslim hating ways. and even if they don't hate muslims the fact that they always feel the need to make fun of me about it is so fucking hilarious and necessary.

And ass blaster never once have you used an term in my religion in the right context you fucking moron. and i'm not even sunni, so i don't know where the hell you got that shit from.

rot in hell all of you.

Laila, you have my sympathy and respect....You don't need to associate with them anyway. They have no sensitivity.

h8kurdt 07.07.2006 07:05 PM

What even me? Don't leave darling.

People just ain't no good

I think that's welll understood

You can see it everywhere you look

People just ain't no good

We were married under cherry trees

Under blossom we made pour vows

All the blossoms come sailing down

Through the streets and through the playgrounds

Laila 07.07.2006 07:05 PM


Originally Posted by AssBlaster
I got it because it rhymes with "pooni", and I'm in love with your vagina.

That's where I got it from.

Did I use "jihad" correctly, when I said I wanted to go Jihad on your sweet booty?

no it's not right fucker. but your going to tell me i'm wrong cause your muslim and you know the right context? all you know is stupid shit you see on tv which half the fucking people on there can't even pronouce muslim correctly. so don't teach me anything about my religion mother fucker.

oh good excuse hayden.

Savage Clone 07.07.2006 07:07 PM

The forum is definitely at a low ebb right now, but I think it has actually been even worse a couple of other times.
I do think AssBlaster and Hayden have been having a little too much fun at Laila's expense though. Krastian said it better than I could.

Laila 07.07.2006 07:07 PM

i'd rather fucking die than teach you anything worth learning

HaydenAsche 07.07.2006 07:07 PM


It wasn't an excuse.

Daycare Nation 07.07.2006 07:08 PM


Originally Posted by krastian
You guys have to admit the whole Muslim thing and sexual harassment (yes, that's what it is joke or not) towards her is pretty pathetic....I was hoping that it wouldn't keep coming back up. It would be different if she would be playing back with you guys, but it's obvious that she is just biting her tongue and trying to be a good sport about everything which she shouldn't have to be. If I were her I would have been long gone. A little jab is fine every once in awhile for good fun, but constant harrasment for who someone is really sucks.....and I think everyone here can agree to that.

Edit-I posted this while Laila was responding above. See, it's not funny guys.

I totally agree...

cryptowonderdruginvogue 07.07.2006 07:08 PM


Originally Posted by Laila
oh yes haydenasche before i go, you always feel the need to be politcally correct about every fucking thing, so why not bring my fucking religion into this. I really would like you to explain why you felt the need to call me Muslim instead of by my name. blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.

just 2 questions...

do you support our president and our troops?
do you like the smell of freedom?

if so, then hey, you're cool in my book.

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 07.07.2006 07:09 PM


Originally Posted by Laila
That's why i'm leaving. The amount of hate flowing on the site is unbelievable. Everyone on here thinks they are the smartest person on earth and feels the need to prove it for some reason to boost their ego. You also can't come on here without being fucking insulted for your beliefs and opinions. So thank you all, and i'm sure sy would be proud of the shit forum they have.

Okay now begin to post about how fucking happy you are that i'm leaving, so you can feel good about yourselfs. I wouldn't expect anything less. :fuckyou:

I agree.

The rate at which I post has gone down a lot because of this shit.

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