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cryptowonderdruginvogue 06.29.2006 03:36 PM

so shits going down in israel
anyone been keeping up?
i heard they went in and arrested 1/3rd of the hammas organization and 20 lawmakers

damn, israel doesnt fuck around

Tokolosh 06.29.2006 03:51 PM


MK Sheikh Ibrahim Sarsour, Chairman of the Islamic Movement, greets Yitzhak Frankenthal, whose son Arik was kidnapped and murdered by Hamas terrorists, as Rabbi Menahem Froman of Tekoa looks on at their meeting at the Kings Hotel in Jerusalem Monday.

alyasa 06.29.2006 04:09 PM

It's a bad idea for anyone to get involved in the Isreali-Palestinian conflict with a view to taking sides. There should be involvment to stop the conflict itself, but to take sides on this issue is like pouring oil on a raging fire. Both parties have committed countless atrocities by now, and both their hands are stained with blood. And who keeps dying? The little people, of course. The ones who go about their daily lives keep dying for no reason.

bytheriver 06.29.2006 04:09 PM

It is never going to get better there until there is some outside intervention that takes account of Israels security concerns, and Palestines territory, poverty, mass unemployment, occupation, and apartheid wall concerns. Innocent people, on both sides, are going to die as a result of this. Its horrible and depressing and frustrating when you think how inevitable it is.

bytheriver 06.29.2006 04:12 PM

Any intervention would have to come from a recognised impartial authority, like the UN, but its dictats would need to be enforced through serious political pressure.

alyasa 06.29.2006 04:15 PM

I hate to say this, mainly because it's such a cliche(even though it's true), George Bush et al are so desperately trying to appease Israel, no matter what they do, for political reasons. That kind of political bias is the kind of thing that exarcebates the situation, fueling the flames of hatred. The people living there, Israelis and Palestinians alike, are going to look at this idiot Bush and think what the fuck does this guy want? Why is he getting involved? And they're each going to think he's somehow undermining their own cause, spurring them to prove their own point even more, making the situation even worse than it is. Meanwhile Bush gloats having scored political points.

bytheriver 06.29.2006 04:21 PM

I just find it incredible that military attacks on the supposedlyindependent Gaza strip killing innocent people can be reported all over the world without any serious political action being taken. If any other country in Europe did that to a neighbour it would be a major incident, but with Gaza its just one of those things.

I really hope that soldier, who is a nineteen year old kid, comes through this thing.

alyasa 06.29.2006 04:25 PM

I will stop crushing my heart by discussing this senseless violence, now.

bytheriver 06.29.2006 04:40 PM

fair enough

krastian 06.29.2006 05:33 PM

We always try and appease Israel....that's just how we roll.

space_monkey 06.29.2006 05:48 PM

Free Palestine!!

jon boy 06.29.2006 06:16 PM

this shit always goes down. the tentative peace that exists there never seems to last more than a few months. as soon as one side denouncs violonce something happens and plunges it further into violence. why cant america and the west do something about that instead of invading other countries for oil?

acousticrock87 06.29.2006 06:21 PM

I'm a Zionist, but I think it sucks for the Palestinians. I mean they didn't initially do anything wrong. Israel was scattered, "Palestine" formed there, and Israel came back. It's not like the Palestinians said "Hey lets take their land!" It's kind of lose-lose. Too bad peaceful co-existance is something humans fail at miserably.

I think we should support Israel, I guess, but not militarily. There shouldn't be fighting there in the first place.

jon boy 06.29.2006 06:27 PM

the usa gives $1m a week to israel in 'aid' this is money then spent on weapons.

acousticrock87 06.29.2006 06:30 PM

I know; that would be military. That's why I said "I guess." There's not really an actual way to support them without stooping to war. Both sides are obsessed with fighting it out. I just mean like...ideally.

krastian 06.29.2006 07:03 PM


Originally Posted by jon boy
why cant america and the west do something about that instead of invading other countries for oil?

Ha ha.....we've been trying for years and nothing works. This crap will prob. always go on as it always has. It'd be nice if more countries other than the usual suspects would try and encourage a peaceful just gets old that we always have to clean up all the shit and try to play "playground monitor." Not saying that Bush isn't a backwards fuck who sold the country up the river to line the pockets of people who already have more money imaginable....I'd love to beat his ass, what scum. I just wish people would leave us the hell alone and that we'd do the same.....tuff to nowadays because we live in such a world of shit though. Sorry if this came off as bitter....I'm in a pissed off mood.

HaydenAsche 06.29.2006 07:49 PM

Fighting is everywhere. I just learn to ignore it.

HaydenAsche 06.29.2006 08:08 PM

n00bs were going down.

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